350. Schooling in America (3) Nature and functions of schools in
society; school reform proposals; moral dimensions of schooling; equality of
educational opportunity; alternatives to schooling; nature of teaching
profession. Writing-emphasis course* for all TTE students. P, satisfaction of
the upper-division writing-proficiency requirement .
*Writing-Emphasis Courses. P, satisfaction of the upper-division
writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in
the Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this
500. Disciplined Inquiry in Education (3) Introduction to research
methods in education: analysis of research; writing of research reviews;
applying research results in educational settings.
501. Foundations of Education (3) Schools and social institutions;
political and social influences on education; nature of the education
profession; reform and implementation in education.
502. Variations in Learners (3) Nature and extent of differences among
learners, both among and within groups; causes and factors relating to
variations in learners; implications for educational placement, curricular
planning and program development.
600. Quantitative/Inferential Methods in Education (4) Statistical
procedures for addressing educational questions using data from experimental
(anova) and correlational (multiple regression) studies relationships between
inferential statistics and other forms of educational research inquiry. P, 500
and PSYC 230 or SOC 274 or equivalent.
601. Qualitative Methods in Education (3) Introduction to theory and
methods of conducting research through extended participant observation in
school or community settings; field work, ethnography, case study, qualitative
methods. P, 500.
602. Research Design and Techniques in Education (3) In-depth
explorations of various research paradigms in educational inquiry and their
research designs; critical analysis of the structure and logic of various
designs and techniques; preparation of research proposals. P, 600, 601.
604. Leadership for Educational Change (3) Investigations of the
characteristics of leadership as they apply to changing basic educational
organizational structures and processes.
605. Evaluation of Educational Programs and Personnel (3) Models,
purposes served, contextual influences and procedures employed in evaluating
educational programs and personnel. P, 500.
606. Policy Analysis in Education (3) Understanding of and necessary
skills to provide leadership in the area of educational policy development and
611. Comparative Education (3) Emphasis on comparative education
methodology; analysis of selected national education systems, with focus on
sociocultural foundations; curriculum and instruction; administration; teacher
education; contemporary trends and issues; implications for education in the
United States.
612. Philosophy of Education (3) Analysis of values and conflicts in
American culture as these direct educational policy; critical examination of
contending philosophies in the light of democratic ideals.
613. History of Western Education (3) The historical development of
western educational thought from its origins to the present.
614. History of Education in the United States (3) The development of
American educational thought from its colonial origin to the present.
615. Educational Sociology (3) The school as a social institution;
social functions of the school; social processes, socialization, and
stratification in education; informal and formal systems and the bureaucratic
structure of the school.