101. History of Western Civilization: Backgrounds and Formation to 1648 (3)
GRD The western heritage of ideas, values, and artistic expression in
interaction with economic, social, and political processes and experiences.
102. History of Western Civilization: Emergence of the Modern World - Since
1648 (3) GRD The western heritage of ideas, values, and artistic expression
in interaction with economic, social, and political processes and experiences.
103. Topical Approaches to Civilization (3) [Rpt./9 units] Topical
approaches (e.g., slavery, imperialism) to issues in civilization. Consult
department for details.
106. History of the United States from 1607 to 1877 (3) CDT Political,
economic, and social history of the American people from the founding of
colonial Jamestown to 1877.
107. History of the United States from 1877 to the Present (3) CDT
Political, economic, and social history of the American people from the end of
Reconstruction to the present.
117. History of England to 1603 (3) Survey of English history from
pre-history to 1603, with emphasis on legal and constitutional history.
118. History of England from 1603 to the Present (3) Survey of English
history from 1603 to present, with emphasis on political and social history.
160. Colonial Latin America (3) Survey of the history of Spanish America
and Brazil from the Age of Discovery to Independence.
161. Modern Latin America (3) Survey of Latin American history from
Independence to the present.
170. Indian Civilization (3) (Identical with NES 170, which is home).
171. Ancient Civilizations of the Near East (3) (Identical with NES 171,
which is home).
172. Islamic Civilization: Traditional and Modern Middle East (3)
(Identical with NES 172, which is home).
174. Chinese Civilization (3) (Identical with CHN 174, which is home).
190. Introduction to African History (3) Introduction to the major
themes and social, political, cultural, and economic developments in sub-Saharan
African history. Will cover precolonial, colonial, and postcolonial periods.
(Identical with AFAS 190).
195. Colloquium
a. Debates with Historians (2) Open to freshmen.
204. Ancient History: Greek History (3) A political, social and cultural
history of Greek civilization from the Bronze Age to the death of Alexander the
Great. (Identical with CLAS 204).
205. Ancient History: Roman History (3) A survey of Roman civilization
from the founding of the monarchy to the emperorship of Constantine the Great.
(Identical with CLAS 205).
214A -
214B. European Cultural History (3-3) 214a: Ancient Europe to
Absolutism. 214b: Age of Revolution to Present. 214a is not prerequisite to
224. Models of Resistance: Post 16th Century African Liberation Movements in
the Southeast (3) (Identical with AFAS 224, which is home).
233. History of the Mexican American (3) Survey from the 16th century to
the present, with emphasis on social, political and economic trends in their
historical context. (Identical with MAS 233). Change
course number to: 343. Spring '98
236. Indians in U.S. History (3) History of Indians in U.S. development
from 1500 to the present with emphasis on relations between competing Indian
groups and between Indians and whites.
244. Western America (3) Survey of the patterns of American expansion
and settlement in the western United States.
245. Frontier America (3) Survey of the patterns of frontier expansion
and settlement in the eastern and mid-western United States.
253B. History of Women in the United States (3) Changing role of women
in American society from colonial times to the present. (Identical with W S
270. Modern East Asia (3) Introductory survey of recent histories of
China, Japan and Korea, focusing on the major watersheds in these countries'
modern experiences. The roles of indigenous culture and forces of change as well
as foreign influences will be considered. Identical with EAS 270).
271. The History of Christianity (3) The history of Christianity is
presented with its many shifts, shadows and differing stages, from the Apostle's
Council in 48, through Vatican II (1962-65). (Identical with RELI 271).
272. Japanese Civilization (3) The study of the evolution of Japanese
social values, esthetic expression, religion, and political institutions in
order to understand Japan's cultural heritage and contemporary society.
(Identical with JPN 272).
277B. History of the Middle East (3-3) (Identical with NES 277a-277b,
which is home).
312. Economy and Society in Historical Discourse (3) Compares historical
narratives about economic theories in their contexts.
314. Twentieth Century Europe (3) History of twentieth century Europe,
examining global processes including imperialism and the two world wars
interacting with ongoing changes in domestic politics, society and culture.
315. United States Military History (3) Survey of American wars from
colonial times to the present; military institutions, doctrine, application of
the principles of war, campaign strategies and tactics, technology, and
317. History of Modern Ireland (3) Survey of Irish history from the
Union in 1800 to the present; the course will emphasize the political, cultural,
and religious bases of Irish history.
318. English Legal and Constitutional History (3) Survey of the origins
and development of the English common law from the Anglo-Saxons to the present.
320. Tudor-Stuart England (3) An intensive study of English history from
the accession of Edward IV to the Hanoverian dynasty. (Identical with RELI 320).
321. History of Modern Britain (3) An intensive study of English history
from the accession of George III to the present.
325. History of France: Development of the Modern French State, 1815-Present
(3) Political, socio-economic, and cultural history of modern France from 1815
to the present day, with emphasis placed on French politics and self-identity.
P, 3 units of any European history course.
332. Vietnam and the Cold War (3) Causes and effects of America's
longest war in light of global U.S.-Soviet rivalry and Asian nationalism.
339. Cultural Traditions, Technology and Business (3) Traces the
technological aspects of North Atlantic civilization and culture with emphasis
on the role of technology in nineteenth and twentieth century capitalist
343. History of the Mexican American (3) Survey from the 16th century to
the present, with emphasis on social, political and economic trends in their
historical context. (Identical with MAS 343).
345. New American West (3) The major social, political, and economic
changes in the twentieth century American West; the commonalities and conflicts
within the region.
347. The Old South (3) Social, economic, cultural and political history
from Jamestown to Secession. (Identical with AFAS 347).
348. The South Since the Civil War (3) From the Civil War to the
present. (Identical with AFAS 348).
351. Race and Class in Latin America (3) The impact of commercial
expansion, urbanization, industrialization, and ideological change on race and
class relations in Latin America from the 16th to early 20th century. (Identical
with AFAS 351 and LA S 351).
352. Slavery in Latin America (3) A broadly comparative introduction to
slavery in Latin America and the Caribbean. Exploration of slavery, the use of
slave labor, and the daily lives of slaves and slave owners in different
settings and different cultures. (Identical with LA S 352).
361. The U.S.-Mexico Border Region (3) Evolution of the borderlands
since the mid-nineteenth century, with emphasis on bi-national interaction and
interdependence. (Identical with MAS 361 and LA S 361).
368. Colonial Mexico (3) From discovery through the War for
Independence. (Identical with LA S 368 and MAS 368).
369. Mexico Since Independence (3) Struggle for political, economic and
social stability; international relations, cultural patterns. (Identical with LA
S 369 and MAS 369).
370B. History of the Jews (3-3) (Identical with JUS 370a-370b, which is
372B. History and Religion of Israel in Ancient Times (3-3) (Identical
with JUS 372a-372b, which is home).
374. The Holocaust (3) Socio-economic and intellectual roots of modern
anti-Semitism, evolution of Nazi policy, the world of death camps, responses of
Axis and Allied governments, and responses of the Jews. (Identical with JUS 374,
RELI 374 and R SS 374).
375. History of China (3) (Identical with CHN 375, which is home).
376. History of China (3) (Identical with CHN 376, which is home).
377. Modern Israel (3-3) (Identical with JUS 377, which is home).
379. The Ottoman Turkish Empire, 1300-1924 (3) (Identical with NES 379,
which is home).
381B. History of Muslim Societies (3-3) 381a: Rise of Islam, creation of
Islamic society, relationship of religion and politics. 381b: Evolution and
global spread of Muslim societies, modernization and its problems (Identical
with NES 381a-381b).
383. Religion and State in Islam (3) Examines the changing relationship
between Islam and politics from the time of the Prophet to the present day.
(Identical with NES 383).
384. Topics in African History (3) [Rpt] Regional and/or thematic topics
in precolonial, colonial and postcolonial African history, including oral
tradition, slavery, religious movements, health and healing, imperialism, and
political economy. P, HIST 190 or consent of instructor (Identical with AFAS
396. Proseminar
a. Nature and Practice of History (3) Open to majors only; exception by consent of department. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
396H . Honors Proseminar (3)
401. Ancient Mesopotamia (3) (Identical with NES 401, which is home).
May be convened with 501.
403B. History of Greece (3-3) 403a: From prehistoric times to the
outbreak of the Peloponnesian War. 403b: From the outbreak of the Peloponnesian
War to the end of the Hellenistic Age. 403a is not prerequisite to 403b.
(Identical with CLAS 403a-403b).
404B. History of Rome (3-3) 404a: The Republic to the death of Caesar.
404b: The Empire through the reign of Constantine the Great. 404a is not
prerequisite to 404b. (Identical with CLAS 404a-404b). May be convened with
405B. Medieval Europe (3-3) Major institutions and trends in Europe from
the breakup of the Roman World to the 14th century. 405a is not prerequisite to
405b. P, 3 units of lower-division European history. (Identical with RELI
405a-405b). May be convened with 505a-505b.
406. Medieval England (3) From the Norman conquest to the Hundred Years
War, with emphasis on political, social, and cultural developments. P, 3 units
of lower-division European history. (Identical with RELI 406). May be convened
with 506.
407B. Intellectual History of Medieval Europe (3-3) Major medieval
cultural and intellectual trends. 407a: High Medieval Europe. Emphasis on the
period before 1300. 407b: Late Medieval/Early Modern Europe. Emphasis on the
period after 1300. P, 3 units of European history. 407a is not prerequisite to
407b. (Identical with RELI 407a-407b). May be convened with 507a-507b.
408. The Renaissance (3) Europe between the 14th and 16th centuries with
special emphasis on Italy as the seat of the Renaissance. Topics include the
city states, humanism, the Church in an age of Schism and secularization,
Renaissance art, the New Monarchies and European exploration and imperialism. P,
3 units of European history. (Identical with RELI 408). May be convened with
409. The Reformation (3) The Reformation in thought and action both from
the perspective of its religious origins and of the political and social
conditions. Analysis of its impact on sixteenth century Europe including the
spread of Protestant reformation and its companion movement,
counter-reformation. (Identical with RELI 409). May be convened with 509.
410. History of Hell in Early Europe (3) The concept of punishment after
death in Western Europe from the Bible to Dante. Includes the Hebrew,
Greco-Roman, Germanic, and Christian traditions. P, 3 units of European history.
(Identical with RELI 410). May be convened with 510.
411. European Social and Intellectual History to 1750 (3) Dominant
themes in European intellectual history from the end of the Middle Ages to the
period of the Enlightenment. Reading and discussions of texts from Petrarch to
Locke. P, 3 units of any history course. May be convened with 511.
412. European Intellectual History: 1750 to 20th Century (3) Dominant
themes in European intellectual history from about 1750 to the 20th century.
Reading and discussions of texts from David Hume to Friedrich Nietzsche. P, 3
units of any history course. May be convened with 512.
414. Cultural History of Germany to 1714 (3) The political, social,
economic and cultural history of Germany from the late Middle Ages to about
1800. P, 3 units of any history course. May be convened with 514.
415. Cultural History of Germany 1714 to 1989 (3) The political, social,
economic and cultural history of Germany from the period of the French
Revolution to the present. P, 3 units of any history course. May be convened
with 515.
418. France under the Old Regime, 1589-1789 (3) French political
development, institutions, and culture from Henry IV to the eve of the French
Revolution. May be convened with 518.
419. The French Enlightenment (3) Cultural history of France in the 18th
century, with emphasis on the works of the philosophers. May be convened
with 519.
420. The French Revolution and Napoleon (3) The origins and progress of
the Revolution in France. May be convened with 520.
421. History of Russia: Early Period (3) Political, socio-economic, and
cultural history of Russia in medieval and early modern times. (Identical with R
SS 421). May be convened with 521.
422. History of Russia: Modern Period (3) Political, socio-economic, and
cultural history of Russia in the modern era until the Bolshevik Revolution.
(Identical with R SS 422). May be convened with 522.
423. Intellectual History of Russia (3) Historical significance of
social, political and scientific thought in 19th- and 20th-century Russia. P, 3
units of any history course. (Identical with R SS 423). May be convened with
424. The Modernization of Russia, 1856-1935 (3) Social history of Russia
from the emancipation of the serf to the establishment of the Stalinist system.
P, 3 units of any history course. (Identical with R SS 424). May be convened
with 524.
425. History of the Soviet Union (3) The Bolshevik Revolution and
problems of Soviet and Russian history from 1917 to the present. P, 3 units of
any history course. (Identical with R SS 425). May be convened with 525.
427. Work, Culture and Power (3) Labor and social history: changes in
work, daily life, gender and social relations, and political movements,
interacting with broad historical processes such as commercialization,
industrialization, colonialism, and war. May be convened with 527.
428. Anti-Semitism (3) Exploration of broad range of social, cultural,
political, economic and religious issues with a specific emphasis on questions
of ethnicity and race as they appeared in German Central Europe and in an often
multinational context in the period 1860-1920. (Identical with RELI 428).
431. Colonial America (3) The experience and evolving institutions of
the North Atlantic colonists from the first landings to the end of the French
and Indian War. P, 3 units of any U.S. history survey course. May be convened
with 531.
432. The Era of the American Revolution (3) Origins, progress, and
character of the struggle against Great Britain; internal political,
constitutional, social, and economic developments; the problems of the
"Critical Period" and the making of the Constitution. P, 3 units of
any U.S. history survey course. May be convened with 532.
433. Jefferson and the New Nation, ca. 1790-1828 (3) Major ideological,
political, economic, and social conflicts and developments, North and South,
during the first decades of the American nation. P, junior or senior standing
and 3 units of any U.S. history course. May be convened with 533.
434. Jacksonian Era, 1828-1856 (3) Political, economic and social
developments from the "reign" of Andrew Jackson through the collapse
of the Whig Party in the 1850s. P, junior or senior standing and 3 units of any
U.S. history course. May be convened with 534.
435. The Coming of the Civil War, U.S. 1845-1861 (3) Political,
constitutional, social and economic developments in the U.S. from the Mexican
War through the Civil War. (Identical with AFAS 435). May be convened with 535.
436. Civil War and Reconstruction, U.S. 1861-1878 (3) Political,
constitutional, economic, and military developments in the U.S. and the
Confederacy during and after the Civil War. (Identical with AFAS 436). May be
convened with 536.
437. U.S. 1876-1919 The Gilded Age and Progressive Era (3) Examination
of economic, social and political developments in years of rapid
industrialization from the end of Reconstruction through World War I. P, 3 units
of any history course. May be convened with 537.
438. U.S. 1918-1945 From World War I through World War II (3)
Prosperity, Depression and the New Deal in peace and war. May be convened with
440. United States: 1945 to Present (3) American society and the role of
the United States in world affairs from the Yalta Conference to the present. P,
3 units of any history course. May be convened with 540.
442. History of American Society and Thought: Pre-Civil War (3) American
political, religious, cultural and philosophical ideas as expressed in colonial,
revolutionary, and pre-Civil War society. May be convened with 542.
443. History of American Society and Thought Since the Civil War (3) The
transformation of American minds since the Civil War as expressed in literary,
philosophic, religious, and other cultural forms. May be convened with 543.
445. Women in Islamic History (3) Examination of the roles women have
played throughout Islamic history and of the changing discourse in the Islamic
community about women and their roles. (Identical with NES 445 and W S 445). May
be convened with 545.
446. History of Arizona and the Southwest (3) Economic, social and
political development of the state and region from Spanish times to present. May
be convened with 546.
449. History of American Foreign Relations to 1914 (3) Examines the rise
of America from a struggling colony to a world class power, including its
relations with Europe, Latin America and Asia. P, 3 units of any history course.
May be convened with 549.
450. History of American Foreign Relations Since 1914 (3) Examines the
pivotal role played by the United States in world affairs since WWI, focusing on
America's struggle with revolutionary movements in Europe, Asia and Latin
America. P, 3 units of any history course. May be convened with 550.
451. The United States and East Asia: 1840 to the Present (3) An
examination of American interaction with Japan and China since the Opium Wars,
with special attention given to economic, cultural, and military relations and
conflicts. P, 3 units of any history course. (Identical with EAS 451). May be
convened with 551.
452. American Ethnic History (3) A history of the various ethnic
minorities in America from Colonial times to the present, with emphasis on
adjustment, acculturation and degrees of assimilation. P, 3 units of any history
course. May be convened with 552.
453. History of Women and Work (3) History of women and work in western
and non-western nations from prehistoric times to the present. P, 3 units of any
history or women's studies course. (Identical with W S 453) May be convened with
454. Spanish Inquisition (3) The Inquisition in Spanish, European, and
ethnic history; its bureaucracy and procedures; its festivities, its victims;
New and Old Christians, and witches. (Identical with JUS 454 and RELI 454). May
be convened with 554.
455. History of Women in Europe (3) History of women in Europe covering
topics such as women's work in family-based economic systems and in religious,
political and cultural life, and the impact of larger historical changes. P,
junior standing. (Identical with W S 455). May be convened with 555.
457. The Mexican Revolution (3) A detailed examination of Mexico's
social upheaval of 1910, and its implications for contemporary Mexican society.
Offered in Guadalajara only. May be convened with 557.
458. Topics in Comparative Women's History (3) International history of
a topic of the instructor's choice. P, 3 units of any history or women's studies
course. (Identical with W S 458). May be convened with 558.
461. The Ethnohistory of Mesoamerica and the Andes (3) The impact of
conquest and Spanish rule on the native peoples of Mexico, Central American,
Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador. Topics include: conquest and ecology; land and
labor; religion and culture; adaptation and resistance. 2R, 1D. P, (for
undergraduates) 160 or 351 or 368. May be convened with 561.
464. History of Argentina (3) Survey of Argentine history and culture
from the colonial era to the present. P, junior or senior standing and 3 units
of any lower-division Latin American history course. (Identical with LA S 464)
May be convened with 564.
465B. History of Spain: Spanish Politics, Society, and Culture Since 711 (3-3)
Salient features of Spanish history beginning with the conquest of the Iberian
Peninsula by the Moors in 711 and concluding with the consolidation of democracy
in the 1980s and 1990s. 465a is not a prerequisite to 465b. P, 102, or 160, or 3
units of any history course. May be convened with 565a-565b.
466. History of Brazil (3) History of Brazil from 1500 to the present.
(Identical with LA S 466). May be convened with 566.
467. Contemporary Latin America (3) Revolution, social change and
reaction in Latin America from 1930 to the present. P, junior or senior
standing. (Identical with LA S 467). May be convened with 567.
468B. Asia and the West (3-3) Processes of interaction between Europeans
and the peoples and cultures of the Middle East, South Asia, and East Asia, from
the Portuguese explorations to the present. (Identical with NES 468a-468b). May
be convened with 568a-568b. Writing-Emphasis Course* for general major.
469. History of Women in Latin America (3) Women's history in Latin
America from the Conquest to the present. P, junior or senior standing and 3
units of any lower-division Latin American history or women's studies course.
(Identical with LA S 469). May be convened with 569.
470. Religious History of India (3) Development of major religious
traditions of South Asia: Vedic Religion, Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Sikhism,
and Islam. (Identical with NES 470 and RELI 470). May be convened with 570.
472. History of Medieval India (3) Survey of Indian history from the 7th
century to 1750. (Identical with NES 472). May be convened with 572.
473. History of Modern India and Pakistan: 1750-Present (3) Survey of
political, social and economic developments in South Asia from the mid-18th
century to the present. (Identical with NES 473). May be convened with 573.
Writing-Emphasis Course* for India-Pakistan specialization.
474B. -
474C. History of Japan (3-3-3) Social, cultural, economic and political
history of Japan. 474a: From earliest times to 1500. 474b: 1500-1800. 474c:
1800-present. (Identical with JPN 474a-474b-474c). P, junior or senior standing
and 3 units of any history course. May be convened with 574a-574b-574c.
475B -
475C -
475D -
475E. Periods in Chinese History (3-3-3-3-3) [Rpt.] (Identical with CHN
475a-475b-475c-475d-475e, which is home). May be convened with
476. Modern China (3) Survey of political, social, economic and cultural
transformations undergone by China from ca. 1800 to the present. Provides
students with a sense of both the major themes and the substance of the last two
centuries of history of one of the world's major civilizations, as well as a
better understanding of China's prominent position in the world today.
(Identical with CHN 476). May be convened with 576.
479. The Ottoman Empire to 1800 (3) History of Ottoman Empire from its
origins through the direct Western European impact, focusing on the political
and social history of the empire in Europe and Asia. (Identical with NES 479).
May be convened with 579.
480. The Middle East in the Twentieth Century (3) (Identical with NES
480). May be convened with 580.
481. Work, Motherhood and Female Identity in America: 1945 to the Present (3)
(Identical with W S 481, which is home). May be convened with 581.
482. Social History of China (3) (Identical with CHN 482, which is
home). May be convened with 582.
483. Gender and African History (3) The history of men, women, gender
relations, and gender meanings in sub-Saharan Africa. The importance of gender
analysis, both sociological and symbolic, to understanding African history. P, 3
units or consent of instructor (Identical with W S 483). May be convened with
484. History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1800-Present (3) (Identical
with NES 484, which is home). May be convened with 584.
485B. Social, Cultural and Political History of Iranian Plateau from the 7th
Century to Present (3-3) 485a: 600-1500. From Islamic invasions to the
aftermath of the Mongol invasions. 485b: The Iranian plateau in the modern era
of western imperialism and nationalist Islamic responses. P, NES 277a, 277b, or
consent of instructor. (Identical with NES 485a-485b, which is home). May be
convened with 585a-585b.
487. Islamic Mysticism (3) Origin and development of Sufism and its
impact on Muslim and non-Muslim worlds. (Identical with NES 487). May be
convened with 587.
488. History of Byzantium (3) Political, social, and cultural history of
Byzantium from A.D. 325 to 1453, including the Byzantine legacy in Europe and
the Middle East. (Identical with CLAS 488 and RELI 488). May be convened with
489. Women in East Asia (3) Women in traditional China and Japan;
analysis of changes occurring in the modern period. P, junior or senior
standing. (Identical with EAS 489 and W S 489). May be convened with 589.
490. Philosophy of History (3) Introduction to historical thinking from
antiquity to the present, with emphasis on ideas in European and North American
historical writings during the modern and contemporary eras. May be convened
with 590.
495. Colloquium
a. Studies in Early Europe (3) [Rpt./1] P, one semester of history.
b. Studies in Black America (3) (Identical with AFAS 495b).
c. Topics in Modern European History (3) [Rpt./2] P, 214a or 214b or consent of
r. Chinese History Since 1949 (3) (Identical with CHN 495r, which is home). May
be convened with 595r.
496. Seminar
c. Women and the Literature of Identity in Modern Middle East and North Africa (3) (Identical with NES 496c, which is home). May be convened with 596c.
*Writing-Emphasis Courses. P, satisfaction of the upper-division writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in the Academic Guidelines section of this manual).
501. Ancient Mesopotamia (3) (Identical with NES 501, which is home).
May be convened with 401.
504B. History of Rome (3-3) For a description of course topics see
404a-404b. Graduate-level requirements include an additional in-depth research
paper. May be convened with 404a-404b.
505B. Medieval Europe (3-3) For a description of course topics see
405a-405b. Graduate-level requirements include additional work with primary and
foreign language secondary sources. 505a is not prerequisite to 505b. May be
convened with 405a-405b.
506. Medieval England (3) For a description of course topics see 406.
Graduate-level requirements include additional work with primary and foreign
language secondary sources. May be convened with 406.
507B. Intellectual History of Medieval Europe (3-3) For a description of
course topics see 407a-407b. Graduate-level requirements include additional work
with primary and foreign language secondary sources. 507a is not prerequisite to
507b. May be convened with 407a-407b.
508. The Renaissance (3) For a description of course topics see 408.
Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper. May be convened
with 408.
509. The Reformation (3) For a description of course topics see 409.
Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper. May be convened
with 409.
510. History of Hell in Early Europe (3) For a description of course
topics see 410. Graduate-level requirements include additional work with primary
and foreign language secondary sources. May be convened with 410.
511. European Social and Intellectual History to 1750 (3) For a
description of course topics see 411. Graduate-level requirements include more
advanced readings and an in-depth research paper. May be convened with 411.
512. European Intellectual History: 1750 to 20th Century (3) For a
description of course topics see 412. Graduate-level requirements include an
in-depth research paper. May be convened with 412.
514. Cultural History of Germany to 1714 (3) For a description of course
topics see 414. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper. May be
convened with 414.
515. Cultural History of Germany 1714 to 1989 (3) For a description of
course topics see 415. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper. May
be convened with 415.
518. France under the Old Regime, 1589-1789 (3) For a description of
course topics see 418. Graduate-level requirements include substantial
additional independent reading. May be convened with 418.
519. The French Enlightenment (3) For a description of course topics see
419. Graduate-level requirements include substantial additional independent
reading. May be convened with 419.
520. The French Revolution and Napoleon (3) For a description of course
topics see 420. Graduate-level requirements include substantial additional
independent reading. May be convened with 420.
521. History of Russia: Early Period (3) For a description of course
topics see 421. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper. May be
convened with 421.
522. History of Russia: Modern Period (3) For a description of course
topics see 422. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper. May be
convened with 422.
523. Intellectual History of Russia (3) For a description of course
topics see 423. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper. May be
convened with 423.
524. The Modernization of Russia: 1856-1935 (3) For a description of
course topics see 424. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper. May
be convened with 424.
525. History of the Soviet Union (3) For a description of course topics
see 425. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper. May be convened
with 425.
527. Work, Culture, and Power (3) For a description of course topics see
427. Graduate-level requirements include additional readings and meetings with
the instructor and more rigorous writing requirements. May be convened with 427.
531. Colonial America (3) For a description of course topics see 431.
Graduate-level requirements include different, additional reading and reports
thereon. May be convened with 431.
532. The Era of the American Revolution (3) For a description of course
topics see 432. Graduate-level requirements include different, additional
reading and reports thereon. May be convened with 432.
533. Jefferson and the New Nation, ca. 1790-1828 (3) For a description
of course topics see 433. Graduate-level requirements include an additional,
substantial research or historiographical paper, to be decided on in
consultation with the instructor. May be convened with 433.
534. Jacksonian Era, 1828-1856 (3) For a description of course topics
see 434. Graduate-level requirements include an additional, substantial research
or historiographical paper, to be decided on in consultation with the
instructor. May be convened with 434.
535. The Coming of the Civil War, U.S. 1845-1861 (3) For a description
of course topics see 435. Graduate-level requirements include a research
exercise. May be convened with 435.
536. Civil War and Reconstruction, U.S. 1861-1878 (3) For a description
of course topics see 436. Graduate-level requirements include a research
exercise. May be convened with 436.
537. U.S. 1876-1919 The Gilded Age and Progressive Era (3) For a
description of course topics see 437. Graduate-level requirements include an
in-depth research paper. May be convened with 437.
538. U.S. 1918-1945 From World War I through World War II (3) For a
description of course topics see 438. Graduate-level requirements include taking
examinations which consist entirely of essay questions, completing a research
paper on a topic chosen in consultation with the professor, assisting the
professor in leading discussion groups with undergraduate students over the
assigned readings, providing questions from those readings for use by the
professor in formulating quizzes for the undergraduates, and possibly presenting
a lecture to the class if the student is nearing completion of graduate work.
May be convened with 438.
540. United States: 1945 to Present (3) For a description of course
topics see 440. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper
on a topic approved by the instructor. May be convened with 440.
542. History of American Society and Thought: Pre-Civil War (3) For a
description of course topics see 442. Graduate-level requirements include an
in-depth research paper. May be convened with 442.
543. History of American Society and Thought Since the Civil War (3) For
a description of course topics see 443. Graduate-level requirements include an
in-depth research paper. May be convened with 443.
545. Women in Islamic History (3) For a description of course topics see
445. Graduate-level requirements include additional readings and meetings with
the instructor and an additional research paper. (Identical with NES 445 and W S
545). May be convened with 445.
546. History of Arizona and the Southwest (3) For a description of
course topics see 446. Graduate-level requirements include an historiographic
essay and additional reading. May be convened with 446.
549. History of American Foreign Relations to 1914 (3) For a description
of course topics see 449. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth
research paper and additional course readings. May be convened with 449.
550. History of American Foreign Relations since 1914 (3) For a
description of course topics see 450. Graduate-level requirements include an
in-depth research paper and additional course readings. May be convened with
551. The United States and East Asia: 1840 to the Present (3) For a
description of course topics see 451. Graduate-level requirements include an
in-depth research paper and additional course readings. (Identical with EAS
551). May be convened with 451.
552. American Ethnic History (3) For a description of course topics see
452. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper on a topic
approved by the instructor. May be convened with 452.
553. History of Women and Work (3) For a description of course topics
see 453. Graduate-level requirements include writing a lengthy research paper
demonstrating a familiarity with basic secondary works as well as investigating
primary sources on a pertinent topic. May be convened with 453.
554. Spanish Inquisition (3) For a description of course topics see 454.
Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper and additional
course readings. May be convened with 454.
555. History of Women in Europe (3) For description of course topics see
455. Graduate-level requirements include an additional historiographical
project. (Identical with W S 555). May be convened with 455.
557. The Mexican Revolution (3) For a description of course topics see
457. Graduate-level requirements include extra readings and an in-depth research
paper. Offered in Guadalajara only. May be convened with 457.
558. Topics in Comparative Women's History (3) For a description of
course topics see 458. Those graduate students seeking credit will be required
to read and write about the field in more depth than is required for
undergraduates. May be convened with 458.
561. The Ethnohistory of Mesoamerica and the Andes (3) For description
of course topics see 461. Graduate-level requirements include an additional
essay. May be convened with 461.
564. History of Argentina (3) For a description of course topics see
464. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper on an
approved topic. (Identical with LA S 564). May be convened with 464.
565B. History of Spain: Spanish Politics, Society, and Culture Since 711 (3-3)
For a description of course topics see 465a-465b. Graduate-level requirements
include additional readings and meetings with instructor to develop topics for a
historiographic or bibliographic essay. 565a is not a prerequisite to 565b. P,
102 or 160 or 3 units of any history course. May be convened with 465a-465b.
566. History of Brazil (3) For a description of course topics see 466.
Graduate-level requirements include a paper on the role of Carlos Lacerda.
(Identical with LA S 566). May be convened with 466.
567. Contemporary Latin America (3) For a description of course topics
see 467. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth paper on a topic
approved by the instructor. (Identical with LA S 567). May be convened with 467.
568B. Asia and the West (3-3) For a description of course topics see
468a-468b. Graduate-level requirements include additional research or writing;
see instructor for details. (Identical with NES 568a-568b). May be convened with
569. History of Women in Latin America (3) For a description of course
topics see 469. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper
on a topic approved by the instructor. (Identical with LA S 569). May be
convened with 469.
570. Religious History of India (3) For a description of course topics
see 470. Graduate-level requirements include additional research or writing; see
instructor for details. (Identical with NES 570). May be convened with 470.
572. History of Medieval India (3) For a description of course topics
see 472. Graduate-level requirements include additional research or writing; see
instructor for details. (Identical with NES 572). May be convened with 472.
573. History of Modern India and Pakistan: 1750-Present (3) For a
description of course topics see 473. Graduate-level requirements include
additional research or writing; see instructor for details. (Identical with NES
573). May be convened with 473.
574B -
574C. History of Japan (3-3-3) For a description of course topics see
474a-474b-474c. Graduate-level requirements include an additional research
paper. (Identical with JPN 574a-574b-574c). May be convened with 474a-474b-474c.
575A -
575B -
575C -
575D -
575E. Periods in Chinese History (3-3-3-3-3) [Rpt.] (Identical with CHN
575a-575b-575c-575d-575e, which is home). May be convened with
576. Modern China (3) For a description of course topics see 476.
Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper and additional
readings. (Identical with CHN 576). May be convened with 476.
579. The Ottoman Empire to 1800 (3) For a description of course topics
see 479. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper.
(Identical with NES 579). May be convened with 479.
580. The Middle East in the Twentieth Century (3) (Identical with NES
580, which is home). May be convened with 480.
581. Work, Motherhood and Female Identity in America 1945 to the Present
(3) (Identical with W S 581, which is home). May be convened with 481.
582. Social History of China (3) (Identical with CHN 582, which is
home). May be convened with 482.
583. Gender and African History (3) For a description of course topics
see 483. Graduate-level requirements will include a research paper and
additional discussion sessions. (Identical with W S 583). May be convened with
584. History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1800-Present (3) (Identical
with NES 584, which is home). May be convened with 484.
585B. Social, Cultural and Political History of Iranian Plateau from the 7th
Century to Present (3-3) (Identical with NES 585a-585b, which is home). May
be convened with 485a-485b.
587. Islamic Mysticism (3) For a description of course topics see 487.
(Identical with NES 587). May be convened with 487.
588. History of Byzantium (3) For a description of course topics see
488. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper. (Identical with CLAS
588). May be convened with 488.
589. Women in East Asia (3) For a description of course topics see 489.
Graduate-level requirements include an additional research paper. (Identical
with EAS 589). May be convened with 489.
590. Philosophy of History (3) For a description of course topics see
490. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper. May be convened with
595. Colloquium
r. Chinese History Since 1949 (3) (Identical with CHN 595r, which is home). May be convened with 495r.
596. Seminar
c. Women and the Literature of Identity in Modern Middle East and North Africa (3) (Identical with NES 596c, which is home). May be convened with 496c.
m. Mexican-American Heritage Bibliography - A Library Seminar (3) [Rpt./6 units] (Identical with NES 596m, which is home).
Certain colloquia and seminars in other departments may be used for history graduate credit.
695. Colloquium
a. Advanced Studies in United States History (3) [Rpt./10]
b. Advanced Studies in Latin American History (3) [Rpt./10] (Identical with LA S
c. Advanced Studies in European History (3) [Rpt./10]
e. Advanced Studies in the History of Women (3) [Rpt./10] GRD (Identical with W
S 695e).
f. Advanced Studies in Ancient History (3) [Rpt./10] Consult department before
enrolling. (Identical with CLAS 695f).
g. Advanced Studies in Asian History (3) [Rpt./3] (Identical with EAS 695g).
h. Comparative History (3) [Rpt./6 units]
i. World History (3)
k. Historiography (3) Open to majors only.
696. Seminar
a. Colonial U. S. History (3) [Rpt./10]
b. Nineteenth-Century U. S. History (3) [Rpt./10]
c. Twentieth-Century U. S. History (3) [Rpt./10]
d. Ancient History (3) [Rpt./10]
e. Medieval Europe (3) [Rpt./10]
f. Early Modern Europe (3) [Rpt./10] P, Latin and German required.
g. Nineteenth-Century Europe (3) [Rpt./10]
h. Twentieth-Century Europe (3) [Rpt./10]
j. Latin America: Modern Period (3) [Rpt./10] (Identical with LA S 696j).
k. Historical Writing and Editing (3) [Rpt./10]
l. Colonial Latin America (3) [Rpt./10] (Identical with LA S 696l).
n. Comparative Women's History (3) [Rpt./4] P, consult department before
enrolling. (Identical with W S 696n, which is home).
o. History and Historiography of Colonial North Africa, c. 1800-1962 (3)
(Identical with NES 696o, which is home).
r. Japanese History (3) [Rpt.] (Identical with JPN 696r).
Certain colloquia and seminars in other departments may be used for history graduate credit.
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Page last updated: May 20, 2013
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The University of Arizona
Page last updated: May 20, 2013