540. Theories of Crime and Public Policy (3) (Identical with PA 540,
which is home). Change course title to: Correctional
Policy and Theory. Spring '98
562. Mental Health Law & Policy (3) [Rpt./3] (Identical with PSYC
562, which is home).
584. Development of Federal Indian Policy (3) (Identical with POL 584,
which is home).
595. Colloquium
a. American Indian Studies (3) [Rpt./4] (Identical with AIS 595a, which is
596. Seminar
g. Philosophy of Law (3) (Identical with PHIL 596g, which is home).
h. Law, Psychology and Policy (3) (Identical with PSYC 596h, which is
600. Contracts (5)
601A -
601B -. Introduction to Legal Process and Civil
Procedure (3-2)
602. Criminal Procedure (4)
603A -
603B -. Research and Writing (1-1) 603a is
First-year Legal Research and 603b is First-year Legal Writing.
604A -
604B -. Torts (2-3)
605. Property (5)
606. Constitutional Law I (3)
607. Appellate Practice and Moot Court (1)
608. Evidence (4)
609. The Legal Profession (2). Units change to:
(2-3). 981
610. Health Law (3)
611. Employment Law (3)
612. Family Law (3)
613. Law and Medicine (3)
615. Constitutional Law II (4)
616. Corporations I (3)
617. Corporate Finance (2) P, 616.
618. Antitrust Law (3)
619. Estates and Trusts (4)
620. Immigration Law (3)
621. Administrative Law (3)
622. Law Review (1-3)
623. Conflict of Laws (3)
624. Labor Law (3)
625. American Legal History (2)
626. Jurisprudence (2-3)
627. Mexican Law (2)
630. Scientific Evidence (3)
631 Federal Indian Law I (3)(Identical with AIS 631). Course
number, title, units, offering, and crosslist change to: 631a-631b. a. Federal
Indian Law I (3); b. Federal Indian Law II (3). (Identical with AIS
631a-631b). P, 631a is prerequisite to 631b. 981
632. Federal and State Taxation of Multinational Transactions (3) P,
633A -
633B -. Commercial Transactions (3-3) 633a is not
prerequisite to 633b.
634. Corporations II (2-3) P, 616.
635. Basic Insurance (3)
636. Federal Tax Procedure (2) P, 646.
638. Real Estate (3)
639. Community Property (2)
640. Mining and Public Land Law (2)
641. Water Law (3)
642. Federal Jurisdiction (3)
644. Remedies (3)
645A -
645B -. Trial Advocacy (2-3/2-3) 645a is Basic
Trial Advocacy. P, 608, 609. 645b is Advanced Trial Advocacy. P, 608, 609;
646. Federal Income Taxation (3-5)
647. Corporate Taxation (3) P, 646.
648. Estate and Gift Taxation (3)P, 619.
649. Torts II (3)
650. Criminal Law (3)
652. Income Taxation of Estates and Trusts (2) P, 619, 646.
653. Advanced Appellate Practice and Moot Court (2)
654. Environmental Legislation (2)
655A -
655B -
655C -. Intellectual Property Law (3-2-3) 655a:
Unfair Trade and Competition. 655b: Copyright Law. 655c. Patent Law.
656. Sentencing Law (2)
657. Partnership Taxation (3) P, 646.
658. Securities Regulation (3)
659. International Humanitarian Law (3)
660. Land-Use Planning (3) (Identical with PLAN 660, which is home).
661A -
661B -. Moot Court Board (2-2) 661a: Moot Court
National Team. 661b: Moot Court Board.
662A. Debtor-Creditor Law (3)
663. Individual Income Tax (3)
664. Law and Social Science (2)
665A -
665B -. Interviewing and Negotiating (1-1) 665a:
Interviewing. 665b: Negotiating. 665a is not prerequisite to 665b.
667. Law and Economics (3)
668. Pretrial Litigation (3) P, 608.
669. Environmental Law (3)
670. Public International Law (3)
671. Law and Humanities (2)
672. Legal Analysis and Legal Reasoning (2)
673. Law of Mass Media (2)
674. Law of "White Collar Crime" (2-3)
675. State and Local Government (3)
676a . Juvenile Law (2)
676b . Law of Child Abuse and Neglect (2)
678. Jessup Moot Court (2)
679. International Civil Litigation (2)
680A -
680B -. Mediation (1-1)
683. Law of the United Nations (2) Open to non-law students with
consent of instructor.
684. Law and the Elderly (2)
685. Introduction to the U.S. Legal System (2) Open to LL.M. students
only or by consent of instructor.
686. International Law Journal (1-3) [Rpt./5 units] 3-9L. P, selection
to the Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law Board.
687. The European Community (1)
688. Energy and Natural Resources (3) GRD (Identical with AIS 688).
689. Advanced Legal Research (2) P, 603.
690. Law Office Management and Technology (3)
695. Colloquium
b. The Jurisprudence of Gender and Race (2) (Identical with W S 695b).
d. Supreme Court in the History of the United States (1)
e. Judicial Clerking Program (1-2)
f. ASUA/Legal Aid Interviewing Program (1)
g. High School Teaching Program (1)
h. Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project (2-3)
i. Ares Fellows (1-2) [Rpt.]
l. Civil Rights Law (2)
m. Commodities Regulation (3)
696. Seminar
a. Estate Planning (3) P, 619, 646, 648.
c. Clinical Practice (3-4) P, 608, 609.
d. Tribal Law Clinic (4-4) (Identical with AIS 696d)
f. Legal Ethics (3)
g. International Investment and Technology Transfer (2)
h. Sports Law (2)
i. International Environmental Law (3)
l. International Trade Law (3)
n. Advanced Writing Seminar (3)
o. Therapeutic Jurisprudence (2)
q. Tax Policy (3)
s. Information Technology and the Judicial System (3)
t. Problems in Corporate Litigation (2) P, 616.
u. Constitutional Values in Public School Settings (2)
v. Regulated Industries (3)
y. Air Pollution Seminar (2)
z. AIDS and the Law (2)