201. Elements of Chemical Engineering (3) Chemical engineering
calculations and principles of energy and material behavior. 2ES, 2ED. P, CHEM 103a-103b,
104a-104b, MATH 124/125a, ENGR 102, 170.
202. Introductory Engineering Analysis (3) Analytical and
numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations; application of mathematical and
numerical procedures to solution of chemical engineering problems. 1 ED. P, MATH 223, ENGR
102, 170.
203. Chemical Engineering Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (3) Theory
and calculations in the unit operations of fluid flow, heat transfer, and evaporation.
1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, 201.
303. Chemical Engineering Mass Transfer (3) Theory and practice in
the unit operations of distillation, gas absorption, extraction, drying, and filtration.
1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, 201, 203.
304. Chemical Engineering Operations Laboratory (3) Laboratory
investigation of process equipment. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, 201, 203, 303.
305. Chemical Engineering Transport Phenomena (3) Theory and
calculations pertaining to fundamental transport processes. 3ES. P, 201, 402.
307. Chemical Engineering Science Laboratory (3) Practical
verification of fundamental principles of thermodynamics, kinetics, and transport
phenomena. 3ES. P, 201, 304, 305, 326; CR, 420.
316. General Thermodynamics (2) Properties and equations for
solids, liquids, gases and vapors; first law energy balance; second law entropy balance;
heat cycles, compressors, engines. 2ES. P, 201, CR, CHEM 480a.
326. Chemical and Physical Equilibrium (3) Applications of
thermodynamics to equilibrium processes; chemical and physical equilibrium in
multicomponent systems. 3ES. P, 316, CHEM 480a.
370. Water Supply and Wastewater Systems (3) CDT Design of water
distribution and wastewater collection systems and fundamental principles of unit
treatment processes. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, 203 or C E 321. (Identical with C E 370).
371. Water and Wastewater Treatment Process (3) Analysis of
processes controlling water quality and the design of water, wastewater and recycle
treatment systems. 1ES, 2ED. P, 370. (Identical with C E 371).
402. Intermediate Engineering Analysis (3) Solution of complex
chemical engineering problems utilizing both analytical and numerical techniques. 1.5ES.
P, MATH 254, CH E 202, CR, 303.
413. Process Control and Simulation (3) Theory of automatic
control as applied to elementary chemical engineering processes. Use of continuous system
simulation languages for study of practical control problems in the process industries.
1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, CR, 402.
418. Physiology for Engineers (4) (Identical with PSIO 418, which
is home).
419. Physiology Laboratory (2) (Identical with PSIO 419, which is
420. Chemical Reaction Engineering (3) Application of
thermodynamic and kinetic fundamentals to the analysis and design of chemical reactors.
1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, 201, 326. May be convened with 520.
421. Topics in Real-Time Computing (3) Introduction to
microcomputer- and minicomputer-based real-time computing for data acquisition and process
control. Includes study of various languages and operating systems. 2R, 3L. 1.5ES, 1.5ED.
May be convened with 521.
422. Chemical Engineering Industrial Methods (2) Practical aspects
of design and manufacturing methods in the chemical process industry; management of
personnel problems. 2ED. P, 304.
435. Corrosion and Degradation (3) (Identical with MSE 435, which
is home). May be convened with 535.
442. Chemical Engineering Design Principles (3) Preliminary
economic, environmental, safety and design principles associated with chemical process
equipment. 3ED. P, 201, 203, 303, 304, 305; CR, 420.
443. Chemical Engineering Plant Design (3) Design project from
scoping and process selection, through material and energy balances, equipment design and
sizing, safety and environmental considerations, to economic analysis of capital cost and
operating expense. 3ED. P, 442.
451. Chemical and Physical Fundamentals of Air Pollution (3) Study
of the kinetics, transport phenomena and phase equilibria of urban air pollution problems.
3ES. P, 305, 420, or consult with department. May be convened with 551.
453. Space Manufacturing (3) Basics of producing high value added
materials in microgravity, as well as commodities for use in space from extraterrestrial
resources. May be convened with 553.
454. Law for Engineers/Scientists (3) Topics covered in this
course include patents, trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights, product liability
contracts, business entities, employment relations and other legal matters important to
engineers and scientists. (Identical with ENGR 454). May be convened with 554.
460. Aerosol Science and Engineering (3) Physics, chemistry,
mechanics and optics of aerosol particles. Topics include formation, dynamics, nucleation
and growth, coagulation, scattering and absorption of radiation, deposition and aerosol
technology. (Identical with ATMO 460 and ECE 460). May be convened with 560.
469A -
469B -. 469a: Air Pollution I (3) 469b: Air
Pollution II (3) (Identical with ATMO 469a-469b). May be convened with 569a-569b.
478. Introduction to Hazardous Wastes (3) Management, planning,
legal and engineering aspects of liquid and solid hazardous waste treatment and disposal.
2ES, 1ED. P, 370 or consult department before enrolling. (Identical with C E 478). May be
convened with 578.
480. Bioseparation Techniques for Engineers (3) Methods of
separation for purification of bioprocess products - amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids,
carbohydrates, lipids, cells. 3ES. P, CHEM 243a-243b. May be convened with 580.
481. Bioreactor Engineering (3) Introduction to biotechnology;
chemistry of microorganisms; design of bioreactors to include cellular and enzyme reactors
of all types; transport phenomena and control of bioreactors; instrumentation and
measurement in bioreactors. 3ES. P, MATH 254, CHEM 241a, CHEM 480a. May be convened with
494. Practicum
a. Senior Project (1-3)
502. Advanced Engineering Analysis (3) Process modeling
techniques, residence time distribution theory, dynamics of distributed parameter systems,
nonlinear parameter estimation. P, 402.
505. Advanced Chemical Engineering Transport Phenomena (3)
Momentum, energy and mass transport in continua, solution of multidimensional laminar flow
problems, turbulence, boundary layer theory. P, 305.
506. Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (3) Advanced
applications of First and Second Laws, nonideal gases and liquids and their mixtures,
principles of chemical equilibrium, and molecular theory. P, 326.
520. Chemical Reaction Engineering (3) For a description of course
topics see 420. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper on a
current topic. May be convened with 420.
514. Particulate Processes (3) Dispersed-phase dynamics,
population balances, particle growth kinetics, birth-death functions, phase space particle
distributions, suspended-phase reactors, crystallization, and comminution.
521. Topics in Real-Time Computing (3) For a description of course
topics see 421. Graduate-level requirements include a special project. May be convened
with 421.
530. Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering (3) Kinetics of
heterogeneous reaction systems, nonideal flow reactor models, reactor stability, analysis
of industrial reactors. P, 420.
532. Solid-Fluid Reactions (3) Characterization of solid
structural properties; principles of heterogeneous reactions involving a fluid and a
reacting solid. P, 326 and 420, or MSE 450R and 412. (Identical with MSE 532).
535. Corrosion and Degradation (3) (Identical with MSE 535, which
is home). May be convened with 435.
548. Combustion Generated Air Pollution (3) (Identical with A ME
548, which is home).
551. Chemical and Physical Fundamentals of Air Pollution (3) For a
description of course topics see 451. Graduate-level requirements include a special
project. P, 305, 420, or consult with department. May be convened with 451.
553. Space Manufacturing (3) For course topics see 453. Graduate
requirements include an additional paper. May be convened with 453.
554. Law for Engineers/Scientists (3) For a description of course
topics see 454. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper on a
current topic. (Identical with ENGR 554). May be convened with 454.
560. Aerosol Science and Engineering (3) For a description of
course topics see 460. Graduate-level requirements include a special project. (Identical
with ATMO 560 and ECE 560). May be convened with 460.
569A -
569B -. 569a: Air Pollution I (3) 569b: Air
Pollution II (3) (Identical with ATMO 569a-569b). May be convened with 469a-469b.
573. Biodegradation of Hazardous Organic Compounds (2-3) Chemical
and microbiological considerations which affect the thermodynamics and kinetics of
transformations of hazardous organic compounds in treatment facilities and in natural
settings. 1 or 2R, 3L. P, 577, or consult with department. (Identical with C E 573).
574. Environmental Transport Processes (3) Engineering concerns in
toxic and hazardous waste management with focus on aspects of chemical transport between
air, water and soil systems, and microbial degradation processes in natural and engineered
environment. (Identical with C E 574).
577. The Physiological Bases of Microbial Treatment Processes (3)
Principles of bacterial physiology including morphology, metabolism and genetics.
Applications of importance to waste treatment and environmental quality. P, 370, or
consult with department. (Identical with C E 577).
578. Introduction to Hazardous Wastes (3) For a description of
course topics see 478. Graduate-level requirements include a report on an in-depth review
of interdisciplinary aspects of an existing project (with a non-university project
engineer). P, 370, or consult department before enrolling. (Identical with CHEE 578). May
be convened with 478.
580. Bioseparation Techniques for Engineers (3) For a description
of course topics see 480. Graduate-level requirements include a special project. P, CHEM
243a-243b. May be convened with 480.
581. Bioreactor Engineering (3) For a description of course topics
see 481. Graduate-level requirements include a special project. P, MATH 254, CHEM 241a,
CHEM 480a. May be convened with 481.
583. Remote Sensing Instrumentation and Techniques (3) (Identical
with ECE 583, which is home).
605. Advanced Mass Transport Theory (3) Theoretical aspects of
binary and multicomponent systems utilizing penetration, surface renewal, and boundary
layer transport concepts. P, 505.
671. Rheology of Polymers and Slurries (3) Non-Newtonian flow,
measurement of rheology, polymer flow modeling, concentrated slurry flow in rheometry and
extrusion. P, 470.
673. Advances in Water and Waste Reclamation and Reuse (2) Theory,
application, and evaluation of currently developing techniques in water and waste
reclamation and reuse. P, 675. (Identical with C E 673).
675. Wastewater Treatment (3) Theoretical and applied principles
of aerobic and anaerobic wastewater treatment systems. P, 370. (Identical with C E 675).
676. Advanced Water Treatment System Design (3) Design and
operation of water treatment plants; physicochemical treatment processes for potable water
production. (Identical with C E 676).
696. Seminar
a. Chemical Engineering (1) [Rpt./6]
b. Combustion (1) [Rpt./6]
c. Kinetics (1) [Rpt./6]
d. Pollution Control (1) [Rpt./6]
e. Crystallization (1 to 3) [Rpt./6]
f. Fluid Mechanics (1) [Rpt./6]
g. Biomedical (1) [Rpt./6]
h. New Developments (1) [Rpt./6]
i. Environmental Engineering (1) [Rpt./6]