101. Elementary Classical Greek I (4) Introduction to ancient
Greek for students of the Bible and of the classical authors.
102. Elementary Classical Greek II (4) Second semester Greek.
P, 101.
103. Elementary Modern Greek I (4) Development of skills in
conversation, composition, and reading with emphasis upon audiovisual
104. Elementary Modern Greek II (4) Second semester modern
Greek. P, 103.
201. Intermediate Classical Greek I (4) Selections from
classical Greek chosen in accordance with the student's needs and interest. P,
202. Intermediate Classical Greek II (4) Selections from
classical Greek. P, 201.
203. Intermediate Modern Greek I (4) Pronunciation, grammar,
and vocabulary of modern Greek; development of skills in conversation,
composition, and reading; emphasis on aural-oral skills. P, 104.
204. Intermediate Modern Greek II (4) Conversation,
composition, and reading. P, 203.
402. Greek Reading Course (3) [Rpt.] Readings in major Greek authors
including Homer, Plato, and the historians and dramatists. P, 202. May be
convened with 502. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
412. Readings in Greek Philosophy (3) [Rpt./1] Extensive readings in
Greek in one of the following areas of Greek philosophy: the pre-Socratics,
Plato's ethics and epistemology, Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. P,
202. (Identical with PHIL 412). May be convened with 512. Writing-Emphasis
421. Greek Lyric Poetry (3) [Rpt.] Study in Greek of the early Greek
Lyric writers from Archilochus to Bacchylides, including Pindar. P, 202. May
be convened with 521. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
422. Readings in Greek Drama (3) [Rpt.] Close reading in Greek of
either (1) tragedy-one play each by Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides or (2)
comedy-two plays of Aristophanes, one of Menander. P, 202. May be convened
with 522. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
424. Homer (3) [Rpt.] Close reading of selections from the Iliad
and Odyssey in Greek and an introduction to the critical secondary
literature. P, 202. May be convened with 524. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
430. Readings in Greek Historians (3) [Rpt.] Selections from Herodotus
and Thucydides with an introduction to the critical literature. Readings in
Greek. P, 202. May be convened with 530. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
431. Greek Orators (3) [Rpt.] Readings in Greek from Lysias, Isocrates
and Demosthenes as sources for ancient rhetoric, politics, and private life.
P, 202. May be convened with 531. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
432. Literature of Archaic Greece (3) [Rpt.] Readings in Greek from
Hesiod and the early lyric poets. The agricultural perspective and the
anti-heroic ideal. P, 202. May be convened with 532. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
*Writing-Emphasis Courses. P, Satisfaction of the upper-division
writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in
the Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this
502. Greek Reading Course (3) [Rpt.] For a description of course
topics see 402. Graduate-level requirements include extensive reading and an
in-depth paper. P, 3 units of 400-level Greek. May be convened with 402.
512. Readings in Greek Philosophy (3) [Rpt./1] For a description of
course topics see 412. Graduate-level requirements include extensive reading
and an in-depth paper. P, 3 units of 400-level Greek. (Identical with PHIL
512). May be convened with 412.
521. Greek Lyric Poetry (3) [Rpt./1] For a description of course
topics see 421. Graduate-level requirements include extensive reading and an
in-depth paper. P, 3 units of 400-level Greek. May be convened with 421.
522. Readings in Greek Drama (3) [Rpt./1] For a description of course
topics see 422. Graduate-level requirements include extensive reading and an
in-depth paper. P, 3 units of 400-level Greek. May be convened with 422.
524. Homer (3) [Rpt./1] For a description of course topics see 424.
Graduate-level requirements include extensive reading and an in-depth paper.
May be convened with 424.
530. Readings in the Greek Historians (3) [Rpt.] For a description of
course topics see 430. Graduate-level requirements include extensive readings
and an in-depth paper. P, 3 units of 400-level Greek. May be convened with
531. Greek Orators (3) [Rpt.] For a description of course topics see
431. Graduate-level requirements include extensive readings and an in-depth
paper. P, 3 units of 400-level Greek. May be convened with 431.
532. Literature of Archaic Greece (3) [Rpt.] For a description of
course topics see 432. Graduate-level requirements include extensive readings
and an in-depth paper. P, 3 units of 400-level Greek. May be convened with
596. Seminar
a. Topics in Ancient Greek Literature (3) [Rpt./30 units]