202. Computer Programming for Civil Engineers (1) Introduction to
FORTRAN programming; basic operations, subscripting, subprograms; design of
problem-solving algorithms; development of programs to solve problems in civil
engineering. 1R, 1L. P, ENGR 102.
210. Engineering Graphics (3) GRD Representations and analysis of
systems of orthographic projection and graphical methods used in engineering
design and production, correlated with technical sketching. 1R, 6L. 2ES, 1ED.
214. Statics (3) GRD Equivalent force systems; equilibrium; geometric
properties of areas and solids; friction; virtual work; potential energy. Honors
section is available. 3ES. P, PHYS 141, MATH 125b.
217. Mechanics of Materials (3) GRD Material behavior; relationship
between external forces acting on elastic and inelastic bodies and the resulting
behavior; stress and deformation of bars, beams, shafts, pressure vessels;
stress and strain; combined stresses; columns. Honor section is available. 3ES.
P, 214.
251. Elementary Surveying (3) GRD Theory of measurements and errors;
vertical and horizontal control methods; topographic, public land and
construction surveys; use of surveying instruments. 2R, 3L. 3ES. P, 210, MATH
302. Numerical Analysis in Civil Engineering (3) Numerical analysis and
use of digital computers in the solution of problems associated with the various
fields of civil engineering. P, 214, ENGR 170; CR, MATH 254.
307. Contracts, Specifications and Engineering Ethics (3) Law as applied
to engineering contracts and contract documents, including specifications; and
ethics in engineering. Writing-Emphasis Course.* Change
units to: (2). Spring '98
310. Probability Statistics in Civil Engineering (3) Statistical
decision theory and its application in civil engineering. Identification and
modeling of non-deterministic problems in civil engineering and the treatment
thereof relative to engineering design and decision making. Statistical
reliability concepts. ES. P, consult department before enrolling.
320. Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (1) Open-channel and closed conduit
studies of basic flow phenomena, with emphasis on continuity, conservation of
momentum, and exchange of energy; calibration of flow-measuring devices. 3L.
1ES. CR, 321, A ME 250.
321. Civil Engineering Hydraulics (3) Hydrostatics, continuity,
irrotational flow, pressure distributions, weirs and gates, momentum and energy,
surface drag, pipe friction, form drag, pipe fitting losses. 3ES. P, 214, MATH
322. Water Resources Engineering (3) Open-channel flow, natural streams
and waterways, hydrologic analysis, fluid measurement apparatus, hydraulic
models; economic aspects of water resources. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, 321, A ME 250.
330. Structural Engineering I (3) Analysis of statically determinate
structures, including beams, frames and trusses; influence lines, virtual work,
moment area and conjugate beam; Betti's theorem and Castigliano's theorem. 3ES.
P, 217.
331. Structural Engineering II (3) Analysis of statically indeterminate
beams, frames, and trusses; use of computer programs. 3ES. P, 330; CR 302.
336. Structural Design in Steel (3) CDT Design of steel members,
connections and simple structures, including tension members, laterally
supported and unsupported beams, columns, beam-columns, bolted and welded
connections; introduction to load and resistance factor design. 3ED. P, 330; CR
337. Structural Design in Concrete (3) Introduction to reinforced
concrete design. 3ED. P, 330.
340. Soil Engineering (4) Physical and mechanical properties of soils,
shear strength, consolidation, settlement, lateral earth pressures, and bearing
capacity. 3R, 3L. 3ES, 1ED. P, 217, CHEM 103b.
360. Transportation Engineering (3) CDT Basis for planning, design, and
operation of transport facilities; transport modes discussed include mass
transit, passenger cars, bicycles, and pedestrian movement. 1ES, 2ED. P, 251,
SIE 265, A ME 250.
361. Highway and Airport Engineering (3) CDT Materials, construction and
structural design of highways and airports. 1ES, 2ED. P, 340.
370. Water Supply and Wastewater Systems (3) (Identical with CHEE 370,
which is home).
371. Water and Wastewater Treatment Process (3) (Identical with CHEE
371, which is home).
380. Materials Laboratory (2) Mechanical properties of concrete,
concrete aggregates, steel, and other metals as engineering materials. 1R, 3L.
2ES. P, 217, CHEM 103b.
394. Practicum
a. Junior Field Trip (1) Students are urged to take this trip in the junior
400. Civil Engineering Design (3) Integration of accumulated background
in civil engineering course work for application to specific design projects.
Interaction with practicing engineers to develop design methodologies. 3ED. P,
at least four of: 322, 337, 340, 360, 370.
402. Introduction to Finite Element Methods (3) Theory and formulation
procedures: energy and residual. One-dimensional problems: stress analysis in
axial structures, steady and transient fluid and heat flow, consolidation,
wave-propagation, beam-column. Two-dimensional problems: field and
plane/axisymmetric, use of computer codes for solution to typical problems. 2ES,
1ED. P, 302. May be convened with 502.
410. Probability in Civil Engineering (3) Outlines the extent of
uncertainties under which civil engineering designs and decisions are made.
Theory and application. Advanced topics in risk-based engineering design. System
reliability concepts. Statistical decision theory and its application in civil
engineering. Identifying and modeling, nondeterministic problems in engineering
in understanding many recently issued engineering codes. ES. P, consult
department before enrolling. May be convened with 510.
417. Mechanics of Materials II (3) Three dimensional analysis of stress
and strain, Castigliano's theorems, curved beams, asymmetric bending, shear
center, torsion of thin-walled sections, beams on elastic foundation, nonlinear
material behavior, membrane stresses in shells. 2ES, 1ED. P, 217. May be
convened with 517.
423. Hydrology (3) Discussion and analysis of major topics of the
hydrologic cycle and their interrelationship, such as rainfall, infiltration,
evaporation, and runoff. Statistical and probabilistic methods in water supply
and flood hydrology. 2ES, 1ED. P, 321. (Identical with HWR 423). May be convened
with 523.
424. Hydraulic Engineering Design (3) Application of principles of
hydraulic analysis to the design of hydraulic systems. Applications will vary
and include hydropower systems, stilling basins, open channel distribution and
collection systems, pipe networks and pumping systems, drainage problems and
other topics. P, 322. May be convened with 524.
426. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering (3) (Identical with ABE
426, which is home).
427. Computer Applications in Hydraulics (3) Computer modeling of
surface water hydrology, flood plain hydraulics and water distribution systems.
Theoretical basis. Application and design studies. 1ES, 2ED. (Identical with HWR
427). May be convened with 527.
428. Introduction to Coastal Engineering (3) Hydrodynamics of the
coastal zone; coastal sediment processes and their interaction with structures;
diffusion in coastal waters and marine outfall design; coastal zone management.
1ES, 2ED. P, 321. May be convened with 528.
432. Advanced Structural Design in Steel (3) Advanced problems in the
analysis and design of steel structures including beam columns, plate girders,
composite construction, multi-story buildings; static and dynamic lateral and
vertical loads; connections; computer applications. 3ED. P, 336. May be convened
with 532.
434. Design of Wood and Masonry Structures (3) Determination of gravity
and lateral loads on structures. Design of wood structures for axial load and
bending; structural wood panels, diaphragms and shear walls. Types of masonry
construction. Design of masonry structures for gravity and lateral loads. 3ED.
P, 331, CR 337. May be convened with 534.
437. Advanced Structural Design in Concrete (3) Advanced problems in the
analysis and design of concrete structures, design of slender columns and one-
and two-way slabs; lateral and vertical load analysis of bridges and multistory
buildings; introduction to design for torsion and seismic forces; use of
structural computer programs. 3ED. P, 337. May be convened with 537.
440. Foundation Engineering (3) Settlement and bearing capacity of
shallow and deep foundations; beam on elastic foundation; design of footings and
pile foundations; foundations on metastable soils; the use of computer codes for
foundation problems. 1ES, 2ED. P, 340. May be convened with 540.
441. Earth Structures in Geotechnical Engineering (3) Stability analysis
for earth slopes, including planar, circular piecewise-linear, and
composite-surface methods: analyses for static and steady-flow conditions; earth
pressure theories and calculations for generalized conditions; design of rigid
and flexible retaining structures; design of braced and tie-back shoring
systems; design of reinforced earth walls; computer-aided analysis and design.
1ES, 2ED. P, 340. May be convened with 541.
444. Special Topics in Geomechanics (3) Introduction to geoenvironmental
engineering; physiochemical and microstructural behavior of geomaterials, effect
of pollutants, design of waste disposal systems; advanced laboratory testing,
geotextiles, space geomechanics, etc. P, 340 or consent of instructor. May be
convened with 544.
452. Engineering Surveys (3) CDT Solar and Polaris observations;
mineral, public, and private land surveys; route surveying, curves, and
earthwork; triangulation, photogrammetry, and modern engineering surveys. 2R,
3L. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, 251. May be convened with 552.
455. Irrigation Engineering (3) (Identical with ABE 455, which is home).
May be convened with 555.
458. Drainage of Irrigated Lands (3) (Identical with ABE 458, which is
home). May be convened with 558.
462. Bituminous Materials (3) Manufacture and evaluation tests for the
control of bituminous materials used in highway construction and maintenance.
2R, 3L. 0.5ES, 2.5ED. P, 340 or consult department before enrolling. May be
convened with 562.
463. Traffic Engineering (3) Methods for the efficient and safe
operation of transport facilities through analysis of capacity, safety, speed,
parking, and volume data. 3ED. P, 360. May be convened with 563.
464. Airport Planning and Design (3) Location, analysis and design of
airports and airport facilities, including aircraft characteristics, site
selection, configuration, capacity, access and terminals. Field trips. 3ED. P,
360. May be convened with 564.
465. Project Planning and Modeling (3) Use of systems analysis in
contemporary planning, including consideration of social, environmental and
physical constraints; study of general and special purpose manual and
computer-based simulation and gaming as an engineering and planning tool. 0.5ES,
2.5ED. P, senior standing in civil engineering or consult with department. May
be convened with 565.
468. Urban Transportation Planning (3) CDT Transportation planning in
relation to urban development; techniques and procedures for developing
long-range regional plans. 3ED. P, 360 or consult department before enrolling.
(Identical with PLAN 468). May be convened with 568.
478. Introduction to Hazardous Wastes (3) (Identical with CHEE 478,
which is home). May be convened with 578.
484. Fundamentals of Industrial and Environmental Health (3) (Identical
with OSH 484, which is home). May be convened with 584.
487. Advanced Industrial and Environmental Health (3) (Identical with
OSH 487, which is home). May be convened with 587.
497. Seminar
w. Advanced Cadastral Survey (1-4) (Identical with RNR 497w, which is home).
May be convened with 597w.
Writing-Emphasis Course. P, Satisfaction of the upper-division
writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in the
Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this manual).
502. Introduction to Finite Element Methods (3) For a description of
course topics see 402. Graduate-level requirements include research on a single
aspect of the finite element method. P, 302. (Identical with E M 502). May be
convened with 402.
503. Subsurface Fluid Dynamics (3) (Identical with HWR 503, which is
504. Numerical Methods in Subsurface Hydrology (4) (Identical with HWR
504, which is home).
510. Probability in Civil Engineering (3) For a description of course
topics see 410. Graduate-level requirements include a project paper. May be
convened with 410.
517. Mechanics of Materials II (3) For a description of course topics
see 417. Graduate-level requirements include a research report on a special
problem. P, 217. May be convened with 417.
523. Hydrology (3) For a description of course topics see 423.
Graduate-level requirements include a project paper. P, 321. (Identical with HWR
523 and AR L 523). May be convened with 423.
524. Hydraulic Engineering Design (3) For a description of course topics
see 424. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper and/or a design
project. P, 322. May be convened with 424.
525. Water Quality Modeling (3) Deterministic and stochastic modeling of
surface water systems with particular emphasis on water quality management
functions. Applications and modifications of Streeter-Phelps technique for
predicting oxygen levels in streams. P, 321. (Identical with HWR 525).
526. Water Quality Management (3) (Identical with HWR 526, which is
527. Computer Applications in Hydraulics (3) For a description of course
topics see 427. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper or project.
1ES, 2ED. (Identical with HWR 527). May be convened with 427.
528. Introduction to Coastal Engineering (3) For a description of course
topics see 428. Graduate-level requirements include a term paper. May be
convened with 428.
532. Advanced Structural Design in Steel (3) For a description of course
topics see 432. Graduate-level requirements include a comprehensive design
project. P, 336. May be convened with 432.
533. Plastic Analysis and Design (3) Material and member behavior to
full plastification; redistribution of forces; plastic design of continuous
beams and frames; influence of axial and shear forces; deflections and
rotations; alternating plasticity; shakedown analysis. P, 432 or consult
department before enrolling.
534. Design of Wood and Masonry Structures (3) For a description of
course topics see 434. Graduate-level requirements include a comprehensive
design project. P, 331, CR 337. May be convened with 434.
536. Prestressed Concrete Structures (3) Behavior, analysis, and design
of statically determinate and indeterminate prestressed concrete structures. P,
537. Advanced Structural Design in Concrete (3) For description of
course topics see 437. Graduate-level requirements may include a research paper
or a comprehensive design project. May be convened with 437.
540. Foundation Engineering (3) For a description of course topics see
440. Graduate-level requirements include the development of computer codes for
the solution of specified foundation problems or an in-depth research paper on a
specific aspect of foundation engineering. P, 340. May be convened with 440.
541. Earth Structures in Geotechnical Engineering (3) For a description
of course topics see 441. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper
and/or a comprehensive design project. P, 340. May be convened with 441.
544. Special Topics in Geomechanics (3) For description of course topics
see 444. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper and/or a
comprehensive design project. May be convened with 444.
547. Seepage and Earth Dams (3) Principles of flow in porous media;
analytical and approximate solutions of confined and unconfined flow; seepage,
erosion, piping and filter design; earth and rock fill dam construction and
design; stability analyses. P, 340.
548. Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering (3) Brief statements
and applications of numerical methods based on closed-form solutions, finite
difference, finite element and boundary element methods for problems involving
soil structure interaction such as piles, retaining walls, group piles,
underground works; seepage; and consolidation. P, 340, 402 or 502.
551. Probabilistic Methods in Geotechnical Engineering (3) Randomness
and probability, properties of probability distri-bution, random walk, normal
distribution, analysis of flow systems, probabilistic theory of stress
distribution, variability of functions, uncertainty and material parameters,
reliability applications in slope stability, bearing capacity, stochastic
processes. P, 340. (Identical with G EN 551).
552. Engineering Surveys (3) CDT For a description of course topics see
452. Graduate-level requirements include a comprehensive surveying project. P,
251. May be convened with 452.
555. Irrigation Engineering (3) P, C E 321 or A ME 331. (Identical with
ABE 555, which is home). May be convened with 455.
558. Drainage of Irrigated Lands (3) (Identical with ABE 558, which is
home). May be convened with 458.
562. Bituminous Materials (3) For a description of course topics see
462. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper. P, 340, or
consult department before enrolling. May be convened with 462.
563. Traffic Engineering (3) For a description of course topics see 463.
Graduate-level requirements include a research paper or project. P, 360. May be
convened with 463.
564. Airport Planning and Design (3) For a description of course topics
see 464. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper or project. P,
360. May be convened with 464.
565. Project Planning and Modeling (3) For a description of course
topics see 465. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper or project.
P, senior standing in civil engineering or consult with department. (Identical
with PLAN 565). May be convened with 465.
568. Urban Transportation Planning (3) CDT For a description of course
topics see 468. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper or project.
P, 360 or consult department before enrolling. (Identical with PLAN 568). May be
convened with 468.
573. Biodegradation of Hazardous Organic Compounds (2-3) (Identical with
CHEE 573, which is home).
574. Environmental Transport Processes (3) (Identical with CHEE 574,
which is home).
577. The Physiological Bases of Microbial Treatment Processes (3)
(Identical with CHEE 577, which is home).
578. Introduction to Hazardous Wastes (3) (Identical with CHEE 578,
which is home). May be convened with 478.
584. Fundamentals of Industrial and Environmental Health (3) (Identical
with OSH 586, which is home). May be convened with 486.
587. Advanced Industrial and Environmental Health (3) (Identical with
OSH 587, which is home). May be convened with 487.
596. Seminar
a. Research Topics (1) [Rpt./2] (Identical with E M 596a).
597. Seminar
w. Advanced Cadastral Survey (1-4) (Identical with RNR 597w). May be convened
with 497w.
621. Sediment Transportation (3) Erosion, transportation and deposition
of sediments by flowing water; sediment properties and their measurement; bed
load and suspended load movement; river behavior and control. P, 321.
622. Open Channel Flow (3) Continuity, energy and momentum principles
applied to unsteady flow in open channels. Numerical solutions of kinematic,
diffusion and dynamic waves. Applications to dam break problem, overland flow
and border irrigation. P, 322 or consult department before enrolling.
623. Flow through Hydraulic Structures (3) Subcritical and supercritical
flow through culverts, bridges, spillways, stilling basins, transitions, bends;
hydrologic effects on inflow; pumps and turbines. P, 322.
624. Planning and Design of Multipurpose Water Resources Projects (3)
Design of water resource systems for surface water supply, flood control,
hydropower and navigation, either as single purpose or as multipurpose projects;
brief review of environmental, economic and legal aspects. Field trips. P, 321,
423 or 523.
632. Infrastructure Rehabilitation (3) Status of infrastructure and
causes of deterioration of constructed facilities. Strengthening of bridges and
buildings. Application of advanced modern materials such as fiber composites in
new structures and for rehabilitation of existing structures. P, 331, 336, 337.
633. Reinforced Concrete Members (3) Inelastic behavior of beams and
columns; short- and long-term beam deflections; combined bending, shear, and
torsion in beams; behavior under load reversals; analysis and design of beam to
column connections and shear walls. P, 437 or departmental approval.
637. Soil-Structure Interaction (3) Definition of soil-structure
interaction, static and dynamic loading, analytic and computer solutions, two
and three dimensional structure foundation combinations. P, 340, 548 or consent
of instructor.
640. Advanced Soil Mechanics (3) Site investigation and in situ testing;
shear strength of sands and clays; interpretation of laboratory test results;
consolidation theory: one-dimensional infinitesimal and finite strain; slope
stability. P, 340.
641. Advanced Foundation Engineering (3) Shallow foundations, pile
foundations, sheetpiles, bulkheads. P, 340.
645. Geoenvironmental Engineering (3) Interaction of environmental and
geo-technology; physiochemical properties and mechanism of pollutant transport;
effects on soil and foundation behavior and ground water, analytical and
numerical modelling, design of geotechnical structures and waste contaminant
systems; P, 340, 544 or consent of instructor.
646. Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations (3) Soil behavior under
dynamic loads, measurement of dynamic soil properties, soil liquefaction, wave
propagation through soils, vibration analysis of shallow and deep foundations,
machine foundation design. Case histories and rehabilitation. P, 640.
648. Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials (3) Statement of axioms
of continuum mechanics. Strain, stress and nonlinear behavior. Laboratory
testing including hyperelasticity, hypoelasticity, rate type models, plasticity
review, hardening, volume change and dilatancy, softening, inherent and induced
anisotropy, laboratory testing and implementation. P, E M 505, 603, or consult
department before enrolling. (Identical with E M 648).
661. Structural Design of Flexible Pavements (3) Analysis of loads,
stresses, material characteristics, and environmental factors for the
theoretical and practical design, construction and maintenance of pavements. P,
340, 361.
662. Structural Design of Rigid Pavements (3) Analysis of loads,
stresses, material characteristics, and environmental factors for the
theoretical and practical design, construction and maintenance of these
pavements. P, 340, 361.
664. Transportation Economics (3) Economic analysis of transport
projects, including rural and urban roadways, control systems, and mass transit;
discussion of environmental and financial factors. P, 463 or 563.
665. Quick Response Transportation Planning Methods (3) Quick response
transportation tools for subarea, problem and policy analysis, and strategic
planning in the urban setting. (Identical with PLAN 665).
666. Highway Geometric Design (3) Study of geometric elements of streets
and highways, with emphasis on analysis and design for safety. P, 463 or 563.
667. Traffic Operations and Safety (3) Application of traffic control
devices for street and highways, design of traffic control systems, analysis and
management of highway traffic, evaluation of safety. P, 463 or 563.
668. Urban Public Transportation Systems (3) Development, operation,
management, financing, evaluation and travel demand estimation for urban public
transportation systems. (Identical with PLAN 668).
673. Advances in Water and Waste Reclamation and Reuse (2) (Identical
with CHEE 673, which is home).
675. Wastewater Treatment (3) (Identical with CHEE 675, which is home).
676. Advanced Water Treatment System Design (3) (Identical with CHEE
676, which is home).