502. Introduction to Finite Element Methods (3) (Identical with C E
502, which is home).
505. Continuum Mechanics (4) Analysis of deformation, principal
stresses and strains, velocity fields, and rate of deformation; constitutive
and field equations; elementary elasticity. P, C E 417, or consult department
before enrolling.
508. Fracture Mechanics (3) Modes of fracture; crack propagation;
Griffith energy balance; crack tip plasticity; J-integral; fatigue cracks;
analytical and numerical techniques; constitutive models for damaged
materials. P, 505, or consult with department.
511. Advanced Finite Element Analysis (3) Approximation functions,
Lagrangian and Hermitian interpolation, isoparametric elements and numerical
integration; mixed, hybrid and boundary element methods, nonlinear analysis,
nonlinear problems in solids under static and dynamic loads, time integration
schemes, fluid and heat flow coupled problems and mass transport. P, C E 402,
or consult department before enrolling.
596. Seminar
a. Research Topics (1) (Identical with C E 596a, which is home).
603. Elasticity Theory and Application (3) General three-dimensional
equations of elasticity; problems in plane stress, plane strain, extension,
torsion; energy, residual and other solution methods; applications to rings,
beams, plates, torsion and other problems. P, C E 217, 302.
604. Plasticity Theory and Application (3) Yield conditions and flow
rules for perfectly plastic and strain hardening materials; application to
various elastoplastic problems such as bars, cylinders and plates; effect of
volume change behavior, isotropic and anisotropic hardening plasticity with
expanding/contracting yield surfaces. P, C E 417 or E M 603, or consult
department before enrolling.
633. Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (3) Vibrations and
dynamic response of structural systems to periodic and arbitrary loadings and
support motion; response spectrum and step-by-step formulations for seismic
analysis and design. P, 635, A ME 250.
635. Matrix Methods in Structural Mechanics (3) Formulation of the
force and displacement methods; the finite element method, with application to
bar, beam, plate, and shell structures; organization and development of
computer programs; linear and nonlinear systems. P, C E 331 or A ME 461.
637. Plates and Shells (3) Theory and analysis of circular,
rectangular and continuous plates by classical, numerical and approximate
methods; introduction to in-plane forces and shells. P, C E 336 or A ME 324.
639. Energy Methods in Engineering Mechanics (3) General concepts and
principles in mechanics, conservative mechanical systems, variational methods.
Applications to deformable bodies.
648. Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials (3) (Identical with C
E 648, which is home).