125. Critical Concepts in Western Culture (3) [Rpt./9 units]
analyzes concepts in art, literature, and other cultural forms that have shaped western
ideology. Juxtaposes traditional and nontraditional, elite and popular, western and
nonwestern materials. (Identical with ENGL 215).
195. Colloquium
a. Encounters in Cultural Studies (1) Interpretations of culture, in its broadest
sense, from local to global perspectives. Topics vary.
205. Introduction to Feminist Literary Theory (3) (Identical with
W S 205, which is home).
248A -
248B -. Introduction to Folklore (3-3) (Identical with ENGL
248a-248b, which is home).
449. Folklore (3) (Identical with ENGL 449, which is home).
462. Linguistics and the Study of Literature (3) (Identical with
ENGL 462, which is home). May be convened with 562.
486. Topics in American Literature (3) (Identical with ENGL 486,
which is home).
503. Introduction to Comparative Cultural and Literary Studies (3)
Strategies of interpretation taught through practical critique. Expand
course number to: 503a-503b. Spring '98.
503A -
503B -. Introduction to Comparative Cultural and Literary Studies (3)
Strategies of interpretation taught through practical critique. (3-3) P, 503a is
prerequisite to 503b.
549A -
549B -. Folklore (3-3) (Identical with ENGL 549a-549b, which is
550. Modern Theories of Cultural Studies (3) [Rpt./12 units]
Focuses on key topics, issues and theorists in cultural studies. Subject varies.
(Identical with ENGL 550 and W S 550).
562. Linguistics and the Study of Literature (3) (Identical with
ENGL 562, which is home). May be convened with 462.
596. Seminar
g. Comparative Literature (3) [Rpt./2] (Identical with ENGL 596g, which is home).
696. Seminar
a. Theory and Criticism (3) [Rpt./4] (Identical with MAR 696a, which is home).