Acceptability of Graduate Transfer Credit
Note: Exception for international dual degree programs effective in Fall 2019, per the Faculty Senate, 4/1/19.
Graduate courses completed at another regionally accredited college or university (or a recognized foreign institution) may be transferred to the University of Arizona and applied toward a graduate degree program, provided that these criteria are met:
- The course earned graduate credit at the home institution and is comparable to University of Arizona graduate level work;
- The student earned a grade of A or B in the course (or the equivalent, if another grading system were used);
- The course was not applied toward an undergraduate degree; and
- The major or minor advisor and program director approve the acceptance of the transfer course(s).
Transfer course work is not computed in the University of Arizona grade-point-average (GPA).
For master's degree programs, no more than 20% of the required units for the degree can be transfer units (e.g., a student in a 36-unit degree program may use no more than 7 transfer units), except in the case of institutionally approved international dual degree programs. A student in a graduate certificate program should check the transfer unit limit for that specific certificate; some certificate programs do not allow any transfer credit.
There are also limits on the use of UA courses (400-level or above) taken as a non-degree seeking graduate student or as an undergraduate senior. For specific limits, students should consult the credit requirements policy of the degree program (link is external) in question. NOTE: Effective for students admitted to a graduate program in Fall 2014, no 400-level courses can be applied toward a graduate program.
Students who wish to transfer course work toward a UA graduate program must submit an Evaluation of Transfer Credit (link is external) form in UA GradPath to have transfer course work evaluated for eligibility. This should be done before the end of their first year of graduate study.
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