325. Faunal Analysis from
Europe, Asia and Africa (3) (Identical with ANTH 325, which is home).
329. Art History of the Cinema
(3) Survey of major artistic movements, including academicism, expressionism, cubism, and
surrealism, and their influence on film in Germany, Italy, America, and France. (Identical
with ARH 329, TAR 329).
334. Art and Archaeology of
Ancient Egypt (3) Art and archaeology of the Egyptian civilization from the beginning
of the Pharaonic Period to the Alexandrian Age. (Identical with ARH 334 and ANTH 334).
340A -
340B -. Introduction to
Classical Art and Archaeology (3-3) An archaeological history of Greece and Italy
through the study of major excavations and monuments, with emphasis on cultural
developments and relationships. 340a is not prerequisite to 340b. (Identical with ANTH
340a-340b and ARH 340a-340b).
341. Ancient Greek Monuments
(3) [Rpt./2] Firsthand study of the monuments and material culture (sculpture, vase
painting, minor arts, etc.) of the ancient Greeks; reading from history, philosophy and
literature in English translation. Five-week tour in Greece.
355. Ancient Egyptian
Architecture (3) Architecture of ancient Egypt with special emphasis on its
relationship to the social, religious and political needs of the culture. May include a
two-week study tour in Egypt following the end of the semester.
443A -
443B -. Archaeology of Neolithic
and Bronze Age Greece (3-3) History, art and culture of prehistoric Greece through the
study of archaeological excavation and artifacts. 443a: emphasizes the "Minoan"
culture of Crete. 443b: emphasizes the Mycenaean culture of the Greek mainland. 443a is
not prerequisite to 443b. (Identical with ANTH 443a-443b). May be convened with 543a-543b.
Writing-Emphasis Course.*
452. Etruscan Art and
Archaeology (3) Surveys the art and archaeology of the Etruscans between the 7th and
1st centuries BC P, 340b or consent of instructor. (Identical with ARH 452). May be
convened with 552.
453. Research Methods in
Classical Archaeology (3) [Rpt./1] Analysis of various methods of research in
classical archaeology emphasizing the critical use of source material, the development of
independent thought and the production of the finished, written product. P, 340a or 340b.
May be convened with 553. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
454. Greek and Roman Sculpture
(3) A survey of the development of classical sculpture from the eighth century B.C. to
circa 300 A.D. P, 340a-340b. (Identical with ARH 454). May be convened with 554.
456. Greek and Roman Painting
(3) Greek vase painting from the Dipylon vases of the geometric period in Athens to the
Orientalizing animal styles of Corinth and the black and red figured Attic style. Also,
survey of ancient Roman painting and mosaics. P, 340a-340b. (Identical with ARH 456). May
be convened with 556.
457. Greek Architecture (3)
A survey of the architecture and architects of Greece from the Bronze Age through the
Hellenistic period including such sites as Mycenae, Pylos, Delphi, Athens and Corinth. P,
340a-340b. (Identical with ARH 457). May be convened with 557.
458. Greek and Roman Provincial
Archaeology (3) Survey of classical archaeology in ancient Tunisia, Cyprus, Portugal
and Turkey. P, 340a or 340b. May be convened with 558.
461. Greek Pottery 1200-400 B.C.
(3) The development of Greek pottery from the collapse of the Mycenaean empire to the
close of the classical period. Special attention to shapes, decoration, function, and
artistic and technical skills. (Identical with ARH 461). May be convened with 561.
463. Classical Field Archaeology
(6) [Rpt./1] Field training and lecture program for students beginning in archaeology;
includes trench supervision, stratigraphy, locus theory, and oral and written reports on
field techniques. Offered on several archaeological sites in the Mediterranean area. P,
consult department before enrolling. (Identical with ANTH 463). May be convened with 563.
474. Archaeometry: Scientific
Methods in Art and Archaeology (3) (Identical with ANTH 474, which is home). May be
convened with 574.
481. Archaic Greek Sanctuaries
(3) Archaeology of the sanctuary sites from the Archaic Period in Greece, both those which
became panhellenic and those associated with individual states. Relationships between the
polis and the local sanctuary. May be convened with 581.
484. Roman Art and Architecture
(3) The origin and development of Italian art and architecture from Etruscan beginnings
through the Republic to the late Empire. P, ARH 117, 118, or 6 units of ancient history.
(Identical with ARH 484). May be convened with 584.
*Writing-Emphasis Courses. P, Satisfaction of the upper-division writing-proficiency
requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in the Academic Policies and
Graduation Requirements section of this manual).
543A -
543B -. Archaeology of Neolithic
and Bronze Age Greece (3-3) [Rpt./1] For a description of course topics see 443a-434b.
Graduate-level requirements include extensive reading and an in-depth paper. 543a is not
prerequisite to 543b. (Identical with ANTH 543a-543b). May be convened with 443a-443b.
552. Etruscan Art and
Archaeology (3) For a description of course topics see 452. Graduate-level
requirements include extensive reading and an in-depth paper. P, 340b or consent of
instructor. (Identical with ARH 552). May be convened with 452.
553. Research Methods in
Classical Archaeology (3) [Rpt./1] For a description of course topics see 453.
Graduate-level requirements include a 25-page written paper and oral presentation. May be
convened with 453.
554. Greek and Roman Sculpture
(3) For a description of course topics see 454. Graduate-level requirements include
extensive reading and an in-depth paper. P, 340a-340b. (Identical with ARH 554). May be
convened with 454.
556. Greek and Roman Painting
(3) For a description of course topics see 456. Graduate-level requirements include
extensive reading and an in-depth paper. P, 340a-340b. (Identical with ARH 556). May be
convened with 456.
557. Greek Architecture (3)
For a description of course topics see 457. Graduate-level requirements include extensive
reading and an in-depth paper. P, 340a-340b. (Identical with ARH 557). May be convened
with 457.
558. Greek and Roman Provincial
Archaeology (3) For a description of course topics see 458. Graduate-level
requirements include extensive reading and an in-depth paper. P, 340a or 340b. May be
convened with 458.
561. Greek Pottery 1200-400 B.C.
(3) For a description of course topics see 461. Graduate-level requirements include
extensive readings and an in-depth paper. (Identical with ARH 561) May be convened with
563. Classical Field Archaeology
(6) [Rpt./1] For a description of course topics see 463. Graduate-level requirements
include extensive reading and an in-depth paper. May be convened with 463.
564. Topics in Ancient
Mediterranean Archaeology (3) [Rpt./1] Research papers and oral presentations on
different aspects of Greek and Roman archaeology; preparation in writing scholarly
articles for refereed journals. P, 340a or 340b.
574. Archaeometry: Scientific
Methods in Art and Archaeology (3) (Identical with ANTH 574, which is home). May be
convened with 474.
581. Archaic Greek Sanctuaries
(3) For a description of course topics see 481. Graduate-level requirements include
extensive readings and an in-depth paper. May be convened with 481.
584. Roman Art and Architecture
(3) For a description of course topics see 484. Graduate-level requirements include
extensive reading and an in-depth paper. P, ARH 117, 118, or 6 units of ancient history.
(Identical with ARH 584). May be convened with 484.
587. Testing and Evaluation in
Foreign/Second Language Programs (3) (Identical with GER 587, which is home).
115. The Study of English Words
(3) Vocabulary building through the systematic study of English words derived from Latin
and Greek. Readings in translation.
126. Greek Mythology I (3)
The myths, legends, and folktales of the Greeks and their origins. All readings in
English. (Identical with RELI 126).
130. Ancient Athletics (3)
Comparative study of ancient and modern athletics in their cultural contexts. Readings in
English translation.
150. In the Beginnings (3)
Investigations of the first 10,000 years of "Western" tradition in which the
great civilizations of the Near East and North Africa produced the roots of what was to
reach fruition in the Classical world.
195. Colloquium
a. Encounters with Greco-Roman Antiquity (1) [Rpt./1]
204. Ancient History: Greek
History (3) (Identical with HIST 204, which is home).
205. Ancient History: Roman
History (3) (Identical with HIST 205, which is home).
220. Classical Tradition I
(3) Surveys western civilization from the Greco-Roman perspective, beginning before the
Greeks and Romans, investigating the origins of their cultures, and proceeding through
Greece and Rome to the Middle Ages.
221. Classical Tradition II
(3) Surveys western civilization from the Greco-Roman perspective, covering the classical
tradition from the Middle Ages to the present. 220 is not prerequisite to 221.
230. Literacy and Literature in
the Ancient Near East (3) Examination of the reasons for the invention of writing c.
3,000 B.C.; survey of the civilizations of the ancient Near East (Sumerians, Egyptians,
Hebrews, etc.) in terms of their religion, law, literature, ethics, etc.
250A -
250B -. Classical Literature in
Translation (3-3) Historical survey of the major authors and works of ancient Greece
and Rome. 250a: From Homer to the Greek novel. 250b: Roman literature of the Republican
period and the early Empire. 250a is not prerequisite to 250b.
260. Ancient Philosophy (3)
(Identical with PHIL 260, which is home).
285. Introduction to Humanities
Computing (3) (Identical with GER 285, which is home).
305. Greek and Roman Religion
(3) Religious beliefs and cult practices in ancient Greece and Rome. All readings in
English. (Identical with RELI 305).
306. The Transformation of a
Society: Christianity in the Greco-Roman World (3) Investigates the emergence of
Christianity in the first four centuries of the Greco-Roman milieu. (Identical with RELI
326. Greek Mythology II
(2-4) [Rpt./9 units] An intermediate examination of Greco-Roman mythology which focuses on
source materials or the influences of classical myths.
330. Women in Antiquity (3)
Women in literature, archaeology and history from the Bronze Age to the Roman Empire.
(Identical with HUMS 330 and W S 330). Writing-Emphasis Course.*
335. Roman Empire: Rulers and
Ruled (3) Topics in multiculturalism: transformation of the Roman empire by diverse
individuals and peoples all over the Mediterranean basin; centered on the second C.E.
339. Beginnings of Animal
Domestication (3) (Identical with ANTH 339, which is home).
342. Homer (3) A study of
the Homeric poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey. All readings in English.
345. Ancient Cosmology (3)
Investigation of ancient Greek concepts of the universe, with emphasis on theories
regarding nature, matter, and the soul. All readings in English.
346. Classical Greek Tragedy
(3) Readings in ancient Greek tragedy in translation. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
348. Myth and Archetype (3)
An investigation of modern psychological theories and their relevance to ancient Greek and
Roman myths. All readings in English. P, 126 (Identical with RELI 348).
396H . Honors Proseminar (3)
403A -
403B -. History of Greece
(3-3) (Identical with HIST 403a-403b, which is home).
404A -
404B -. History of Rome
(3-3) (Identical with HIST 404a-404b, which is home).
470. Greek Philosophy (3)
[Rpt./1] (Identical with PHIL 470). May be convened with 570.
472A -
472B -. Ancient Philosophy
(3) [Rpt.] (Identical with PHIL 472a-472b, which is home). May be convened with 572a-572b.
488. History of Byzantium
(3) (Identical with HIST 488). May be convened with 588.
510A -
510B -. Classical Philology (1-1)
Introduction to the various disciplines of classical scholarship: philology, textual
criticism, paleography, papyrology, archaeology.
570. Greek Philosophy (3)
[Rpt./1] (Identical with PHIL 570, which is home). May be convened with 470.
572A -
572B -. Ancient Philosophy
(3) [Rpt.] (Identical with PHIL 572a-572b, which is home). May be convened with 472a-472b.
585. Linguistic and
Computer-Assisted Approaches to Literature (3) [Rpt./6 units] (Identical with GER 585,
which is home). May be convened with 485.
588. History of Byzantium
(3) (Identical with HIST 588, which is home). May be convened with 488.
596. Seminar
a. Topics in Greek or Roman Literature, History or Archaeology (3) [Rpt./30 units]
695. Colloquium
f. Advanced Studies in Ancient History (3) [Rpt./5] (Identical with HIST 695f, which is