195. Colloquium
a. Introduction to Teaching Agriculture and Related Sciences (1)
301. Youth Leadership
Development (3) Characteristics of effective advisors, leadership styles, strategies
for the management and organization of youth groups in agriculture, practice in leadership
development techniques.
338a . The Teaching of
Agriculture (4) (Identical with TTE 338a).
396H . Honors Proseminar (3)
401. Leadership Concepts and
Contexts (3) Personal leadership development through experiential learning,
philosophical exploration, examination of the literature, and reflective writing. P,
consent of instructor or graduate standing. May be convened with 501.
409. Principles of Vocational
Education (2) (Identical with TTE 409).
422. Communicating Knowledge in
Agriculture and the Life Sciences (3) Principles and processes of knowledge diffusion
and methods of transferring appropriate technology to user/clientele groups. Communicating
effectively within organizations. (Identical with AGTM 422). May be convened with 522.
439. Non-Formal Education
(3) Characteristics and scope of non-formal education. Principles and application of
non-formal education methods to diffuse knowledge in extension, adult and continuing
education settings. (Identical with FS 439). May be convened with 539.
442. Transformation of Agrarian
Societies in the Middle East (3) (Identical with NES 442, which is home). May be
convened with 542.
460. Instructional Materials
Development (4) Analysis and construction of resources and materials used in
instructional delivery. Analysis and development of competencies and behavioral objectives
used in preparing instructional materials. 3R, 3L. P, CR, 493. May be convened with 560.
462. Curriculum Development
(2-3) Analysis, design, construction and evaluation of resources appropriate for a
competency based agriculture education curriculum. 2R. P, CR 338a.
485. Teaching Psychomotor Skills
in Laboratory Sciences (1-2) Methods and procedures in teaching psychomotor
operational skills, conducting demonstrations, providing for student and teacher safety,
sequencing skills activities, providing and organizing facilities, including
micro-teaching demonstrations. 1R, 3L. May be convened with 585.
494. Practicum
r. Research (3) [Rpt./2] P, ENGL 101, MATH 117, ABE 120, and consent of instructor.
496. Seminar
c. Ambassador Orientation (1-2) [Rpt./1] Open to COA Ambassadors only.
501. Leadership Concepts and
Contexts (3) For a description of course topics see 401. Graduate-level requirements
include additional writings, assignments, and an expanded issue paper. May be convened
with 401.
522. Communicating Knowledge in
Agriculture and the Life Sciences (3) For a description of course topics see 422.
Graduate-level requirements include an additional report. (Identical with AGTM 422).
539. Non-Formal Education (3)
For a description of course topics see 439. Graduate-level requirements include an
additional research report. (Identical with FS 539). May be convened with 439.
540. International Extension
Education (3) Critical evaluation of case histories of international extension
education models, and integration of successful components into composite models based on
cultural, political and educational situations typically encountered in developing
542. Transformation of Agrarian
Societies in the Middle East (3) (Identical with NES 542, which is home). May be
convened with 442.
560. Instructional Materials
Development (4) For a description of course topics see 460. Graduate-level
requirements include an additional assignment. May be convened with 460.
562. Curriculum Development
(2-3). For a description of course topics see 462. Graduate-level requirements include an
additional report. May be convened with 462.
585. Teaching Psychomotor Skills
in Laboratory Sciences (2) For a description of course topics see 485. Graduate-level
requirements include additional assigned readings, demonstrations, lesson presentations,
and a position paper. May be convened with 485.
597. Workshop
a. Instructional Advances in Experiential Education (1-3) [Rpt./3]
b. Advances in Youth Leadership Development (1-3) [Rpt./3]
d. Instructional Advances in Applied Biological Systems (1-3) [Rpt./3]
e. Continuing Education in Agriculture (1) [Rpt./3]
f. Program Development in Vocational/Technical Education (1-3) [Rpt./3]
g. Instructional Advances in Vocational/Technical Education (1-3) [Rpt./3] (Identical
with FS 597g).
n. Instructional Advances in Environmental Education (1-3) [Rpt./3 ]
t. Instructional Advances in Non-formal Education (1-3) [Rpt./3] (Identical with FS
601. Philosophy and Practices of
Instructional Methods (3) [Rpt./3] Problems in organizing and conducting programs of
instruction in vocational and extension education.
615. Investigations and Studies
in Applied Research (3) Study and analysis of research literature, methods, techniques
and procedures for conducting investigations, selecting a problem and developing plans for
a study.
616. Research Project Design and
Implementation (3) Principles and practices of selecting, developing and analyzing
research instruments, analyzing and interpreting both quantitative and qualitative data
research in agricultural and extension education, including the use of the computer. P,
621. Program Planning and
Evaluation (3) Developing and evaluating programs in teaching and extension; situation
analysis, objectives, policies, content, procedures, and evaluative criteria.
695. Colloquium
a. Teaching College Level Agriculture and Life Sciences (1-3)