101. Elementary Italian I (4) CDT Listening, speaking, reading, and
writing; introduction to the basic structures and vocabulary of Italian. (Does
not count toward the Italian major or minor.)
102. Elementary Italian II (4) CDT Listening, speaking, reading and
writing; an introduction to the basic structures and vocabulary of Italian,
continuation. P, 101 or placement. (Does not count toward the Italian major or
102z . Intensive Elementary Italian (4) P, language major or
demonstrated language proficiency.
177. Eroticism and Love in the Middle Ages (3) (Identical with GER 177,
which is home.
201. Intermediate Italian I (4) CDT Continued skill development;
reinforcement of basic language skills. P, 102 or placement.
202. Intermediate Italian II (4) CDT Continued skill development;
reinforcement of basic language skills. P, 201 or placement.
202z . Intensive Intermediate Italian (4) P, language major or
demonstrated language proficiency.
230A -
230B -. Western Culture: The Italian Perspective (3-3) 230a:
From antiquity through the Middle Ages. 230b: From the Renaissance to the
Present. Counts toward the major or minor in Italian or Italian studies. Taught
in English.
250A -
250B -
250C -
250D -. Literature in Translation (3-3-3-3) 250a: The Middle
Ages. 250b: The Renaissance. 250c: Italian Theater. 250d: The Novel. Counts
toward the major or minor in Italian or Italian Studies. Taught in English.
305A -
305B -
305C -. Advanced Italian (3-3-3) 305a: Composition and Conversation.
Emphasis on improving listening, comprehension, speaking and writing. 305b:
Advanced Composition and Conversation. 305c: Business Italian. P, 202 or consult
department before enrolling. Counts toward the major or minor in Italian or
Italian Studies. Taught in Italian.
330A -
330B -
330C -
330D -. Italian Studies (3-3-3-3) Comprehensive study of a
particular aspect of Italian culture. 330a: Fascism, Resistance and
Reconstruction. 330b: Italian Americana in Fiction and Film: Crossing Oceans.
330c: Italian Cinema and Literature. 330d: Women in Italian Society. 330a, 330b,
330c, 330d all count toward the major or minor in Italian or Italian Studies.
Taught in English.
400A -
400B -. Main Currents of Italian Literature (3-3) 400a: The Middle
Ages and Renaissance. 400b: The 17th through 20th centuries. P, 202 or consult
department before enrolling. Counts toward the major or minor in Italian or
Italian Studies. Taught in Italian. May be convened with 500a-500b.
414. Teaching of Modern Languages (3) (Identical with TTE 414, which is
420. Italian Civilization (3) Historical, geographical, social, and
artistic aspects of the development of the culture of Italy. Offered only in
Florence, Italy. P, 202.
430. Renaissance Studies (3) Taught in English. On-site study of the
birth and development of the Italian Renaissance with emphasis on Florence.
Offered only in Florence, Italy.
455. Introduction to Romance Philology (3) (Identical with SPAN 455,
which is home).
500A -
500B -. Main Currents of Italian Literature (3-3) 500a: The Middle
Ages and Renaissance. 500b: The 17th through 20th centuries. Graduate-level
requirements include more demanding readings and other assignments. P, 202. May
be convened with 400a-400b.