102. Animal Industry (3) A
comprehensive view of the livestock and poultry industries, including the way the science
of biology is used in modern livestock practice. 2R, 3L. Not open to students with more
than 7 units of animal sciences.
142. Introduction to the Animal
Racing Industry (2) Overview of the history, terminology, personnel, equipment and
breeds of animals utilized in the racing industry.
197. Workshop
a. Health and Biology of Animals (1) Field trips. Open to participants in the Horizons
Unlimited Summer Programs.
205. Live Animal and Carcass
Evaluation (3) A comprehensive view of meat animal, dairy and horse selection
techniques, including the evaluation of meat animals and their carcasses as related to
economic importance; the selection of breeding animals based upon visual appraisal and
performance records. 1R, 6L.
213. Animal Genetics (3)
Principles of inheritance as applied to domestic animals. P, 4 units of biology.
(Identical with WFSC 213).
215. Physiology and Anatomy of
Domestic Animals (3) Systemic physiology and functional anatomy of domestic animals
with emphasis on physiological systems of importance to animal production. P, 3 units of
234. Feeds and Feeding (3)
Selection, evaluation, and use of feeds for specific purposes; balancing rations for
livestock and poultry. Not open to students with credit or CR in 330.
250. Companion Animal Biology
(3) Principles of anatomy, physiology and behavior of companion animals and their
interrelationship to humans.
270. Introductory Horse Science (3)
An introduction to the fundamental aspects of horse science; ownership responsibilities,
economics, anatomy, physiological systems and careers in the horse industry. Field trip.
280. Science of Meat and Meat
Products (3) Techniques used in meat processing, with special reference to structure
and composition of the various meats. Student has option to select a processing or
selection-identification lab. 2R, 3L. Field trip. (Identical with N SC 280). Change course title and description to: Meat and Poultry Product Safety
(3) Significance and control of food-borne hazards in meat and poultry products as
influenced by animal management, slaughter, processing and manufacturing. Fall '98
295. Colloquium
a. Career Orientation (1)
297. Workshop
a. Cattle Management Practice (1) 3L. Field trips.
313. Principles of Animal
Breeding (3) Basic concepts involved in the improvement of economically important
traits of livestock through application of genetic principles. Field trips. P, 213; MATH
117R/S. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
315R . Physiology of
Reproduction (3) Study of the organs of reproduction and their accessories; physiology
and endocrinology as related to the process of reproduction and milk secretion. P, CHEM
101b, CHEM 102b, 3 units of animal anatomy/physiology. (Identical with V SC 315R).
Writing-Emphasis Course.*
315L . Physiology of
Reproduction Laboratory (1) Practice in semen collection and storage, artificial
insemination, and hormone assay. P or CR, 315R. (Identical with V SC 315L).
330. Nutritional Biology (3)
Digestion and metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins and minerals; energy
and metabolism; nutritional ecology of ruminants; elements of gene regulation; effects of
nutrients on gene expression; nutritional and hormonal influences on gene expression. P,
MCB 181, CHEM 101b, 102b or 103b and 104b; CHEM 241a-241b and 243a-243b encouraged.
(Identical with WFSC 330).
336. Applied Animal Nutrition (4)
Application of principles of nutrition to the feeding of livestock and poultry, nutrient
composition and characteristics of feeds, nutrient requirements and diet formulation. 3R,
3L. P, 330. Field trips.
340. Race Track Marketing and
Media Relations (3) Concepts and issues related to the marketing and promotion of the
animal racing facility and industry. P, 142. CR, MKTG 361 or AREC 213.
342. Organization and
Administration of the Racing Department (3) Basic duties and functions of the racing
office and department. Personnel required and procedures utilized in developing the racing
program. P, 142.
344A -
344B -. Animal Racing Laws and
Enforcement (3-3) State statutes, uniform rules and regulations of commissions, state
variances, security and enforcement measures. P, 142.
380. Meat Animal Composition (3)
Assessment of meat animal growth, development and composition, P, 280.
395. Colloquium
a. Professional Development in Animal Agriculture (1)
397. Workshop
a. Livestock Judging: Procedures & Evaluation (2) [Rpt./6 units]. Field trips.
440. Race Track Business and
Financial Management (5) Operational strategies and management issues involved in the
organization and administration of the animal racing facility. P, 342, and AREC 215 or MAP
443. Research Animal Methods
(3) (Identical with V SC 443, which is home). May be convened with 543.
444. Development and Management
of Racing Animals (3) Presentation of theoretical and applied management practices in
the development and marketing of racing animals in the commercial sector. P, 142, 270,
AREC 215.
456. Developmental Biology
(3) Analyzes principles of development using vertebrate and invertebrate model systems. P,
MCB 181. (Identical with CBA 456 and MCB 456). May be convened with 556.
472. Dairy Herd Management (3)
Proper milking, efficient housing, and health management of dairy cattle; marketing milk
from the farm; milk production costs. Field trip. P, 330.
473. Swine Production (2)
The production, feeding and management of swine in intensive production systems. Field
trip. P, 330.
474. Sheep Production (2)
The production, feeding and management of sheep on the farm and ranch. 1R, 3L. P, 330.
476. Horse Production (3)
Production, feeding, management, reproduction, and business aspects of modern horse
management. 2R, 3L. Field trips. P, 315R, 330.
477. Beef Resource Management (2)
Integration of beef production resources into a comprehensive beef production system;
including breeding, feeding and marketing strategies. Field trip.
478. Feedlot Beef Production (3)
Feeding and management systems of beef cattle in the feedlot. All-day field trips. P, 280,
494. Practicum
r. Research (3) [Rpt./2] P, ENGL 101, MATH 117, ABE 120, and consent of instructor.
496. Seminar
a. Current Topics in Animal Science (1) P, 395. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
497. Workshop
a. Race Track (1) [Rpt./4 units]
*Writing-Emphasis Courses. P, Satisfaction of the upper-division writing-proficiency
requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in the Academic Policies and
Graduation Requirements section of this manual).
501. Animal Growth and
Development (2) Growth and development of domestic animals, with emphasis on skeletal
muscle, bone and adipose tissue growth, from the cellular level to the whole animal. P,
BIOC 460 or 462a.
512. Biological Electron
Microscopy (4) (Identical with MCB 512, which is home).
513. Quantitative Genetics (3)
Theory of quantitative genetics including idealized populations, forces that change gene
frequency, breeding systems, and estimation of genetic parameters in a population. P, 6
units of genetics. (Identical with GENE 513).
535. Biotechnology in Animal
Science (3) Survey of current recombinant DNA technology and principles. Topics
include: vectors and hosts, enzymes used in molecular cloning, DNA sequencing,
site-directed mutagenesis, expression systems and polymerase chain reaction. P, BIOC 460
or 462a.
543. Research Animal Methods
(3) (Identical with V SC 543, which is home). May be convened with 443.
556. Developmental Biology
(3) For a description of course topics see 456. Graduate-level requirements include a
deeper understanding of the subject, through reading and discussion of original research
reports. Graduate students will be examined primarily on their ability to synthesize and
evaluate information and ideas in the field. P, MCB 181. (Identical with CBA 556 and MCB
556). May be convened with 456.
585. Domestic Animal
Endocrinology (3) Endocrine regulation of growth, metabolism and reproduction of
domestic farm animals. P, 3 units of biochemistry.
596. Seminar
a. Animal Sciences (1) [Rpt./3]
609. Nutritional Biochemistry
Techniques (3) (Identical with N SC 609, which is home).
615. Chemistry and Metabolism of
Lipids (3) (Identical with N SC 615, which is home).
622. Mineral Metabolism (2)
(Identical with N SC 622, which is home).
635. Ruminant Nutrition (3)
Recent findings in ruminant nutrition; the physiochemical processes of digestion and
absorption; importance and metabolism of rumen microflora; normal metabolism and abnormal
metabolic disorders; modes of action of feed stimulants. P, 330, 336; CHEM 241a, 243a.
636. Ruminant Protein Metabolism
(2) Digestion, absorption and metabolism of protein and ruminants. Importance of and
factors influencing protein degradation and microbial synthesis. Amino acid needs for
different production functions. Models for describing ruminant nitrogen metabolism. P,
637. Range Animal Research
Techniques (2) Techniques for determination of range animal intake, dietary
composition, and grazing behavior. Range animal experimental procedures and analysis of
data. 1R, 3L. Field trips.
665. Analysis and Purification
of Proteins (3) Principles and procedures for analyzing, purifying, and characterizing
proteins and amino acids from cells or from CDNA expression systems. P, BIOC 462a
preferred, BIOC 460 acceptable. (Identical with BIOC 665 and N SC 665).
684. Animal Physiology Research
Techniques (2) Introduction to selected physiological and biochemical techniques used
in animal research. 1R, 3L. Open to majors only. P, BIOC 460 or 462a.
687. Environmental Physiology of
Domestic Animals (3) Physiological, behavioral and anatomical responses of domestic
animals to their environment, with emphasis on adaptive mechanisms. P, 313, 315R, 330, 3
units of general physiology/anatomy.
696. Seminar
a. Animal Sciences (1) [Rpt./3 units]