101. Elementary Arabic I (5)
CDT Conversation and readings in modern standard Arabic.
102. Elementary Arabic II (5)
CDT Conversation and readings in modern standard Arabic. P, 101.
348. Arabic Literature in
English (3) Historical survey of Arabic literature of the Middle East and
Mediterranean world, with readings in English translations.
401. Intermediate Arabic I
(5) CDT Intermediate conversation and readings in modern standard Arabic. P, 102.
402. Intermediate Arabic II
(5) CDT Intermediate conversation and readings in modern standard Arabic. P, 401.
403. Advanced Arabic I (3)
Continuation of 402 with emphasis on oral and written comprehension and expression. P,
402. May be convened with 503.
404. Advanced Arabic II (3)
Continuation of 403 with emphasis on oral and written comprehension and expression. P,
403. May be convened with 504.
424A -
424B -. Conversational
Levantine Arabic (3-3) Extensive oral drill with emphasis on the acquisition of
facility in normal conversation and comprehension. P, 101. May be convened with 524a-524b.
425A -
425B -. Conversational
Gulf Arabic (3-3) Extensive oral drill with emphasis on the acquisition of facility in
normal conversation and comprehension. P, 101. May be convened with 525a-525b.
426. Introduction to Arabic
Linguistics (3) History and structure of the Arabic language in its various forms. P,
102, LING 101. (Identical with LING 426). May be convened with 526.
439A -
439B -. Egyptian Arabic
(3-3) Introduction to the Cairene dialect. Phonology, common greetings, basic vocabulary
and grammar. P, one year of Standard Arabic. May be convened with 539a-539b.
495. Colloquium
a. Readings in Modern Arabic Prose (3) [Rpt./1] P, two years of Arabic. May be convened
with 595a.
b. Readings in Classic Arabic Prose (3) [Rpt./1] P, two years of Arabic. May be
convened with 595b.
c. Readings in Classical Arabic Poetry (3) P, three years of Arabic for non-native
speakers of Arabic. May be convened with 595c.
503. Advanced Arabic I (3)
For a description of course topics see 403. Graduate-level requirements include more
assignments in Vol. III of the text and additional outside readings. P, 402. May be
convened with 403.
504. Advanced Arabic II (3)
For a description of course topics see 404. Graduate-level requirements include more
assignments in Vol. III of the text and additional outside readings. P, 403 or 503. May be
convened with 404.
524A -
524B -. Conversational Levantine
Arabic (3-3) For a description of course topics see 424a-424b. Graduate-level
requirements include the ability to speak with sufficient structural vocabulary to
participate in most formal and informal conversations, requiring a mastery of at least 120
additional vocabulary items. P, 101. May be convened with 424a-424b.
525A -
525B -. Conversational Gulf
Arabic (3-3) For a description of course topics see 425a-425b. Graduate-level
requirements include the ability to speak with sufficient structural vocabulary to
participate in most formal and informal conversations, requiring a mastery of at least 120
additional vocabulary items. P, 101. May be convened with 425a-425b.
526. Introduction to Arabic
Linguistics (3) For a description of course topics see 426. Graduate-level
requirements include a research paper on any phonological, morphological, or syntactic
structure of any variety of Arabic. P, 102, LING 101. (Identical with LING 526). May be
convened with 426.
539A -
539B -. Egyptian Arabic (3-3)
For a description of course topics see 439a-439b. Graduate-level requirements include a
picture description, summary of taped dialogues, and short reports on Egyptian movies. May
be convened with 439a-439b.
595. Colloquium
a. Readings in Modern Arabic Prose (3) [Rpt./1] P, two years of Arabic. May be convened
with 495a.
b. Readings in Classic Arabic Prose (3) [Rpt./1] P, two years of Arabic. May be
convened with 495b.
c. Readings in Classical Arabic Poetry (3) P, three years of Arabic for non-native
speakers of Arabic. May be convened with 495c.