195. Colloquium
d. Our Future in Space and Space in Our Future (1) Field trips.
230. Thermodynamics (3) Basic laws and examples of engineering
applications of macroscopic thermodynamics; equations of state; reversible and
irreversible processes. 3ES. P, MATH 223, PHYS 241.
250. Dynamics (3) Dynamics of particles and rigid bodies as
applied to mechanical systems; introduction to mechanical vibrations. 3ES. P, C E 214; CR,
MATH 254.
300. Instrumentation Laboratory (3) Basic principles of laboratory
practice and instrumentation; statistical measurement theory including probability
distributions, finite statistics, uncertainty analysis, regression analysis; dynamics of
measurement systems; transducers and signal conditioning circuits. Experiments using basic
laboratory instrumentation on the speed of sound, temperature measurements, and the
dynamic response of first and second order systems. 2R, 3L. 2ES. P, 230, 331, ECE 207.
301. Engineering Analysis (3) Vector analysis, complex variables,
Fourier series, matrices, boundary value problems and applications to current engineering
problems. P, MATH 254.
302. Numerical Methods (3) Introduction to linear algebra;
solution of engineering problems based upon an integrated approach combining numerical
analysis and the use of computers. 2ES. P, 250, C E 217.
320. Aerodynamics (3) Basic equations and their approximation;
potential flow theory; fundamentals of airfoil and wing theory; axisymmetric flows;
application to aerodynamics of wings and bodies. 2ES, 1ED. P, 331; CR, 302.
321. Aircraft Performance (3) Properties of the atmosphere,
concepts in airflow and propulsion, airfoils and wings, airplane performance; energy
methods. 2ES, 1ED. P, 250, 331.
323. Gasdynamics (3) Homentropic flow with area changes, normal
and oblique shocks, one-dimensional flows with friction and heat addition, choking, method
of characteristics, applications. 2ES, 1ED. P, 230, 331, MATH 254.
330. Intermediate Thermodynamics (3) Power systems; nonreacting
and reacting mixtures; heat transfer, design exercises. 2ES, 1ED. P, 230.
331. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (3) Fundamentals of fluid
mechanics with coverage of theory and applications of incompressible viscous and inviscid
flows. Control volume formulation of conservation equations, dimensional analysis, viscous
pipe flow, fluid machinery, boundary layer concepts and drag. 3ES, P, 250, MATH 254.
352. Dynamics of Machines (3) Analysis of motions and forces in
machines, design exercises. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, 250.
400. Senior Mechanical Laboratory (2) Investigations involving
thermal power and mechanical systems. 1R, 3L. 2ES. P, 300. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
401. Senior Aerospace Laboratory (1-3) Laboratory investigations
involving aerodynamic, control, structural, and power systems. 1R, 3L. P, 300, 324, 420.
Writing-Emphasis Course.*
410. Engineering Design (3) Role of design in engineering;
strength design factors, stress and strain analysis, deflection analysis and introduction
to failure and fatigue theory, design of specific machine components. 1ES, 2ED. P, 250, C
E 217.
412A -
412B -. Mechanical Engineering Design (4-4) 412a: Engineering
design process steps, idea generation techniques, optimal design, computer aided design,
hardware issues, electro mechanical systems, fluid power systems, practical aspects of
designings for manufacture and assembly, traditional and non-traditional machining,
forming and fastening techniques. Major design project. 4R, 4L. 4ED. Fee. P, 230; CR, 410,
412b: Construction, testing and evaluation of prototype design; design iteration to arrive
at a final working system. 4R, 4L. 4ED. P, 412a. 412a and 412b must be taken in
consecutive semesters.
416. Material Selection (3) A study of failure in engineering
materials, yielding, fatigue, creep, buckling; an introduction to fracture mechanics and
modern fatigue models; weight and cost considerations. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, C E 217.
420. Aircraft Conceptual Design (3) Student groups develop
conceptual designs for aircraft with specified performance and figures of merit. Design
issues include program organization, configuration, aerodynamics, weights, and
performance. Design groups develop computer flight simulators to evaluate performance.
3ED. P, 320, 321, 323. May be convened with 520.
422. Aerospace Engineering Design (3) Application of engineering
fundamentals, including structural analysis, structural vibrations, aero-elasticity and
finite element methods to aerospace vehicle design project. 3ED. P, 420 or 428. May be
convened with 522.
424. Introduction to Space Technologies (3) The space environment:
vacuum, microgravity, radiation(s), free molecule flow and drag on bodies. Resource
utilization in deep space. Introduction to orbital mechanics. Space transportation,
spacecraft thermal design, automation and robotics, communications, space power, space
structures. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, 323. May be convened with 524.
425. Aerospace Propulsion (3) Basic laws; application to
turbojets, ramjets, fanjets, turbo props and rockets; space flight. 2ES, 1ED. P, 230, 323,
426. Dynamics of Space Flight (3) Two and three body motion; orbit
transfer and interplanetary transfer, space vehicle stability and control. 2ES, 1ED.
427. Stability and Control of Aerospace Vehicles (3) Static and
dynamic stability of rigid and nonrigid vehicles; automatic control of aircraft, missiles
and spacecraft. 2ES, 1ED. P, 321.
428. Space Mission Conceptual Design (3) Introduction to space
mission design and modern tools available to aid the designer. Includes brief case
histories of some of the more successful space missions and design of a mission. 3ED. P,
424. May be convened with 528.
431. Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer (3)
Development of numerical techniques for the solution of ordinary and partial differential
equations that arise in heat transfer and fluid mechanics; classification of equations,
methods of solutions, examples. 3ES. P, 302, 331. May be convened with 531.
432. Heat Transfer (3) Study of conduction, convection and
radiation heat transfer, with applications to engineering problems. 1ED, 2ES. P, 230, 331.
433. Power Systems Analysis (3) Fundamentals of fluid mechanics
covering properties of fluids, fluid statics, dynamics of incompressible viscous and
inviscid flows, control volume formulations of continuity, momentum and energy equations,
dimensional analysis, viscous pipe flow, boundary layers and drag. 3ES. P, 250, MATH 223,
MATH 254.
440. Energy Utilization and Management (3) Methods for evaluating
the technical and economic aspects of energy conversion and usage directed toward the
effective utilization of resources, including economics, HVAC systems, electric power,
lighting and industrial processes. 2ES, 1ED. (Identical with NEE 440). May be convened
with 540.
442. HVAC System Design (3) Computer analysis and design of air
conditioning systems for commercial and industrial buildings, including equipment and
component selection. Energy-efficient concepts and controls will be emphasized. 1ES, 2ED.
P, 230, CR, 331. (Identical with NEE 442). May be convened with 542.
443. Intermediate Fluid Mechanics (3) Basic equations governing
fluid motion. Fundamental solutions to Navier Stokes equations, principles of lubrication
theory, elementary potential flow theory, turbulence, boundary layers, separation and
drag, one-dimensional compressible flow, shock waves, measurement techniques. 2ES, 1ED. P,
445. Renewable Energy Systems (3) Solar radiation intensity and
location; basic concepts of solar thermal processes; collectors; applications for water
heating, active and passive building heating and cooling, industrial processes. Wind
energy fundamentals. Aerodynamic theory of propellers and windmills, optimal blade design
and economics. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, A ME 230, 331, ECE 207. (Identical with NEE 445). May be
convened with 545.
447. Direct Energy Conversion (3) Engineering requirements for
achieving direct conversion of energy to electrical power; the engineering of
thermoelectric and thermionic convertors, fuel cells, magnetohydrodynamic, and
photoelectric systems. 1ES, 1ED. P, 230 or PHYS 142. (Identical with ECE 447). May be
convened with 547.
452. Computer Aided Analysis of Mechanical Systems (3) Kinematic
and dynamic analysis of mechanical systems in planar motion, numerical methods and use of
computer programs in analysis. 2ES, 1ED. P, 302. May be convened with 552.
454. Optimal Control of Parametric Systems (3) Scalar
minimization, vector minimization, continuous static games, matrix games, numerical
techniques and applications. 2ES. 1ED. P, MATH 254. May be convened with 554.
455. Control System Design (3) Mathematical modeling of dynamical
systems, hardware and software issues; computer simulations; classical control methods
including transient response, steady-state errors, bode diagrams, root locus and design of
closed loop control systems; introduction to state feedback design and digital control.
2ES, 1ED. P, 250, 301; CR, 300.
456. Control of Manufacturing Process (3) Modeling and control of
manufacturing processes; mathematical modeling of manufacturing processes including, metal
forming, turning, milling and welding; review of classical control methods; introduction
to nonlinear control systems analysis and simulation; analysis, design and applications of
digital control systems; robotics; hardware and software issues; computer simulations.
1.5ES, 1.5ED. 1R, 2L. P, 250, 300, 301, 412a-412b, 455. May be convened with 556.
460. Mechanical Vibrations (3) Free and forced vibrations of
simple mechanical systems; effects of damping; introduction to multidegree of freedom
systems. 3ES. P, 250, MATH 254.
461. Finite Element Methods (3) Matrix methods for structural
analysis, theory of elasticity, work and strain energy, energy theorems, the finite
element, the assembled structure, programming aspects of the problem, general purpose
programs, application to aerospace structures. 2ES, 1ED. P, 301, C E 217.
462. Composite Materials (3) Classification and characteristics of
composite materials; mechanical behavior of composite materials, micro- and
macro-mechanical behavior of laminae; mechanical behavior of laminates; mechanical
behavior of short fiber composites. 3ES. P, 302, C E 217. May be convened with 562.
466. Biomechanical Engineering (3) One subject covered yearly
from: biomechanical-solid mechanics (orthopedic, vascular, muscle, skin); feedback control
(physiological systems); heat transfer, thermodynamics (temperature regulation exercise,
hyperthermia, instrumentation). 3ES. P, 302, 330, 331, 410. May be convened with 566.
472. Reliability Engineering (3) Time-to-failure, failure-rate,
and reliability determination for early, useful and wear-out lives; equipment reliability
prediction; spare parts provisioning; reliability growth; reliability allocation. 1.5ES,
1.5ED. P, CR, 474 or SIE 408 and SIE 572. May be convened with 572.
473. Probabilistic Mechanical Design (3) Application of
probability theory and statistics to mechanical and structural design; modern mechanical
reliability methods; design philosophy. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, C E 217; CR, 410. May be convened
with 573.
474. Reliability and Quality Analysis (3) Probability and
statistics with applications to reliability engineering, discrete and continuous
statistical models for engineering variables, fundamentals of statistics. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. P,
MATH 223. May be convened with 574.
495. Colloquium
s. Senior Colloquium (1)
*Writing-Emphasis Courses. P, satisfaction of the upper-division writing-proficiency
requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in the Academic Policies and
Graduation Requirements section of this manual).
500A -
500B -. Advanced Engineering Analysis (3-3) 500a: Vector
calculus, linear algebra; ordinary differential equations, calculus of vorticions. P,
undergraduate mathematics equivalent to A ME 301. 500b: Complex variables, partial
differential equations, eigenfunction expansions and transform methods.
510. Design for Manufacturing (3) Design methodology-axiomatic,
algorithmic, hybrid. Concepts of design sensitivity; applications to several manufacturing
processes-metal forming, metal cutting, welding. P, 461 (AI programming ability; knowledge
of plasticity).
520. Aircraft Conceptual Design (3) For a description of course
topics see 420. Graduate-level requirements include development of a three
degree-of-freedom flight simulator with active stability augmentation. P, 320, 321, 323.
May be convened with 420.
521. Compressible Aerodynamics (3) Inviscid flow of compressible
fluids; governing equations and their method of solution for subsonic, transonic,
supersonic, and hypersonic flows. P, 425, 500a-500b, 536a-536b.
522. Aerospace Engineering Design (3) For description of course
topics see 422. Graduate students will be responsible for simulation software development
or laboratory tests. May be convened with 422.
523. Advanced Aerospace Propulsion (3) Interior ballistics of
rocket motors; ramjets, turbojets, turbofans, scramjets; detonation wave theory;
combustion chamber instability analysis; nozzle design. P, 425.
524. Introduction to Space Technologies (3) [Rpt./1] For a
description of course topics see 424. Graduate-level requirements include additional term
papers and extra questions on exams. May be convened with 424.
525. Combustion Gasdynamics (3) Aerothermochemistry; fluid
mechanics, thermodynamics, chemistry of propulsion and air pollution; reaction kinetics,
combustion stability, detonation; singular perturbations in deflagration. P, 425, 500a.
528. Space Mission Conceptual Design (3) For a description of
course topics see 428. Graduate-level requirements include additional design project and
report. May be convened with 428.
530. Advanced Thermodynamics (3) Reversible and irreversible
macroscopic thermodynamics; selected engineering applications. P, 230, 331.
531. Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer (3)
For a description of course topics see 431. Graduate-level requirements include three
additional projects. P, 302. May be convened with 431.
532. Convective Transport Phenomena (3) Convective energy, mass
and momentum transfer; internal and external flow; exact, approximate and numerical
solutions; application to current problems. P, 432; CR, 500a, computer programming
533. Conduction Heat Transfer (3) Conduction of heat; steady,
transient, moving heat source, phase change, hyperbolic conduction, nonlinear problems and
composite media; separation of variables. Laplace transform, integral transform, and
Green's function methods. P, 432; CR, 500b.
534. Radiative Heat Transfer (3) Fundamentals of radiative heat
transfer; radiative properties of materials; gray-body and spectral exchange between
surfaces; participating media; radiation combined with conduction and convection. Intended
for students with strong interests in heat transfer, combustion, and applications such as
energy conversion systems, materials processing, and space technology. P, 432.
536A -
536B -. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics (3-3) 536a: Fundamental
equations of motions; surface tension; kinematics of vorticity; integral solutions;
irrotational flows; simple viscous flows. P, 500a. 536b: Small-disturbance inviscid
theory; low Reynolds number flow; vorticity dynamics; boundary layers. P, 500b.
537. Fluid Mechanics of Viscous Flows (3) Behavior of viscous
fluids over a range of Reynolds numbers; Navier-Stokes equations; boundary layer
equations; slow flow; compressible boundary layers. P, 536b.
538. Nature of Turbulent Shear Flow (3) Physical phenomena in
turbulent shear flows; experimental techniques; observations and physical consequences;
prediction methods; recent advances. P, 500b, 536a-536b.
539. Finite Element Methods in Fluid Mechanics (3) Theory and
methodology of finite element methods in fluid mechanics, variational and weighted
residual methods, solution of basic governing equations, special topics. P, 302, 500b.
540. Energy Utilization and Management (3) For a description of
course topics see 440. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper.
(Identical with NEE 540). May be convened with 440.
542. HVAC System Design (3) For a description of course topics see
442. Graduate-level requirements include a comprehensive design project.(Identical with
NEE 542). May be convened with 442.
545. Renewable Energy Systems (3) For a description of course
topics see 445. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper. (Identical
with NEE 545). May be convened with 445.
547. Direct Energy Conversion (3) For a description of course
topics see 447. GraduaTe-level requirements include an in-depth research paper. P, MATH
254, A ME 230 or PHYS 142. (Identical with ECE 547). May be convened with 447.
548. Combustion Generated Air Pollution (3) Pollutant formation in
combustion processes and methods of control; diffusion models for atmospheric dispersion,
including plume rise calculations. P, 230, 331a. (Identical with CHEE 548).
550. Advanced Dynamics (3) [Rpt.] Larange's equations, rigid body
and multibody dynamics; Euler's equations, vibrations theory. P, 250, knowledge of
differential equations.
552. Computer-Aided Analysis of Mechanical Systems (3) For a
description of course topics see 452. Graduate-level requirements include an additional
project and extra questions on exams. May be convened with 452.
553. Computational Multibody Dynamics (3) Computational methods in
multibody dynamics; Euler parameters; automatic generation and numerical methods in
solving equations of motion; application in vehicle dynamics, spacecraft, and robotics. P,
knowledge of kinematics, dynamics and numerical methods. P, 552.
554. Optimal Control of Parametric Systems (3) For a description
of course topics see 454. Graduate-level requirements include a more theortetically
oriented design project. P, MATH 254. May be convened with 454.
555. Modern Control Theory (3) Nonlinear dynamical systems,
Lyapimpv stability, Lyapunov control system design, controllable and reachable sets. P,
556. Control of Manufacturing Process (3) For a description of
course topics see 456. Graduate-level requirements include more in-depth homework with
focus on theoretical considerations, and design project requiring implementation of a five
degree of freedom robot. 1.5R, 1.5L. May be convened with 456.
560. Random Vibration, Analysis and Design (3) Mathematical
description of random vibration, transmission of random vibration in mechanical systems,
techniques of mechanical design under random vibration. P, 460, 474.
561. Finite Element Analysis in Structural Mechanics (3) Advanced
problems in structural analysis using the finite element method; analysis of complex
systems; dynamics. Composite structures and material systems; program development. P, 461.
562. Composite Materials (3) For a description of course topics
see 462. Graduate-level requirements include an additional project on composite materials.
P, 302, C E 217. May be convened with 462.
563. Finite Element Analysis in Nonlinear Solid Mechanics (3)
Finite element methods, including material nonlinearity (elastic, plastic, viscoelastic);
geometric nonlinearity (finite deformations), numerical solution methods, and nonlinear
programs. P, 461.
564A -
564B -. Mechanics of Deformable Solids (3-3) Fundamental
principles of the mechanics of deformable bodies. Emphasis on reciprocal and variational
theorems. Solution methods for boundary value problems through the potential functions,
fundamental singular solutions, integral transformations, and complex potential theory.
Applications from elasticity, plasticity and visocelasticity. Principles of wave
propogation in deformable elastic solids.
566. Biomechanical Engineering (3) For a description of course
topics see 466. Graduate-level requirements include a project and additional reading
assignments. 3ES. P, 302, 330, 433b, 410. May be convened with 466.
Students interested in the biomedical engineering option: please see the headnotes
of this department.
567. Geometric Modeling and Computer Graphics (3) (Identical with
ECE 567, which is home).
572. Reliability Engineering (3) For a description of course
topics see 472. Graduate-level requirements include a special report of 30 pages on a
specific reliability engineering topic. P, CR, 474 or SIE 408 and SIE 572. May be convened
with 472.
573. Probabilistic Mechanical Design (3) For a description of
course topics see 473. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework with focus
on theoretical considerations, and a research project. P, C E 217; CR, 410. May be
convened with 473.
574. Reliability and Quality Analysis (3) For a description of
course topics see 474. Graduate-level requirements include additional assignments and
independent study, Monte Carlo simulation. May be convened with 474.
575. Reliability Testing (3) Mean-time-between-failure and
reliability confidence limits; sequential testing; sampling; accelerated, sudden-death,
suspended-items, non-parametric, and Bayesian testing. P, 472.
576. Advanced Probabilistic Design (3) Advanced methods for
mechanical and structural reliability analysis, system reliability analysis, random
loading models, applications to fatigue, fracture, buckling, creep, etc. P, 473.
577. Maintainability Engineering (3) Extension of 572; complex
systems reliability; maintainability engineering; reliability and availability of
maintained systems; operational readiness; system effectiveness; maintainability
demonstration. P, 472.
602. Mixed Boundary Value Problems (3) General description of
mixed boundary value problems in potential theory and solid mechanics. Solutions by dual
series, dual integral equations and singular integral equations. P, 500a-500b, or consult
department before enrolling.
603. Boundary Element Method (3) Introduction to BEM, applications
to Laplace equation, conduction-convection problems, transient problems, problems
involving material nonlinearities, large strain problems, concepts of design
sensitivity-analyses through BEM. P, 461, 561.
620. Advanced Computational Aerodynamics (3) Governing equations
for computational aerodynamics and fluid dynamics techniques for solving partial
differential equations, grid generation and multi-grid techniques; applications to
compressible and incompressible viscous flows. P, 431, 500b, 536b.
632. Advanced Topics in Heat Transfer (3) Topics will depend on
instructor(s). Possible topics include linear and nonlinear convective stability,
turbulent convenctive heat transfer, advanced analytical and numerical methods in heat
transfer, boiling and condensation, multiphase flow, and heat transfer phenomena. P,
500a-500b, 532, 536a-536b.
635. Hydrodynamic Stability (3) Introduction to linear stability
theory in fluid mechanics; the Orr-Sommerfeld equation, behavior of eigen-solutions,
stability limits, extensions to problems in two component systems. P, 500a-500b,
639. Aeroacoustics (3) Generation, propagation and attenuation of
acoustic waves. Effects of mean flow and applications of engineering importance. P,
536a-536b, 500a-500b.
662. Micromechanics (3) Basic principles of micromechanics.
General description of micromechanics modeling of compositive materials. Microstructure
evolution of materials in manufacturing processes. The role of micromechanics in
macroscopic analysis and constitutive model of materials. P, C E 417 or EM 603.
695. Colloquium
a. Research Conference (1)
696. Seminar
g. Graduate Seminar (1) [Rpt.]