505. Eukaryotic DNA Replication (3) [Rpt./1] Molecular and
biochemical aspects of DNA replication in mammalian cells will be described in conjunction
with discussions of recent journal articles on selected topics. Includes the regulation of
S phase within the eukaryotic cell cycle; nuclear organization during DNA synthesis; DNA
replication enzymes; viral, yeast and embryo models of DNA replication; the initiation of
DNA replication; DNA replication origins and the reconstitution of DNA replication
complexes. P, BIOC 462b. (Identical with BIOC 505, MCB 505, and MBIM 505).
515. Basic Human Pathology (4) Identical with PATH 515, which is
550. Drug Disposition and Metabolism (2) (Identical with PHCL 550,
which is home).
551. Molecular Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis (3) Physical and
chemical carcinogenesis. Special emphasis will be upon molecular aspects of the
interaction of the carcinogenic agents with mammalian cells and the subsequent mutagenic
and metabolic consequences of such interactions. The topics of oncogene activation and
tumor suppressor gene inactivation induced by carcinogens during multi-stage
carcinogenesis will be emphasized. The molecular biology techniques used in the study of
carcinogenesis will also be covered. P, consult program before enrolling. (Identical with
MBIM 551 and RONC 551).
555. Cancer Therapeutics (3) Fundamental biological aspects of
physical, chemical and biological therapies for cancer. (Identical with CBA 555, MEDI 555,
MBIM 555 and RONC 555).
560. Clinical Cancer Biology (1) Explores three areas of clinical
cancer biology: Cancer Diagnosis and Pathology, Radiation and Surgical Oncology, and
Medical Oncology. A practical experience for non-medical students investigating the
problems of clinical cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and medical management. One
on one interaction of the students with practicing physician specialists in selected areas
of oncology. A minimum of sixteen hours of experience will be provided. Enrollment is
limited to three students. P, consent of instructor.
562. Tumor Immunology (3) (Identical with MBIM 562, which is
589. Cancer Genetics (3) [Rpt.] Understanding of correlations of
molecular biology/chromosomal change in human cancer and the role of genetic change in
progression and metastasis of cancer. P, ECOL 320, MCB 320. (Identical with GENE 589, MBIM
589, MCB 589).
595. Colloquium
a. Oncogenes and Signal Transduction (1) [Rpt./2] Open to graduate students in
biological discipline, exceptionally qualified undergraduates (Identical with BIOC 595a,
which is home).
596. Seminar
h. Cancer Biology Series (1) (Identical with RONC 596h). Add
repeatability: [Rpt./2]. Spring '98
i. Principles in Cellular and Molecular Cardiovascular Biology (3) [Rpt./6 units]
(Identical with SURG 596i)
602A -
602B. Biotoxicology (3) (Identical with PCOL 602a-602b, which is
681. Introduction to Cancer Biology Research (2-1) Supervised
research experience in the laboratories of individual faculty members. Add repeatability: [Rpt./2]. Spring '98
889. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics (3) For a description of
course topics see 589.