207. Elements of Electrical Engineering (3) CDT Introductory
survey of electrical engineering, with emphasis on electric power. 3 ES. P, MATH 125a,
PHYS 241.
208. Elements of Electronics (3) CDT Introductory survey of
electronic principles and instrumentation. 3 ES. P, 207.
210. Geometrical Optics (3) (Identical with OPTI 210, which is
210L . Geometrical Optics Laboratory (3) (Identical with OPTI
210L, which is home).
220. Basic Circuits (5) CDT Elementary, transient and sinusoidal
analysis of linear circuits with laboratory. 4R, 1D, 3L, 5 ES. P, PHYS 241. CR, MATH 254.
Credit will be allowed for only one of the following sequences: 220 or 207-208.
226. Physical Optics (3) (Identical with OPTI 226, which is home).
226L . Physical Optics Laboratory (1) (Identical with OPTI 226L,
which is home).
274. Digital Logic (3) CDT Number systems and coding, logic
design, sequential systems, register transfer language. 2 ES, 1 ED. P, CR, PHYS 241.
275. Computer Programming for Engineering Applications (3)
Fundamentals of C, complexity and efficiency analysis, numerical precision and
representations, intro to data structures, structured program design, application to
solving engineering problems.
301. Electrical Engineering Laboratory (3) CDT Emphasis on
measurement techniques, lab procedures, and operating principles of instruments.
Experiments deal primarily with basic circuit and electronic concepts and basic design
techniques. 3 ES. P, 220b. CR, 320, 351a.
302. Electrical Engineering Design Laboratory (3) Design-oriented
lab. Exercises in circuits, electronics and fields. 3 ED. P, 301. CR, 351b.
320. Circuit Theory (3) CDT Electric circuits in the frequency
domain, using sinusoidal steady-state, Laplace and Fourier methods, and including
single-phase and three-phase power; time domain methods and convolution; transformed
networks; natural frequencies; poles and zeros; two-port network parameters; and Fourier
series analysis. 2 ES, 1 ED. P, 220.
340. Engineering Systems Analysis (3) CDT Basic concepts in the
modeling and analysis of engineering systems and fundamental topics in communications,
controls, and signal processing. Includes classification of systems; signal
characterization in frequency domain, Fourier and Laplace transforms; representation of
continuous-time systems by /O models; system diagrams; state variable models; stability
analysis and Bode plots; feedback system characteristics; discrete-time systems; and
digital signal processing. 2 ES, 1 ED. P, 320.
350. Radiometry, Sources, and Detectors (3) (Identical with OPTI
350, which is home).
351A -
351B -. Electronic Circuits (3-3) CDT 351a: Operational
amplifiers, diode circuits; PSPICE, circuit characteristics of bipolar and MOS
transistors; differential amplifiers; MOS and bipolar digital circuits. 1.5 ES, 1.5 ED. P,
220b; CR, 301, 351b: Amplifiers, frequency response and feedback; output stages, analog
integrated circuits; filters, signal generators. 1.5 ES, 1.5 ED; CR, 302.
352. Device Electronics (3) CDT Electronic properties of
semiconductors; carrier transport phenomena; P-N junctions; bipolar, unipolar, microwave
and photonic devices. 1.5 ES, 1.5 ED. P, 351a.
369. Fundamentals of Computer Architecture (3) Fundamentals of
computer architecture and organization, processor organization and design, control design,
microprogramming memory hierarchy, including caches and virtual memory input/output. P,
370. Lasers and Electro-Optical Devices (3) (Identical with OPTI
370, which is home).
372. Microprocessor Organization (3) Computer organization and
assembly language, random access memory devices, peripherals and interface design, case
studies of computer systems. 2R, 3L. 1.5 ES, 1.5 ED. P, 276.
381. Introductory Electromagnetics(3) Electrostatic and
magnetostatic fields; Maxwell's equations; introduction to plane waves, transmission
lines, and sources. 2 ES, 1 ED. P, MATH 322.
412. Optical Instrumentation (3) (Identical with OPTI 412, which
is home).
415. Instrumentation and Measurement (3) Basic concepts of
instrumentation and measurement; principles of transducers, operational amplifiers and
instrument systems, with emphasis on biomedical applications; lab, experiments with
transducers, amplifiers, computers, and medical equipment. 2R, 3L. 1 ES, 2 ED. P, senior
standing in engineering. May be convened with 515.
416. Optical Design, Fabrication and Testing (4) (Identical with
OPTI 416, which is home).
418. Physiology for Engineers (4) (Identical with PSIO 418).
419. Physiology Laboratory (2) (Identical with PSIO 419).
422. Analog Signal Processing and Filtering (3) Approximation of
magnitude, phase and delay characteristics; design of passive, active, and switched
capacitor filters; effects of op amp parasitics; sensitivity and gain bandwidth;
optimization of designs. 0.5 ES, 2.5 ED. P, 320. May be convened with 522.
425. Image Science and Engineering (3) Properties of optical
images and image forming systems; acquisition and manipulation of digital images;
two-dimensional Fourier representation; image quality criteria; introduction to image
processing. 2 ES, 1 ED. P, 340. May be convened with 525.
429. Digital Signal Processing (3) Discrete-time signals and
systems, z-transforms, discrete Fourier transform, fast Fourier transform, digital filter
design. 1.5 ES, 1.5 ED. P, 340, MATH 322. May be convened with 529.
430. Optical Communication Systems (3) Physics of optical
communication components and applications to communication systems. Topics include fiber
attenuation and dispersion, laser modulation, photo detection and noise, receiver design,
bit error rate calculations, and coherent communications. 1 ES, 2 ED. P, SIE 305, ECE 340,
352, 381; CR, 431. May be convened with 530.
431. Introduction to Analog Communications Systems (3) Continuous
wave modulation systems such as amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, and phase
modulation, and the effects of noise in such systems. 1.5 ES, 1.5 ED. P, 340, SIE 305.
434. Electrical and Optical Properties of Materials (3) 1993-94
(Identical with MSE 434, which is home).
435. Introduction to Digital Communication Systems (3) Pulse
modulation, baseband pulse transmission, digital pass-band transmission (including noise
effects, and a few advanced topics such as satellite, optical and mobile radio systems.
2ES, 1 ED. P, 340, SIE 305. May be convened with 535.
436. Introduction to Coding Techniques (3) Error-correcting codes
used in modern digital communications systems, with emphasis on hardware implementations
and performance on real channels. 2 ES, 1 ED. P, 305.
441. Automatic Control (3) Linear control system representation in
time and frequency domains, feedback control system characteristics, performance analysis
and stability, design of control. 1.5 ES, 1.5 ED. P, 340.
442. Digital Control Systems (3) Modeling, analysis, and design of
digital control systems; A/D and D/A conversions, Z-transforms, time and frequency domain
representations, stability, microprocessor-based designs. 1.5 ES, 1.5 ED. P, 441. May be
convened with 542.
447. Direct Energy Conversion (3) (Identical with A ME 447, which
is home). May be convened with 547.
449. Continuous-System Modeling (3) Techniques for modeling
systems described by differential equations and difference equations. Physical modeling,
mass and energy balance equations, bond graphs, system dynamics, qualitative modeling,
inductive reasoning, neural networks. 1 ES, 2 ED. P, CR, 340. (Identical with C CS 449).
May be convened with 549.
451. Fundamentals of Device Electronics (3) Introductory device
aspects of semiconductors. Crystal structures, one-dimensional quantum theory, parabolic
bands, carrier statistics, SRH centers, drift and diffusion. 2.5 ES, 0.5 ED. P, 352.
453. Design-Oriented Analysis of Electronic Circuits (3) Emphasis
on obtaining analytical approximations for maximum insight into circuit behavior. Extra
element theorem, feedback theorem, low-entropy design equations, frequency-domain
measurement of loop gains, impedances. 1.5 ES, 1.5 ED. P, 351a-351b, 352. May be convened
with 553.
455. Elementary Digital Circuit Design (3) Emphasis on first-order
analysis and design; integrated bipolar and MOS digital circuits. 0.5 ES, 2.5 ED. P,
456. Optoelectronics (3) Properties and applications of
optoelectronic devices and systems. Topics include radiation sources, detectors and
detector circuits, fiber optics, and electro-optical components. 1.5 ES, 1.5 ED. P, 352,
381. May be convened with 556.
457. Integrated Circuit Laboratory (3) Experiments in diffusion,
oxidation, processing, etc. Fabrication of an integrated circuit. P, 458 or equivalent
(Identical with MSE 457). May be convened with 557.
458. Solid-State Circuits (3) Introduction to unit step processes
in semiconductor manufacturing. Introduction to various semiconductor processes, with
emphasis on process and device integration issues for major integrated circuit processes.
Basic circuit and design techniques including subsystem design and device scaling.
Fundamentals of chip layout and integrated circuit design methodology for solid state
circuits. 1 ES, 2 ED. P, 352.
459. Fundamentals of Optics for Electrical Engineers (3)
Introduction to diffraction and 2D Fourier optics, geometrical optics, paraxial systems,
third order aberrations, Gaussian beam propagation, optical resonators, polarization,
temporal and spatial coherence, optical materials and nonlinear effects, electro-optic
modulators. Applications to holography, optical data storage, optical processing, neural
nets, associative memory optical interconnects. 1.5 ES, 1.5 ED. P, 381, 352. May be
convened with 559.
460. Aerosol Science and Engineering (3) 1995-96 (Identical with
CHEE 460, which is home). May be convened with 560.
461. Energy Conversion (3) Principles and operating
characteristics of rotating machinery and electromagnetic transducers, single-phase and
polyphase transformer operation, laboratory demonstrations and tests of transformers and
rotating machinery. 2 ES, 1 ED. P, 320, 381.
464. Operating System Concepts (3) Fundamental issues in the
design, implementation and evaluation of operating systems. Topics include process models,
concurrency control algorithms, resource management and an introduction to distributed
system concepts. 1.5 ES, 1.5 ED. P, 275, 372. Delete course. Fall
465. Microelectronics Packaging Materials (3) (Identical with MSE
465). May be convened with 565.
470A -
470B -. Optics Laboratory (3-3) (Identical with OPTI 470a-470b,
which is home).
471. Engineering Software Design (3) Object oriented programming
languages, Scheme, C++, class library development and use, object behavior and system
testing. 2R, 3L. 1.5 ES, 1.5 ED. P, 274, C SC 227.
472. Continuous-System Simulation (3) Techniques for simulating
systems described by differential equations and difference equations. Numerical
integration, parameter estimation, random number generation, simulation software,
simulation hardware. 2 ES, 1 ED. P, CR, 340. (Identical with C SC 472). May be convened
with 572.
473. Software Engineering Concepts (3) In-depth consideration of
each of the phases of the software project life code. Object-oriented design and
programming. Includes a large-scale software development project involving groups of
students. 2R, 3L. 1 ES, 2 ED. P, 275. May be convened with 573.
474A -
474B -. Computer-Aided Logic Design (3-3) 474a: Tabular
minimization of single and multiple output Boolean functions, NMOS and CMOS realizations,
synthesis of sequential circuits, RTL description, laboratory exercises. 1.5 ES, 1.5 ED.
P, 274. 474b: Standard cell layout, gate and switch level simulation, level mode
sequential circuits. VLSI testing, CAD tools, laboratory projects. 1 ES, 2 ED. (Identical
with C SC 474a-474b). May be convened with 574a-574b.
475. Microcomputer-Based Design (3) Design of microprocessor-based
real-time test and control systems, use of development systems and emulators. 2R, 3L. 0.5
ES, 2.5 ED. P, 372.
478. Fundamentals of Computer Networks (3) Introduction to
computer networks and protocols. Study of the ISO open systems interconnection model, with
emphasis on the physical, data link, network, and transport layers. Discussion of IEEE
802, OSI, and Internet protocols. 2 ES, 1 ED. P, 275, 372, SIE 305. May be convened with
479. Principles of Artificial Intelligence (3) Provides an
introduction to problems and techniques of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Problem solving;
basic problem solving methods and techniques; search and game strategies, knowledge
representation using predicate logic; structured representations of knowledge; semantic
nets, system entity structures, frames and scripts; planning; learning, expert systems;
implementing AI systems. 1.5 ES, 1.5 ED. P, 275, 473. May be convened with 579.
481. Microwave Measurements (3) Measurement techniques and the
application of hardware and test equipment in the modern microwave laboratory. 2R, 3L. 1.5
ES, 1.5 ED. P, 381.
482. Electromagnetics (3) Electromagnetic waves in complex media,
waveguides, cavity resonators, and antennas. 1.5 ES, 1.5 ED. P, 381 or PHYS 331.
484. Antenna Theory and Design (3) Introduction to the
fundamentals of radiation, antenna theory and antenna array design. Design considerations
for wire, aperture, reflector and printed circuit antennas. 1.5 ES, 1.5 ED. P, 381.
485. Radio Waves and Telemetry (3) Principles and properties of
electromagnetic propagation through the atmosphere and space including terrain effects.
Applications to telemetry, with emphasis on design of microwave and optical links, frame
and packet construction, data synchronization, link characterization and systems
considerations. 1.5 ES, 1.5 ED, P, 340, 381, SIE 305. CR, 431 or 435. May be convened with
486. Microwave Engineering (3) Review of transmission line theory;
microstrip lines and planar circuits; RF/microwave network analysis; scattering
parameters; impedance transformer design; filter design; hybrids and resonators;
RF/microwave amplifier design; RF transceiver design; RF/microwave integrated circuits.
1.5 ES, 1.5 ED, P, 381.
487. Fiber Optics Laboratory (3) (Identical with OPTI 487, which
is home). May be convened with 587.
489. Atmospheric Electricity (3) (Identical with ATMO 489, which
is home).
493. Internship
a. Manufacturing (3) P, junior standing.
494. Practicum
a. Senior Practicum in Design (3) CR, 495a. 0.5 ES, 2.5 ED. P, 302.
495. Colloquium
a. Technical Communications (1) P, CR, 494a and senior standing. Writing-Emphasis
c. Professional Preparation (5) P, 302. Writing-Emphasis Course. *
*Writing-Emphasis Courses. P, satisfaction of the upper-division writing-proficiency
requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in the Academic Policies and
Graduation Requirements section of this manual).
501. Linear Systems Theory (3) Mathematical descriptions of linear
systems, state-variable models, analysis methods-stability, controllability and
observability, state feedback techniques, design of feedback controllers and observers.
502. Analytical Methods in Electrical Engineering (3) Linear
vector spaces, analytic function theory, Green's functions, eigenfunction expansions.
503. Random Processes for Engineering Applications (3)
Probability, random variables, stochastic processes, correlation functions and spectra
with applications to communications, control, and computers. P, SIE 305.
522. Analog Signal Processing and Filtering (3) For a description
of course topics see 422. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and a
term project. May be convened with 422.
527. Holography (3) (Identical with OPTI 527, which is home).
528. Advanced Digital Signal Processing (3) Random discrete
signals, power spectrum estimation, FFT methods, Yule-Walker method, estimation of signals
in noise, Wiener filters, adaptive filters, speech synthesis. P, 429/529, 503.
529. Digital Signal Processing (3) For a description of course
topics see 429. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and a term
project. May be convened with 429.
530. Optical Communication Systems (3) For a description of course
topics see 430. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and a term paper.
P, 352, 381; CR, 431. May be convened with 430.
531. Image Processing Laboratory for Remote Sensing (3)Techniques
and applications of digital image processing in remote sensing, multispectral image
enhancement and analysis, classification, feature extraction for cartography, rule-based
systems for mapping from imagery. 3R, 1L. (Identical with OPTI 531). Not applicable to the
ECE major. OPTI 531 may be applied by ECE majors to an optical sciences or remote sensing
532. Computer Vision (3) Digital image analysis, including feature
extraction, boundary detection, segmentation, region analysis, mathematical morphology,
stereoscopy and optical flow. P, 340. (Identical with OPTI 532).
533. Digital Image Processing (3) Image transforms, filter design,
spectrum estimation, enhancement, restoration, data compression and reconstruction from
projections. P, 340, 503, 529. (Identical with OPTI 533).
534. Advanced Topics in Electronic Materials (3) [Rpt. /2]
(Identical with MSE 534).
535. Introduction to Digital Communication Systems (3) For a
description of courde topics see 435. Graduate-level requirements include additional
homwork and a term project. Credit is allowed for this course or for 538 but not for both.
May be convened with 435.
537. Digital Transmission and Telephony (3) Spectrum control,
synchronization, and multiplexing in digital transmission systems. Topics include line
coding, scrambling, spread spectrum, time-division multiplexing, frequency division
multiplexing, timing recovery, frame synchronization, jitter, and echo cancellation. P,
431 and SIE 305.
538. Digital Communications Systems (3) Digital modulation
techniques for the Gaussian white noise channel, emphasizing optimal demodulation methods,
analysis of error rates, and signaling techniques over finite bandwidth channels. P, 503.
539. Algebraic Coding Theory (3) 1993-94 (Identical with MATH 539,
which is home).
540. Advanced Microelectronic Processing (3) Theory of diffusion,
oxidation, deposition and processing, etc. and process integration. P, 458.
541. Synthesis of Control Systems (3) Introduction to design of
state feedback controllers and optimal control, modeling of performance indices,
controller design algorithms by dynamic programming, calculus of variations and
Pontryagin's minimum principle. P, CR 501.
542. Digital Control Systems (3) For a description of course
topics see 442. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and a term
project. May be convened with 442.
543. Nonlinear Control Systems (3) Qualitative features of
nonlinear systems, analysis by perturbation, averaging and graphical methods, describing
functions, stability analysis by Lyapunov and Popov techniques, design of nonlinear
control systems. P, 501.
544. Numerical Linear Algebra in Control (3) Analysis and design
of multivariable systems in time- and frequency-domain by using the digital computer.
Numerical aspects of linear algebra and polynomial matrix operations in control design
algorithms, familiarization with computer-aided control system design software. Emphasis
on continuous time systems. P, 501.
545. Decentralized Control and Large-Scale Systems (3)
Introduction to large-scale systems, definitions and special problems, modeling/model
reduction, structural properties, decentralization of control and information,
hierarchical and multi-level controllers. P, 501.
547. Direct Energy Conversion (3) (Identical with A ME 547, which
is home). May be convened with 447.
548. Adaptive Control Systems (3) Introduction to adaptive
control, parameter estimation, model reference adaptive systems, stability, convergence,
self-tuning regulators, practical aspects, and implementation. P, 441, 501.
549. Continuous-System Modeling (3) For a description of course
topics see 449. Graduate-level requirements include more difficult homework and separate
grade normalization. (Identical with C CS 549. ) May be convened with 449.
550. Analog Integrated Circuits (3) Nonswitching aspects of analog
integrated circuits using bipolar or CMOS technologies. Biasing, DC behavior, small signal
behavior. Emphasis on use of physical reasoning, identification of circuit functions, and
use of suitable approximations to facilitate understanding and analysis.
551. Advanced Physical Electronics (3) Advanced device aspects of
semiconductors. Waves in periodic structures, effective Hamiltonians, quantum transitions
and scattering. P, 451.
552. Solid-State Devices (3) Basic semiconductor physics and
materials, PN junctions, metal semiconductor junctions/contacts. BJTs and MOSFETs, device
operation, terminal behavior and frequency response, device models. P, 352, 451.
553. Design-Oriented Analysis of Electronic Circuits (3) For a
description of course topics see 453. Graduate-level requirements may include additional
homework, different test problems. May be convened with 453.
554. Electronic Packaging Principles (3) Introduction to problems
encountered at all levels of packaging: thermal, mechanical, electrical, reliability,
materials and system integration. Future trends in packaging. (Identical with MSE 554).
556. Optoelectronics (3) For a description of course topics see
456. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and a term project. May be
convened with 456.
557. Integrated Circuit Laboratory (3) For a description of course
topics see 457. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and a term
project. P, 458 or 540, or equivalent. (Identical with MSE 557) May be convened with 457.
558. Vacuum System Engineering (3) Rarefied gas dynamics, pumping,
gauging and systems as they apply to microelectronic device and thin-film fabrication.
Materials and techniques for ultraclean and ultrahigh vacuum processing. P, 557 or consult
department before enrolling.
559. Fundamentals of Optics for Electrical Engineers (3) For a
description of course topics see 459. Graduate-level requirements include different exam
questions and/or grading. May be convened with 459.
560. Aerosol Science and Engineering (3) (Identical with CHEE 560,
which is home). May be convened with 460.
561. Power Electronics (3) Design and analysis of switching
converters: topologies, state-space averaging, feedback, power bipolar transistor and
MOSFET characteristics, magnetic modeling and design. P, 320, 340.
563. Engineering Applications of Graphic Theory (3) Topics will
emphasize engineering applications of graph theory. Terminology, algorithms and complexity
analysis will be included. Application areas will include, but are not limited to,
communication networks, VLSI routing and layout, analog circuits, and mapping of
sequential and parallel algorithms onto computer architectures.
564. Broadband Networks and Multimedia Communications (3)
Broadband networking; ISDN and B-ISDN, asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) protocols and
architecture; ATM layered protocol stack; traffic management; congestion control; Ip over
ATM; IPV6 and RSVP; Frame Relay; internetworking. P, 478/578 or equivalent introductory
course in networks.
565. Microelectronics Packaging Materials (3) (Identical with MSE
565). May be convened with 465.
566. Knowledge System Engineering (3) Machine intelligence, expert
system design, reason under uncertainty, advanced planning methods in AI, case based
reasoning, machine learning, genetic algorithms, distributed intelligent systems, local
foundations of intelligent systems. Applications to robotics, manufacturing and CAD.
567. Geometric Modeling and Computer Graphics (3) Computational
geometry, solid modeling, projections and transformations, computer aided design and
computer integrated manufacturing, spatial reasoning. P, 275. (Identical with A ME 567).
568. Modern Computer Architecture (3) Overview of uniprocessor
architectures, introduction to parallel processing, pipelining, vector processing,
multi-processing, multicomputing, memory design for parallel computers, cache design,
communication networks for parallel processing, algorithms for parallel processing. P,
569. Parallel Processing: Architectures, Algorithms and Technologies (3)
Parallel models of computation, dataflow, reduction, rediflow, VLIW, Superscalar,
superpipelining, multithreaded processors, multiprocessing, distributed computing,
massively parallel systems, novel technologies, fundamentals of optical computing, optical
architectures, neural networks. P, 569, knowledge of computer architecture and digital
570. Computer Aided Engineering for Integrated Circuits (3) CAD
systems for integrated circuits; terminal models of bipolar and MOS devices, computerized
circuit analysis, methods, programs, SPICE simulation. P, 352, SIE 270.
571a . Digital Systems Design (3) Computer organization and
architecture; control unit design, microprogramming, input-output. (Identical with C SC
572. Continuous-System Simulation (3) For a description of course
topics see 472. Graduate-level requirements include more difficult homework and separate
grade normalization. (Identical with C SC 572). May be convened with 472.
573. Software Engineering Concepts (3) For a description of course
topics see 473. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and a term
project. May be convened with 473.
574A -
574B -. Computer-Aided Logic Design (3-3) For a description of
course topics see 474a-474b. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and
term projects. (Identical with C SC 574a-574b). May be convened with 474a-474b.
575. Object-Oriented Simulation/Discrete Event Models (3)
Introduction to object-oriented simulation methodology and its implementation on
multi-processors. Modular hierarchical discrete event model design and mapping onto
distributed simulator architectures. Prior course in simulation recommended.
576. Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (3) Provides methods
and techniques for engineering and design of systems that comprise heterogeneous,
software, hardware, communication, and other components. Characterization of design
methodologies, object-oriented modeling and design, systems synthesis and performance
analysis. A term project is central to the course. P, 471, 479, or consent of instructor.
577. Computer System and Network Evaluation (3) Models and methods for
the evaluation of computer systems and networks. Review of probability theory, discussion
of Markov processes, queueing networks, and stochastic extensions to Petri nets.
Applications to computer systems and networks. P, 503.
578. Fundamentals of Computer Networks (3) For a description of
course topics see 478. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and
assignments. May be convened with 478.
579. Principles of Artificial Intelligence (3) For description of
course topics see 479. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and a term
project. May be convened with 479.
581A -
581B -. Electromagnetic Field Theory (3-3) 581a: Time-harmonic
fields; fundamental theorems and concepts; rectangular and circular waveguides and
resonators; apertures in ground planes, cylinders, and wedges; scattering by cylinders and
wedges. P, 502 or MATH 422b; 482 or PHYS 332. 581b: Spherical geometries: interface
problems; perturbational techniques; integral equations; asymptotic techniques;
introduction to transient fields.
583. Remote Sensing Instrumentation and Techniques (3) Development
of instrumentation, measurement and signal processing techniques required for
electromagnetic remote sensing applications with emphasis on atmospheric remote sensing.
P, 482. (Identical with ATMO 583).
584. Advanced Antenna Theory and Design (3) Electromagnetic
radiation and diffraction; dipoles, slots, open wave guides, and horns; apertures,
reflectors, and arrays; mechanical and electronic scanning; applications to practical
radar and communications problems. P, 581a.
585. Radio Waves and Telemetry (3) For a description of course
topics see 485. Graduate-level requirements include a research report on a topic selected
by the instructor from the course material. P, 340, 381, SIE 305. CR, either 431 or 435.
May be convened with 485.
587. Fiber Optics Laboratory (3) (Identical with OPTI 587, which
is home). May be convened with 487.
589. Atmospheric Electricity (3) (Identical with ATMO 589, which
is home). Add convening statement: May be convened with 489. Spring
631. Neural Networks (3) Theory and application of parallel
distributed computation via elementary processing elements; PE models and neural
analogies; statistical classification, supervised/unsupervised; neural net models;
associative memories; training algorithms.
636. Information Theory (3) Definition of a measure of information
and study of its properties; introduction to channel capacity and error-free
communications over noisy channels; rate distortion theory; error detecting and correcting
codes. P, 503. (Identical with MATH 636).
639. Detection and Estimation in Engineering Systems (3)
Communication, detection and estimation as statistical inference problems. Optimal
detection in the presence of Gaussian noise. Extraction of signals in noise via MAP and
MMSE techniques. P, 503.
650. Advanced Analog Circuits (3) Advanced topics in bipolar and
CMOS analog integrated circuits including both switching and nonswitching applications.
Voltage references, DAC and ADC systems, instrumentation amplifiers, sample-hold circuits,
switched-mode power supply regulators. P, 550.
652. Advanced Solid-State Devices (3) Analysis and design of
devices including BJTs, MOSFETs, M ESFETs, MODFETs, microwave devices, and photonic
devices. P, 552.
654. Electronic Packaging Design (3) Analysis and design of chip
and board-level packaging and interconnection modules for integrated circuit applications.
Spectrum of configurations, performance characteristics, manufacturing technologies and
costs. Development of fundamental analysis and design tools. P, 554.
659. Advanced Topics in Microelectronics and Solid-State Devices (3)
[Rpt. /9 units] Specialized topics, as announced, such as submicron MOSFETS, radiation
effects on devices, yield analysis, advanced semiconductor processing technologies, and
contamination control. P, consult department before enrolling.
672. Computer-Aided Design Algorithms and Techniques for VLSI (3)
Introduction to VLSI design, combinational and sequential logic synthesis, layout
generation and optimization, logic and timing simulation, design styles. P, 474/574.
674. Test Generation for Automata (3) Fault modeling, Boolean
differences, D-algorithm, branch and bound searching, partitioning and state assignment
for sequential circuits, iterative networks, fault simulation, built-in self-test. P,
574a. (Identical with C SC 674).
678. Integrated Telecommunication Networks (3) Analysis and design
of integrated voice, data, and image networks for integrated telecommunications
applications. Protocols for LANs, ISDNs, WANs, MANs and interoperable networks. ISO-based
network software design for applications. P, 566, 673.
679. Advanced Artificial Intelligence (3) Expert system design,
reasoning under uncertainty, advanced planning methods in AI, care based reasoning,
machine learning, logical foundations of intelligent systems. P, 579. Change course number to: 566. Fall '98.
688. Electromagnetics Boundary Value Problems (3) Methods of
solution of boundary value problems in electromagnetics; Green's function and
eigenfunction expansion techniques; moment methods, asymptotics. P, 502, 581a.
696. Seminar
b. Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering (3) [Rpt. /9 units] P, consult instructor
before enrolling.