407. The American Landscape (3) (Identical with GEOG 407, which is
home). May be convened with 507.
474. Field Methods in Environmental Psychology (3) (Identical with PSYC
474, which is home). May be convened with 574.
497. Workshop
i. Community Design for Non-Designers (3) P, Writing-Emphasis course.* (Identical with ARCH 497i, which is home). May be convened with 597i.
*Writing-Emphasis Courses. P, Satisfaction of the upper-division writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in the Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this manual).
500. The Profession of Landscape Architecture (1) An examination of
principles and practices of the profession. Course includes a brief history of
the profession as well as famous practitioners and projects. P, senior or
graduate standing.
507. The American Landscape (3) (Identical with GEOG 507, which is
home). May be convened with 407.
510. Design Studio I (4) Development of visual and graphic skills;
functional, aesthetic, environmental, and socio-cultural design ordering
systems; concept-getting; form generation; and design theory and criticism.
Interrelationships among design, site engineering, materials, and construction
techniques. Field trips.
511. Design Studio II (4) Design processes, graphic and verbal
communications, and design synthesis. Studio projects based on site ecology,
inventory/analysis, socio-cultural factors, and artistic principles of design.
Field trips. P, 510.
512. Recreational Dimensions of Natural Resource Management (3)
(Identical with RNR 512, which is home).
520A -
520B. Plant Materials and Design (2-2) Native and selected exotic plant
materials frequently used in landscape design and revegetation in the Southwest.
Influence of site conditions and requirements on selection of plant materials.
Theoretical basis for planting design process, functional use of plants in
landscapes, and design planting plans for various sites. 520a is not
prerequisite to 520b.
531A -
531B. Computer Applications in Design (2-1) Two- and three-dimensional
computer-aided design and video techniques for solving landscape
architectural-related site problems. Use of computers for constructing high
quality design solutions. Video animation for design evaluation.
542. History and Theory of Landscape Architecture (3) Cultural,
ecological, and aesthetic factors that influence design, planning, and
stewardship of landscapes and how those factors and resultant landscapes have
varied and evolved over time.
543. Contemporary Landscape Architecture (3) Examination of landscape
architecture in the United States from the mid 20th century, including: romantic
and classical design expressions; the role of industrialization and social
changes in public design; and the birth of "modernism"; the
environmental movement's affect on natural system approaches to design and
planning; and post-modern design experimentation.
550. Landscape and Human Ecology (3) Principles and theories of spatial
ecology presented in the context of land management problems in Southern
Arizona. Practical application of productivity theory emphasized. Field trips.
2R, 3L.
551. Site Engineering (4) Engineering aspects of landscape design and
site planning. Development of technical competency in grading, storm water
management, earthwork, and road alignment utilizing aesthetics and design
principles as well as an understanding of ecological sensitivity. Field trips.
P, 510.
552. Landscape Construction (4) Landscape construction materials and
methods, construction drawings and specifications, and construction cost
estimation. P, 551.
574. Field Methods in Environmental Psychology (3) (Identical with PSYC
574, which is home). May be convened with 474.
596. Seminar
u. Interdisciplinary Environment-Behavior-Design (3) [Rpt./1] (Identical with PSYC 596u, which is home).
597. Workshop
i. Community Design for Non-Designers (3) (Identical with ARCH 597i, which is home). May be convened with 497i.
610. Landscape Planning Studio (4) Theories and models in landscape
planning; planning issues and methods; case studies; one major studio planning
project. Field trips. P, 511. Change course number to:
621. Spring '98
611. Interdisciplinary Studio (4) Complex landscape design and planning
problems within an interdisciplinary area. Field trips. P, 610. Change
course number to: 620. Spring '98
612. Social Dimensions in Landscape Architecture (2) Social and
behavioral factors that influence the planning/design process; project goals and
objectives; evaluation of planning/design alternatives; and evaluation of
completed projects and plans. Delete course. Spring '98
620. Interdisciplinary Studio (4) Complex landscape design and planning
problems within an interdisciplinary area. Field trips. P, 621.
621. Landscape Planning Studio (4) Theories and models in landscape
planning; planning issues and methods; case studies; one major studio planning
project. Field trips. P, 511.
631. Computer Applications in Planning (3) Techniques in planning of
regional landscape resources; visual simulation, computer map overlay, resource
modeling, video applications, application of research into automated
decision-support systems. Solving problems through the use of automated spatial
modeling and analysis. P, 531.
660. Professional Practice (2) The practice of landscape architecture
including professionalism, registration, the landscape architectural profession,
services and fees, construction contract documents, bid documents and
procedures, and business organization and operation. P, 611.
694. Practicum
a. Landscape Architecture Teaching (1-2)
b. Landscape Architecture Professional Experiences (4) [Rpt.] P, 511. Limited to L AR majors, or by approval of L AR faculty.
695. Colloquium
d. Landscape Architecture Research (2)
e. Research Design (3) P, 695d.
696. Seminar
a. Landscape Architecture (1) [Rpt.]
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The University of Arizona
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Arizona Board of Regents © All rights reserved.
The University of Arizona
Page last updated: May 20, 2013