442. Transformation of Agararian
Societies in the Middle East (3) (Identical with NES 442, which is home). May be
convened with 542.
467. Population and Development
in the Middle East (3) (Identical with NES 467, which is home). May be convened with
512. Economic Policy in
Developing Countries (3) (Identical with AREC 512, which is home).
521. Physical Climatology (3)
(Identical with ATMO 521, which is home).
523. Hydrology (3)
(Identical with C E 523, which is home).
530. The Climate System (3)
(Identical with GEOG 530, which is home).
535. Water Management in Dryland
Ecosystems (3) (Identical with WS M 535, which is home).
541. Economic Botany of Arid
Lands (3) (Identical with PL S 541, which is home).
542. Transformation of Agararian
Societies in the Middle East (3) (Identical with NES 542, which is home). May be
convened with 442.
550. Geomorphology (4)
(Identical with GEOS 550, which is home).
564. The Arid and Semiarid Lands
(3) (Identical with GEOG 564).
565. Physical Aspects of Arid
Lands (3) (Identical with GEOG 565).
567. Population and Development
in the Middle East (3) (Identical with NES 567, which is home). May be convened with
575. Economics of Natural
Resource Policy (3) (Identical with AREC 575, which is home).
590. Remote Sensing for the
Study of Planet Earth (3) (Identical with REM 590, which is home).
595. Colloquium
a. Current Research (1) [Rpt./8 units]
631. Anthropology and
Development (3) (Identical with ANTH 631, which is home).
641. Natural and Human Impacts
on Arid Lands (3) The influence of nature and humans on arid lands sustainability and
the role of locally-adaptable technologies. Various aspects of measuring, monitoring, and
describing natural and human impacts on arid lands. Focuses on occurrences such as El
Ni�o, population growth, and utilization of limited resources in relation to their
economic and environmental significance.
642. Use and Management of Arid
Lands (3) Major issues surrounding land uses in the world's arid and semi-arid zones.
Examination of issues which will determine the ftue of land management in much of the arid
and semi-arid lands of the western United States. The debate over the management of lands
in relation to ownership, tenure, and access, intergenerational transfers, and the
economic, environmental, and social consequences of proposed changes in current
643. Cultures and Institutions
of Arid Lands (3) Social-science aspects of arid lands studies through exposure to
approaches and analyses rooted in various disciplines. Examines arid lands cultures,
societies, and institutions and highlights distinctive adaptations to prevailing climatic
and physical conditions. Objectives are to develop skills that will improve students'
ability to understand, critique and synthesize oral presentations; review and analyze
written materials; discuss and debate interpretations of scholarly work; and prepare
critical essays.
644. Biodiversity and
Sustainability in Arid Lands (3) Feasibility of these concepts are studied thoroughly
with the aim to explore the changing global community. Multi-media presentations, videos,
selected readings and textbook material will be used to explore the political, economic,
and ecological impacts on the environment and health of our entire ecosystem.
696. Seminar
b. Cultural Anthropology (1-3) [Rpt./3] (Identical with ANTH 696b, which is