Mathematics Requirements, Foundations
6/18/20 Note: Revisions effective with the Fall 2020 academic catalog- updated courses in G and M Strand lists, and language changed to note that registration in Math Foundations courses may require placement test scores.
Mathematics Placement Test:
Registration in all MATH courses below MATH 129, as well as MATH 163, MATH 263, and MATH 302A, may require students to take the UA Mathematics Placement Test. Test scores are valid for one year. This requirement includes transfer students with or without mathematics credit and students with credit by examination, such as Advanced Placement (AP), CLEP, or International Baccalaureate (IB).
Eligibility rules and testing information may be found on the Math Placement Homepage (link is external).
Foundations Mathematics Requirement:
All students, as part of their Foundations requirements, are expected to demonstrate mathematical knowledge and quantitative reasoning by completing one of the following 3-unit courses or by achieving a minimum math placement code as stated below:
- earning credit for LING 123 (link is external), (Introduction to Mathematical Approaches to Language), or MATH 105 (link is external) (Mathematics in Modern Society), or PHIL 110 (link is external) (Logic and Critical Thinking)-check prerequisites, such as a minimum math placement code (see the chart provided on the Math Placement Homepage (link is external)); or
- earning credit for any 3-unit (or more) mathematics course numbered above Math 105, provided that the student has placed at the level required for the course (see the chart provided on the Math Placement Homepage (link is external)); or
- achieving a math placement code equivalent to that of students who have completed UA College Algebra-by the end of the student's first semester at the UA (see the chart provided on the Math Placement Homepage (link is external), as well as Proficiency and Exemption Exam Procedures and General Regulations). [Note: the placement code is determined by the catalog and math placement regulations in effect when an exam is taken.] If the Math Placement Test is used for this purpose, the test must be proctored per Math Department guidelines, which may be found on the Math Placement Homepage (link is external).
Beyond this general minimum, however, the appropriate course for an individual student will depend on the student's major and the corresponding math strand appropriate to that major.
Math Strands:
Entry-level mathematics students should choose one of three strands according to their interests, preparation, and intended major. All strands presume that students will have completed the high school math required for entry to the University.
- G-Strand (General Knowledge) -- This strand involves the general understanding and appreciation of how mathematics is used to solve problems in everyday life. The G-strand does not prepare a student for any further work grounded in mathematics and assumes the student will not proceed beyond the basic Foundations level noted above. Thus only those students whose major requires the most general knowledge of mathematics should take this strand. The options to satisfy this strand are:
- earning credit for LING 123 (link is external) (Introduction to Mathematical Approaches to Language), or MATH 105 (link is external) (Mathematics in Modern Society), or PHIL 110 (link is external) (Logic and Critical Thinking), or PSY 230 (link is external) (Psychological Measurement and Statistics)-check prerequisites, such as a minimum math placement code (see the chart provided on the Math Placement Homepage (link is external)); or
- earning credit for any 3-unit (or more) mathematics course numbered above Math 105, provided that the student has placed at the level required for the course (see the chart provided on the Math Placement Homepage (link is external)); or
- achieving a math placement code equivalent to that of students who have completed UA College Algebra-by the end of the student's first semester at the UA (see the chart provided on the Math Placement Homepage (link is external), as well as Proficiency and Exemption Exam Procedures and General Regulations). [Note: the placement code is determined by the catalog and math placement regulations in effect when an exam is taken.] If the Math Placement Test is used for this purpose, the test must be proctored per Math Department guidelines, which may be found on the Math Placement Homepage (link is external).
- M-Strand (Moderate Knowledge) -- The M-strand is for students who require mathematical facility at the level of at least MATH 112 (College Algebra Concepts) or 108 (Modeling with Algebraic and Trigonometric Functions). This strand involves reasonable facility with algebra and algebraic functions, graphs, and simple modeling. Students who choose the M-strand are prepared for further mathematical work. This work may include MATH 107 (Exploring and Understanding Data), MATH 113 (Elements of Calculus), MATH 116 (Calculus Concepts for Business), MATH 119A (Mathematics of Biological Systems: A Calculus Based Approach), or a statistics class from outside the Mathematics Department, such as ISTA 116 (Statistical Foundations for the Information Age) or SBS 200 (Statistics for the Social Sciences).
- S-Strand (Substantial Knowledge) -- This strand involves skill and facility with calculus. The S-strand begins at one of two calculus options - MATH 122A/B (Functions for Calculus and First-Semester Calculus) or MATH 125 (Calculus I). Students who successfully complete the S-strand may continue on to MATH 129 (Calculus II), MATH 223 (Vector Calculus), or beyond. Those who choose but are not ready to begin the S-strand will be required to take preparatory work.
Each major indicates the mathematics strand, or specific course from a strand, that is most appropriate for its students. It is important to note that each strand provides a different level of mathematical training, but students can satisfy the mathematics requirement in their major by completing a more advanced mathematics course. Because the S-strand presumes the M-strand and the M-strand presumes the G-strand, students will have the most flexibility in their major choice by aiming for the S-strand. A student who chooses to meet the general education mathematics requirement with the G-strand will have the most restricted set of major choices.
Please direct all Math Placement questions to the Department of Mathematics:
Department of Mathematics
Math Placement Coordinator
Mathematics Building, 108
617 North Santa Rita
Phone: (520) 621-6892
Fax: (520) 621-8322
Email: (link sends e-mail)
Web: Math Placement Homepage (link is external)
Web: Department Homepage (link is external)
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