110. Art in Society (3) Introduction to social, cultural, and
political themes in the history of world art. Intended for non-majors only.
112. Art in Non-Western Society (3) A concise introduction to the
visual arts of the non-western world; comparative and cross-cultural, covering African,
Islamic, Asian, Pacific Basin, Prehispanic and Native North American cultures.
117. Survey of World Art, Prehistoric-Gothic (3) The art and
architecture of Western civilizations through the Gothic era, and of world prehistoric and
primitive cultures.
118. Survey of World Art, Renaissance-20th Century (3) The art and
architecture of Western civilization, Renaissance through the 20th century.
312. Survey of Medieval Art (3) Survey of medieval art production
and its circumstance from its inception in the catacombs of Rome to the spread of Gothic
art across Europe.
315. Survey of Baroque and Rococo Art (3) Survey of the major
European Monumental painting, printmaking, architecture, and sculpture from 1600 to 1750.
319. Introduction to American Art (3) Survey of American
architecture, painting, sculpture, photography, and the decorative arts from colonial
times to present.
320. Introduction to European Modern Art (3) Painting and
sculpture in Europe from about 1886 to recent times.
321. Introduction to Contemporary Art (3) Survey of contemporary
art in the United States and Europe since the 1960s. P, 118.
322. Introduction to Prehispanic, Hispanic, and Chicano Art (3)
Survey of the native, prehispanic arts of Meso; Central and South America; art since the
conquest of Mexico, Central and South America; and Hispanic Arts of the Southwest and
contemporary Chicano art. (Identical with LA S 322).
329. Art History of the Cinema (3) (Identical with CLAS 329, which
is home).
334. Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt (3) (Identical with CLAS
334, which is home).
339. Introduction to African and African-American Art (3)
Chronological, meta-ethno-aesthetic overview of continental African culture groups and
individual African diaspora artists/styles/movements; covers slavery, reconstruction,
Harlem renaissance, civil rights and contemporary developments. 3L, 1D. Field trip.
(Identical with AFAS 339).
340A -
340B -. Introduction to Classical Art and Archaeology (3-3)
(Identical with CLAS 340a-340b, which is home).
344. Art and Architecture of the Islamic World (3) (Identical with
ARCH and NES 344, which is home).
412A -
412B -
412C -
412D -. Medieval Art (3-3-3-3) The history of art and
architecture in Western Europe and Byzantium between ca. 300 and ca. 1300. 412a: Early
Christian and Byzantine Art. 412b: Early Medieval Art. 412c: Romanesque Art. 412d: Gothic
Art. 412a is not prerequisite to 412b, etc. May be convened with 512a-512b-512c-512d.
413B -
413C -. Renaissance Art in Italy (3-3) Painting, sculpture and
architecture in Italy. 413b: 15th century. 413c: 16th century. 413b is not prerequisite to
413c. May be convened with 513b-513c.
414A -
414B -. Northern Renaissance Art (3-3) 414a: German, French and
Netherlandish painting during the late 14th through the 15th centuries. 414b: 16th century
art production in Germany, France, England and the Netherlands. P, 6 units of history or
art history. 414a is not prerequisite to 414b. May be convened with 514a-514b.
415a. Southern Baroque Art (3) The painting, sculpture, and
architecture of 17th century Italy and Spain. May be convened with 515a.
415b. Northern Baroque Art (3) The art and architecture of 17th
century Holland, France, and England. May be convened with 515b.
416a . Eighteenth Century Art (3) Survey of art and architecture
of 18th-century England and Italy within the context of the grand tour. May be convened
with 516a.
416b . Eighteenth Century Art II: France and Germany (3) Course
will examine the art and architecture of 18th-century France and Germany. May be convened
with 516b.
417. 19th-Century European Art (3) Painting and sculpture from the
French Revolution through Impressionism. P, 6 units of history or art history. May be
convened with 517.
418A -
418B -. 20th-Century Art (3-3) Painting and sculpture in
Europe. 418a: 1886 to World War I. 418b: Between the World Wars. P, 6 units of history or
art history. 418a is not prerequisite to 418b. May be convened with 518a-518b.
422A -
422B -
422C -. Pre-Hispanic Art (3-3-3) 422a: Art of the high cultures
of Mesoamerica, with the focus on architecture, sculpture, painting and crafts prior to
European contact. 422b: Pre-Columbian art of Central and South America with particular
attention to the Andean area. 422c: Social history of art in prehispanic Mesoamerica from
the preclassic through the post-classic period. 422a is not prerequisite to 422b, etc.
(Identical with ANTH 422a-422b-422c and LA S 422a-422b-422c). May be convened with
423A -
423B -. The Art of Mexico (3-3) 423a: The art of Colonial
Mexico, from the early 16th century to the late 18th century. The effects of the Spanish
conquest on native traditions; public, private and sacred patronage; the effects of the
Bourbon reforms. Painting, sculpture, architecture, graphic and minor arts. 423b: The art
of Modern Mexico, from the late 18th century to the early 20th century. The Independence
Period, the National Period, and the Revolutionary Period. Painting, sculpture,
architecture, graphic and minor arts. 423a is not prerequisite to 423b. May be convened
with 523a-523b.
424A -
424B -. History of Photography (3-3) 424a: From its invention
to 1895; impact of photography on the art and culture of the 19th century. 424b: As an art
medium from 1895 to 1965. P, 6 units of art history. 424a is not prerequisite to 424b. May
be convened with 524a-524b.
429A -
429B -
429C -
429D -. American Art (3-3-3-3) Art in the United States. 429a:
Colonial art. 429b: 19th century art. 429c: From 1900 through 1940. 429d: Twentieth
century American art from the 1930s to recent times. May be taken in any order. P, 6 units
of history or art history. May be convened with 529a-529b-529c-529d.
431. Studio Introduction to Contemporary Art (3) Introduction to
contemporary art, theory criticism, and cultural politics circa 1945 to the present.
Emphasis on movements and themes. Lecture with discussion. May be convened with 531.
434. History of the American House (3) (Identical with ARCH 434,
which is home). May be convened with 534.
435. History of Prints (3) The technique and functions of the
printmaking media from their inception in the 15th century to the 19th century. P, 117 or
118. May be convened with 535.
439a . African Art (3) African art in context through
chronological, interdisciplinary focus; the art of Northeast Africa, Nigeria and Yoruba
Diaspora. Field trip. P, 339. May be convened with 539a.
439b . African Art (3) African art in context through
chronological, interdisciplinary focus; the main traditions of the Southern Savannah,
Equatorial Africa and the Eastern Sudan. Field trip. 439a is not prerequisite to
439b/539b. P, 339. May be convened with 539b.
452. Etruscan Art and Archaeology (3) (Identical with CLAS 452,
which is home). May be convened with 552.
454. Greek and Roman Sculpture (3) (Identical with CLAS 454, which
is home). May be convened with 554.
456. Greek and Roman Painting (3) (Identical with CLAS 456, which
is home). May be convened with 556.
457. Greek Architecture (3) (Identical with CLAS 457, which is
home). May be convened with 557.
461. Greek Pottery 1200-400 B.C. (3) (Identical with CLAS 461,
which is home). May be convened with 561.
464. Women in American Architecture (3) (Identical with ARCH 464,
which is home). May be convened with 564.
466. Art and Architecture of LeCorbusier(3) (Identical with ARCH
466, which is home). May be convened with 566.
481. Contemporary Theory and Criticism (3) Discussion of the
theory and criticism of contemporary art since 1960 based on assigned readings and slide
presentations. Field trips. May be convened with 581.
484. Roman Art and Architecture (3) (Identical with CLAS 484,
which is home). May be convened with 584.
496. Seminar
a. Issues in Art History (3) P, senior status, art history major.
d. Mediterranean Cities in the 15th-16th Centuries: Cairo, Istanbul, Florence and
Venice (3) (Identical with ARCH 496d and NES 496d, which is home). May be convened with
ARCH 596d and NES 596d.
511. Methods of Art History (3) Major intellectual approaches to
the visual arts developed within the past 150 years. Field trips.
512A -
512B -
512C -
512D -. Medieval Art (3-3-3-3) For a description of
course topics see 412a-412b-412c-412d. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth
research paper on a single aspect of current scholarly interest. May be taken in any
order. P, 6 units of history or art history. May be convened with 412a-412b-412c-412d.
513B -
513C -. Renaissance Art in Italy (3-3) For a description of
course topics see 413b-413c. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research
paper on a single aspect of current scholarly interest. May be convened with 413b-413c.
514A -
514B -. Northern Renaissance Art (3-3) For a description of
course topics see 414a-414b. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research
paper on a single aspect of current scholarly interest. P, 6 units of history or art
history. 514a is not prerequisite to 514b. May be convened with 414a-414b.
515a. Southern Baroque Art (3) For a description of course topics
see 415a. Graduate level requirements include supplemental readings, additional
assignments, and an oral presentation. May be convened with 415a.
515b. Northern Baroque Art (3) For a description of course topics
see 415b. Graduate level requirements include supplemental readings, additional
assignments, and an oral presentation. May be convened with 415b.
516a . Eighteenth Century Art I (3) For a description of course
topics see 416a. Graduate-level requirements include supplemental reading, discussion;
additional writing assignments and oral presentations. May be convened with 416a.
516b . Eighteenth Century Art II: France and Germany (3) For a
description of course topics see 416b. Graduate students will do supplemental reading,
discussion; additional writing assignments and oral presentations. May be convened with
517. 19th-Century European Art (3-3) For a description of course
topics see 417. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper on a single
aspect of current scholarly interest. P, 6 units of history or art history. May be
convened with 417.
518A -
518B -. 20th-Century Art (3-3) For a description of course
topics see 418a-418b. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper on a
single aspect of current scholarly interest. P, 6 units of history or art history. 518a is
not prerequisite to 518b. May be convened with 418a-418b.
522A -
522B -
522C -. Pre-Hispanic Art (3-3-3) For a description of course
topics see 422a-422b-422c. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper
on a single aspect of current scholarly interest. 522a is not prerequisite to 522b, etc.
(Identical with ANTH 522a-522b-522c and LA S 522a-522b-522c). May be convened with
523A -
523B -. The Art of Mexico (3-3) For a description of course
topics see 423a-423b. Graduate-level requirements include a critical bibliography as well
as a research paper. 523a is not prerequisite to 523b. May be convened with 423a-423b.
524A -
524B -. History of Photography (3-3) For a description of
course topics see 424a-424b. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research
paper on a single aspect of current scholarly interest. P, 6 units of history or art
history. 524a is not prerequisite to 524b. May be convened with 424a-424b.
529A -
529B -
529C -
529D -. American Art (3-3-3-3) For a description of course
topics see 429a-429b-429c-429d. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research
paper on a single aspect of current scholarly interest. May be taken in any order. P, 6
units of history or art history. May be convened with 429a-429b-429c-429d.
531. Studio Introduction to Contemporary Art (3) For description
of course topics see 431. Graduate students will lead discussions, write two artists'
statements, have a critique with the professor, as well as midterm, final and an extended
paper. May be convened with 431.
534. History of the American House (3) (Identical with ARCH 534,
which is home). May be convened with 434.
535. History of Prints (3) For description of course topics see
435. Graduate students will have additional reading assignments and must submit a paper of
at least 10 pages, the topic of which must first be cleared with the instructor. P, 117 or
118. May be convened with 435.
539a . African Art (3) For description of course topics see 439a.
Graduate-level requirements include a research paper on approved topic. Field trip. P,
339. May be convened with 439a.
539b . African Art (3) For description of course topics see 439b.
Graduate-level requirements include a critical review/report from a primary source book on
library reserve. Field trip. 439a is not prerequisite to 439b/539b. P, 339. May be
convened with 439b.
552. Etruscan Art and Archaeology (3) (Identical with CLAS 552,
which is home). May be convened with 452.
554. Greek and Roman Sculpture (3) (Identical with CLAS 554, which
is home). May be convened with 454.
556. Greek and Roman Painting (3) (Identical with CLAS 556, which
is home). May be convened with 456.
557. Greek Architecture (3) (Identical with CLAS 557, which is
home). May be convened with 457.
561. Greek Pottery 1200-400 B.C. (3) (Identical with CLAS 561,
which is home). May be convened with 461.
564. Women in American Architecture (3) (Identical with ARCH 564,
which is home). May be convened with 464.
566. Art and Architecture of LeCorbusier(3) (Identical with ARCH
566, which is home). May be convened with 466.
581. Contemporary Theory and Criticism (3) [Rpt./2] For a
description of course topics see 481. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth
research project on a single aspect of a current scholarly interest. May be convened with
584. Roman Art and Architecture (3) (Identical with CLAS 584,
which is home). May be convened with 484.
596. Seminar
b. Problems in Renaissance-Baroque (3) [Rpt./2]
c. Studies in Medieval Art (3) [Rpt./2]
d. Topics in Early Modern European Art (3) [Rpt./2]
e. Pre-Columbian Art (3) [Rpt./4] Consult instructor before enrolling. (Identical with
ANTH 596e).
f. History of Photography (3) [Rpt./4] P, 424a or 424b.
g. Colonial and 19th-Century American Art (3) [Rpt./3] Field trips.
i. Issues in Contemporary Theory and Criticism (3) [Rpt./6 units] Consult department
before enrolling.
j. Issues in African Art History (3) [Rpt./12 units] (Identical with ANTH 596j and AFAS
m. Issues in Mexican Art (3) P, consult department before enrolling.
n. American Art (3) [Rpt./2]
693. Internship
a. Art Museum Training (1-6) [Rpt./12 units] Open to students concentrating in museum
studies only. P, 12 units of graduate art history courses.
b. Curatorial Training for Archives of Photography (1-6) [Rpt./12 units] Open to
students concentrating in museum studies only. P, 511, 12 units of graduate art history
c. Archivist Training for Collection of Photography (1-6) [Rpt./12 units] Open to
students concentrating in museum studies only. P, 12 units of graduate art history
d. Archives of Photography: Preservation/Cataloging (1-6) [Rpt./12 units] Open to
students concentrating in museum studies only. P, 511, 12 units graduate art history