120. Confucian Asia (3) Explores the central ideas of Confucianism and
their adoption and adaptation across Asia at different times, from early China
to contemporary Asian Americans
130. Asian Religions (3) Religions of India and the Far East. (Identical
with RELI 130).
150. The Worlds of Buddhism (3) Introduction to Buddhism as both a
religion and an array of cultural traditions, with emphasis on its various
contributions to the formation of the South, Central, Southeast, and East Asian
civilizations. (Identical with RELI 150).
195. Colloquium
a. Introduction to Studies of East Asia (1).
270. Modern East Asia (3) (Identical with HIST 270, which is home).
333. Buddhist Meditation Traditions (3). Major forms of Buddhist
meditation from both the South Asian and East Asian traditions, with emphasis on
the nature of meditation as a variety of religious experience. (Identical with
RELI 333).
345. Hindu Religious Activities (3) Practical Hinduism through worship,
rituals, and ceremonies based on Vedic, Puranic and folk traditions. (Identical
with RELI 345).
350. Hindu Mythology (3) Overview of the traditional Hindu myths. Topics
from Vedic, Epic, Puranic and other religious sources; their influence upon
culture, philosophy, literature, and folklore. (Identical with HUMS 350 and RELI
396H . Honors Proseminar (3).
427a . The Prehistory of East Asia (3) (Identical with ANTH 427a, which
is home). May be convened with 527a.
445. Hindu Mysticism (3) Introduction to the major concepts and
practices of Hindu mysticism, including yoga techniques, rites, symbols, and
myths. (Identical with RELI 445). May be convened with 545.
451. The United States and East Asia: 1840 to the Present (3) (Identical
with HIST 451, which is home). May be convened with 551.
452. Hindu Literature (3) Introduces major literary works with ancient
Sanskrit genres. Selections from the Vedas, epics, Puranas and other classics in
English translation. May be convened with 552.
464. International Relations of East Asia (3) (Identical with POL 464,
which is home). May be convened with 564.
487a-487b . History of East Asian Buddhism (3-3) Buddhismin China,
Korea and Japan with emphasis on the relationship between East Asian Buddhist
thought and practice and the various historical contexts in which they emerged.
(Identical with RELI 487a-487b). May be convened with 587a-587b.
489. Women in East Asia (3) (Identical with HIST 489, which is home).
May be convened with 589.
496. Seminar
c. Special Topics in Asian Studies (3) [Rpt./4] May be convened with 596c.
498. Senior Capstone Experience (1) [Rpt./2 units] Focuses on a senior
project and preparation of a portfolio reflecting the student's work in EAS.
Discussion format. Two semesters required for majors. P, senior status.
518. Issues in Teaching Asian Languages (3) Issues in second language
acquisition and teaching, with emphasis on teaching Asian Languages as
foreign/secondary language.
527a . The Prehistory of East Asia (3) (Identical with ANTH 527a, which
is home). May be convened with 427a.
545. Hindu Mysticism (3) For a description of course topics see 445.
Graduate-level requirements include two research papers or reports approved by
the instructor. May be convened with 445.
551. The United States and East Asia: 1840 to the Present (3) (Identical
with HIST 551, which is home). May be convened with 451.
552. Hindu Literature (3) For a description of course topics see 452.
Graduate-level requirements include submission of a graduate paper or
presentation on a subject approved by the instructor. May be convened with 452.
564. International Relations of East Asia (3) (Identical with POL 564,
which is home). May be convened with 464.
587. Testing and Evaluation in Foreign/Second Language Programs (3)
(Identical with GER 587, which is home).
587A -
587B -. History of East Asian Buddhism (3-3) For a description of course
topics see 487a-487b. Graduate-level requirements include assigned readings in
primary Chinese or Japanese sources and in modern Chinese and/or Japanese
secondary sources, together with a research paper based in part on such sources.
May be convened with 487a-487b.
589. Women in East Asia (3) (Identical with HIST 589, which is home).
May be convened with 489.
595. Colloquium
a. Masters Colloquium (1)
596. Seminar
a. Topics in East Asian Buddhism (3) P, reading knowledge of Chinese and/or
Japanese; EAS 487a-487b/587a-587b or the equivalent.
c. Special Topics in Asian Studies (3) [Rpt./4] May be convened with 496c.
695. Colloquium
g. Advanced Studies in Asian History (3) [Rpt./3] (Identical with HIST 695g,
which is home).