102. Introduction to Engineering (3) Engineering design, effective team
participation and career preparation. Students are expected to participate in
hands-on design projects, develop education/career plans and initiate
development of the personal and management skills necessary for lifelong
learning. 2ED. CR, MATH 124 or 125a.
109. Technology and Society: An Historical Perspective (3) (Identical
with NEE 109, which is home).
120. Mineral Resources, Geotechnology and the Environment (3) (Identical
with MN E 120, which is home).
170. Problem Solving Using Computers (3) The design of problem-solving
algorithms, their implementation in a structured programming language, and their
application in engineering. P, 102. CR, MATH 124 or 125a.
195. Colloquium
b. Materials Science and Engineering (1) (Identical with MSE 195b, which is
c. Women in Science and Engineering (1) (Identical with W S 195c).
196. Honors Proseminar
a. Survey of Engineering Professions (1)
b. Planning Engineering Design (1)
249. Technology and the Growth of Civilizations (3) (Identical with ANTH
249, which is home).
251. Social Constraints on Engineering (3) [Rpt./1] (Identical with MSE
251, which is home).
257. Materials Science of Art and Archaeological Objects (3) (Identical
with MSE 257, which is home).
258. Materials Science of Art and Archaeological Objects Laboratory (1)
(Identical with MSE 258, which is home).
265. Engineering Economic Analysis (3) (Identical with SIE 265, which is
320. Introduction to Computer Aided Design (3) (Identical with ABE 320,
which is home).
435. Corrosion and Degradation (3) (Identical with MSE 435, which is
454. Law for Engineers/Scientists (3) (Identical with CHEE 454, which is
home). May be convened with 554.
479. Culture and Materials Technology (3) (Identical with ANTH 479,
which is home).
485. Technological Forecasting (3) (Identical with MSE 485, which is
486. Technology and Society (3) (Identical with MSE 486, which is home).
488. Scanning Electron Microscopy (3) (Identical with MSE 488, which is
501. Planning for Discovery: Problem Solving and Proposal Preparation (3)
(Identical with MSE 501, which is home). Change course
title to: Planning for Discovery. Add repeatability: [Rpt./]. Fall '98
502. Research Proposal Preparation (3) (Identical with MSE 502, which is
home). Add repeatability: [Rpt./]. Fall '98
554. Law for Engineers/Scientists (3) (Identical with CHEE 554, which is
home). May be convened with 454.
696. Seminar
a. Science and Social Theory (3) (Identical with SOC 696a, which is home).