101. Elementary Japanese (5) CDT Conversation, grammar, and readings in
modern Japanese.
102. Elementary Japanese (5) CDT Conversation, grammar, and readings in
modern Japanese. P, 101 and consent of instructor.
144. Japanese Humanities (3) An introductory exploration of religion,
literature, art and language in Japan through primary texts in translation.
Enrollment limited to freshmen and sophomores. (Identical with RELI 144). Delete
course. Fall '98
201. Intermediate Japanese (5) CDT Grammar, reading, and conversation in
modern Japanese. P, 102 and consent of instructor.
202. Intermediate Japanese (5) CDT Grammar, reading, and conversation in
modern Japanese. P, 201 and consent of instructor.
220. Japanese Religion (3) Introduction to texts, images and activities,
both historical and contemporary, that comprise Japanese religion. (Identical
with RELI 220).
245. Popular Culture in Japan (3) Introduction to contemporary Japanese
popular culture through study of literature, theater, entertainment,
advertising, film and other fields.
272. Japanese Civilization (3) The study of the evolution of Japanese
social values, aesthetic expression, religion and political institutions in
order to understand Japan's cultural heritage and contemporary society.
(Identical with HIST 272, which is home).
310. Japanese Literature and War (3) Experiences of Japanese men and
women in the second world war as portrayed in short stories, novels, and poetry
written in Japan since the end of the war. All readings done in English
translation. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
336. History of Japanese Film (3) (Identical with M AR 336, which is
402. Gender and Language in Japan (3) Introduction to general issues of
gender and language use, specific gender-related differences in the Japanese
language, and gender roles in Japan. P, 202 or consent of instructor. (Identical
with ANTH 402, LING 402 and W S 402). May be convened with 502. Writing-Emphasis
406A -
406B -
406C -
406D -
406E -
406F. Intensive Japanese(5-5-5-5-5-5) Offered in Japan. All courses are
taught in Japanese. 406a: Japanese Grammar . Basic grammar using hiragana,
katakana, and kanji. Grammar and vocabulary are expanded through reading and
class participation. P, 102. 406b: Japanese Grammar. Continuation of 406a,
focussing on elementary and intermediate grammar. P, 406a. 406c: Readings in
Japanese. Develops reading proficiency, integrating grammar learned in 406a.
Topics include Japanese history, explanation of holidays and other seasonal
cultural events. P, 102. 406d: Readings in Japanese. Continuation of 406c. P,
406c. 406e: Japanese Conversation and Composition. Develops proficiency in
speaking, listening, and composition. Involves drafting letters, short essays,
and presentations. Topics are chosen to interest students and expose them to
cultural aspects of Japanese life. P, 102. 406f: Continuation of 406e. P, 406e.
411. Introduction to Japanese Linguistics (3) Phonology, morphology,
syntax, pragmatics, and sociolinguistics of the Japanese language. P, 202 or
instructor's permission. (Identical with LING 411). May be convened with 511.
Writing-Emphasis Course.*
412. Advanced Japanese Linguistics (3) Advanced readings in Japanese and
English on specific topics in Japanese linguistics. P, 411. (Identical with LING
412). May be convened with 512.
415. Advanced Japanese (3) Advanced conversation, grammar, reading and
writing in modern Japanese. P, grade of B or higher in JPN 202 and consent of
instructor. May be convened with 515.
416. Advanced Japanese (3) Advanced conversation, grammar, reading and
writing in modern Japanese. P, 415 and consent of instructor. May be convened
with 516.
417. Business Japanese (3) Advanced study of the Japanese language for
business purposes. P, 415/515 and consent of instructor. May be convened with
421. Advanced Readings in Japanese (3) [Rpt.] Reading and discussion in
Japanese of a variety of advanced-level materials, including newspaper articles,
short stories, and poetry. P, 416 and consent of instructor. May be convened
with 521. Change course title to: Advanced Practice in
Japanese Language. Fall '98
422. Advanced Readings in Japanese (3) [Rpt.] Reading and discussion in
Japanese of a variety of advanced-level materials, including newspaper articles,
short stories, and poetry. P, 421 and consent of instructor. May be convened
with 522. Change course title to: Advanced Practive in
Japanese Language. Spring '98
423. Japanese Aesthetics (3) Literary and art theories in Japan since
the 8th century. Readings in English translation. Delete
course. Fall '98
436. Japanese Sociolinguistics (3) Introduction to Japanese
sociolinguistics; pragmatics, conversation analysis, discourse analysis,
variation theory, ethnography of speaking and ethnomethodology. P, 202 or
consent of instructor. (Identical with ANTH 436 and LING 436). May be convened
with 536.
446A -
446B. Classical Japanese Literature (3-3) Survey of classical Japanese
literature, with readings in English translation. 446a: Ancient and medieval, to
1600. 446b: Tokugawa and Meiji, 1600-1900. May be convened with 546a-546b.
Writing-Emphasis Course.*
447A -
447B. Modern Japanese Literature (3-3) Survey of modern Japanese
literature with readings in English translation. 447a: Meiji to World War Two.
447b: Postwar and Contemporary Literature. May be convened with 547a-547b.
Writing-Emphasis Course.*
474A -
474B -
474C. History of Japan (3-3-3) (Identical with HIST 474a-474b-474c,
which is home). May be convened with 574a-574b-574c.
495. Colloquium
b. Japan (3) [Rpt./2] May be convened with 595b.
496. Seminar
a. Japanese Literature (3) [Rpt./3] May be convened with 596a.
c. Topics in Japanese Linguistics (3) [Rpt./2] P, 411 or 511 (Identical with LING 496c). May be convened with 596c.
*Writing-Emphasis Courses. P, satisfaction of the upper-division writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in the Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this manual).
502. Gender and Language in Japan (3) For description of course topics
see 402. Graduate-level requirements include additional readings and reports.
(Identical with LING 502 and W 502). May be convened with 402.
505. Classical Japanese (3) Introduction to classical Japanese grammar
and to writing styles used from the 8th century through medieval times. P, grade
of B or higher in JPN 416/516 or consent of instructor.
511. Introduction to Japanese Linguistics (3) For a description of
course topics see 411. Graduate-level requirements include a substantial term
paper and a class presentation based on that paper. (Identical with LING 511).
May be convened with 411.
512. Advanced Japanese Linguistics (3) For a description of course
topics see 412. Graduate-level requirements include a substantial term paper and
a class presentation based on that paper. P, 411/511. (Identical with LING 512).
May be convened with 412.
515. Advanced Japanese (3) For a description of course topics see 415.
Graduate-level requirements include a special projects component consisting of
reports on aspects of Japanese grammatical idiom. May be convened with 415.
516. Advanced Japanese (3) For a description of course topics see 416.
Graduate-level requirements include a special projects component consisting of
reports on aspects of Japanese grammatical idiom. May be convened with 416.
517. Business Japanese (3) For a description of course topics see 417.
Graduate-level requirements include additional readings, assignments and class
presentations. May be convened with 417.
521. Advanced Readings in Japanese (3) [Rpt.] For a description of
course topics see 421. Graduate requirements include extra readings and an extra
translation project. P, 416/516 or consent of instructor. May be convened with
421. Change course title to: Advanced Practice in Japanese
Language. Fall '98
522. Advanced Readings in Japanese (3) [Rpt.] For a description of
course topics see 422. Graduate-level requirements include extra readings and
extra translation project. P, 421/521. May be convened with 422. Change
course title to: Advanced Practive in Japanese Language. Spring '98
536. Japanese Sociolinguistics (3) For a description of course topics
see 436. Graduate-level requirements include extra readings, class
presentations, and a substantial term paper. P, 202 or consent of instructor.
(Identical with LING 536). May be convened with 436.
546A -
546B. Classical Japanese Literature (3-3) For a description of course
topics see 446a-446b. Graduate-level requirements include an extra seminar
meeting a week, additional readings, and a research paper. P, 416/516 or consent
of instructor. May be convened with 446a-446b.
547A -
547B. Modern Japanese Literature (3-3) For a description of course
topics see 447a-447b. Graduate-level requirements include additional readings
and a research paper. P, 416/516 or consent of instructor. May be convened with
574A -
574B -
574C. History of Japan (3-3-3) (Identical with HIST 574a-574b-574c,
which is home). May be convened with 474a-474b-474c.
595. Colloquium
b. Japan (3) [Rpt./2]. May be convened with 495b.
596. Seminar
a. Japanese Literature (3) [Rpt./3]. May be convened with 496a.
c. Topics in Japanese Linguistics (3) [Rpt./2] P, 411 or 511 (Identical with LING 596c). May be convened with 496c.
696. Seminar
r. Japanese History (3) [Rpt.] (Identical with HIST 696r, which is home).
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The University of Arizona
Page last updated: May 20, 2013