510. Biology for
Biomedical Engineering (3) Basic biological principles governing cellular processes
and links to applications in medicine, engineering and applied sciences.
511. Physiology for
Biomedical Engineering (3) Fundamental concepts and principles in physiology relevant
to the field of bioengineering and including a survey of materials necessary for an
understanding of physiological principles. P, 510.
516. Principles of
Biomedical Engineering (3) Designed for BME students, engineering principles governing
the behavior of biomedical systems including solid and fluid mechanics, mass and heat
transport, system dynamics and related mathematical techniques with applications in
biomedical engineering.
517. Measurement and
Data Analysis in Biomedical Engineering (3) Biomedical instrumentation, sensors,
physiological measurements, analog signal processing, digital signal conversion, digital
signal processing, data aquisition, data reduction, statistical treatment of date, and
safety issues. Prerequisite, 516.
597. Workshop
a. Research Methods in Biomedical Engineering (3) [Rpt./9 units]