195. Colloquium
a. The Human in Humanities (1) Open to freshmen and transfer students only.
b. Contemporary Nobel Laureates in Literature (1) Open to first-year and transfer students only.
c. Arts and Cultures of the American West (1) Open to first-year and
transfer students only.
f. Women in Nationalistic and Political Struggles (1)
245. Race and Ethnicity in the U.S.: A Regional Perspective (3) GRD
Interdisciplinary experience focused on cultural and societal diversity in the
Southwest and the U.S.-Mexico borderlands. Open to students enrolled in
Transfer Summer Institute.
250A -
250B -
250C -. Introduction to Humanities (3-3-3) 250a: Major Ancient Near
Eastern and Mediterranean Cultures, from the Sumerian through the early
Christian, with emphasis on the Greek and Roman. P, 6 units in first-year
composition or CR ENGL 103H or 104H. 250b: European Culture, from the Medieval
Period through the Enlightenment. P, 6 units in first-year composition or CR
ENGL 103H or 104H. (250a is not a prerequisite to 250b.) 250c: The Modern
Western World: Eighteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries P, 250a or 250b;
or HIST 101 and 102. Expand course number to:
250A-250B-250C-250D. Change units and description to: (3-3-3-3) 250A. Origins
of Western Humanities; Art, Literature, and Philosophy in the Ancient Near
Eastern and Medieval Cultures. 250B. Medieval to Renaissance; Art, Literature,
and Philosophy from the Romanesque through the Renaissance World. 250C. From
Baroque to Realism; Art, Literature, Philosophy, and Opera from the Baroque
through the 19th Century. 250D. The Twentieth Century; Art, Literature,
Philosophy, Film, and Multi-media in the 20th century.
260. Intercultural Perspectives (3) Cultural, literary, and artistic
expressions of Native, Hispanic, African and Asian Americans. Traces roots in
the past with emphasis on modern works. Three of the four groups studied in
one semester. P, 6 units in first-year composition or CR ENGL 103H or 104H.
295. Colloquium
q. 10Q4 Creativity: A Class in Self-Expression (3) (Identical with ENGL 295q). Fee.
307. Spirituality in the Arts (3) Traditional and non-traditional
concepts of spirituality are examined in Hopi, African-American, European, and
American literature, philosophy, visual art and film. P, 6 units in first-year
composition or CR, ENGL 103H or 104H. (Identical with RELI 307).
310. Voyage of Discovery (3) Small group (8-14) travel to cultural
centers of Europe to experience major works of art and architecture studied in
250a-250b-250c and 355. P, 6 units chosen from HUMS 250a, 250b, 250c, 355. Change
course description to: Small group travel (8-15 to cultural centers of Europe,
Asia, and Africa to study the interaction of cultural difference as evidenced
in art, architecture, and city structure. 1st Summer '98.
311. New World Voyage of Discovery (3) [Rpt./6 units] Small group
travel to cultural and historic sites of the Americas to experience works of
art, architecture, dance, and ritual. Study in HUMS 260. P, 260, 307, or
330. Women in Antiquity (3) (Identical with CLAS 330, which is home).
340. The Humanities and Medicine: An Interdisciplinary Experience (3)
Multidisciplinary course, team-taught by faculty in Humanities and Medicine,
examines modern world literature, visual art and film in light of scientific
and modern values relating to medical ethics, disease, suffering, death and
healing. P, 250a or 250b or 250c, and 6 units of English composition.
350. Hindu Mythology (3) (Identical with EAS 350, which is home).
355. Contemporary Complexities (3) [Rpt./1] An interdisciplinary
survey of contemporary culture and its roots as expressed in literature, art,
and philosophy, with particular focus on gender and ethnic issues. Field
trips. Emphases vary. P, 3 units of HUM 250a, 250b, 250c or 260. May be
repeated with Humanities Program approval.
370. Nobel Laureates of Literature (3) Survey of 20th century
masterpieces of world literature by Nobel laureates with works by Tagore,
Andric, Garcia-Marquez, Paz, Gordimer, and others. P, 6 units of freshman
371A -
371B -. Nobel Laureates and 20th Century Values (3-3)
Interdisciplinary survey of major movements in peace, physics, chemistry,
physiology and literature in the 20th century from a multi-ethnic perspective.
371a: 1901-1945. 371b: 1945-present. P, 6 units in first-year composition.
371a is not prerequisite to 371b.
380. Nature, the Great Mother, and Woman (3) Interdisciplinary survey
of the ancient world's woman-centered or multi-gendered belief systems, social
practices, and cultural artifacts from a multi-ethnic perspective. Establishes
and examines connections to contemporary literature, the arts, and theories
that reconsider "woman and nature," "nature and culture".
P, 3 units of HUMS 250a, 250b, 250c, or 260.
391H . Humanities Honors Preceptorship (1-3) [Rpt./6 units] Open to
select upper-division Honors undergraduate students interested in gaining
teaching, research and/or practical experience in Humanities.
396H . Honors Proseminar (3)
420. From Orality to Literature; Storytelling in Contemporary Literature
(3) The importance of oral storytelling tradition in the gendered,
multi-ethnic literature and art, why this theme arises in ethnic works, and
its importance for concepts of gender and ethnic identity. Students will
attend 4 cultural events. P, 3 units of HUMS 250a-250b-25-c or 260.
451. Science and the Humanities (3) [Rpt./2] Examination of vital
issues which occur at the intersection of the sciences and the arts and
literature. Topics include the role of computers, space exploration, genetic
engineering, fractals, chaos theory, evolution and psychological science.
Emphases vary. P, 3 units of HUMS 250a, 250b, or 250c. May be repeated with
Humanities Program approval.
452. Ancient Egypt: Culture/Language (3) Examination of the culture of
ancient Egypt through an introduction to hieroglyphs and study of selected
inscriptions and texts. Topics include Egyptian kingship, art, literature,
religion, and gender issues.
454. Irish Revolutionary Literature (3) Focus on aesthetic, feminist,
social, and political revolution in 20th century Irish literature;
complexities of Irish nationalism examined through history, art, and
literature. P, 3 units of HUM 250a, 250b, or 250c. (Identical with ENGL 454).
467. Social Psychology and the Cinema (3) (Identical with PSYC 467,
which is home).
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Page last updated: May 20, 2013