Academic Policies
Acceptability of Transfer Credit
The determination of acceptability of credit for course work completed at
another institution of higher learning, whether the other institution is
accredited or not, is made solely at the discretion of The University of
Arizona. The evaluation of any course work or exam from another
institution or organization for acceptance by The University of Arizona will
be based only on an official transcript from the institution originally
offering the course work or exam.
A few general policies:
- Credit is not given for grades lower than a "C".
- Grades from other institutions are not included in the calculation of
The University of Arizona grade-point average.
- Remedial, vocational, technical, highly specialized and personal
development courses are not accepted for credit.
- All transfer courses from Arizona public community
colleges will be reviewed individually by the Director of Transfer
Curriculum & Articulation and by the appropriate University
departments to determine which courses are acceptable for University
Students are advised to check with the
Office of Admissions and New
Student Enrollment to determine the acceptability of credit from other
institutions. Applicability of transfer credit to a student's academic
curriculum is determined by the academic advisor in the student's major department.
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