Departments, Schools, CollegesCHEMICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (CHEE)Contact Information:
Go directly to: Degrees, Majors, Minors, and Options: Baccalaureate Degree Introduction: The Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering is in the College of Engineering. Chemical engineers apply basic principles of chemistry, physics and mathematics to the development of safe, environmentally and economically sound processes in which chemical and/or physical changes take place. Environmental engineers apply those same basic principles directly to the prevention and remediation of environmental problems. These curricula prepare students for employment in research, development, design and operations aspects of the chemical, energy, environmental, food, micro-electronics, petroleum, pharmaceutical, plastics and related industries. The department participates in the Honors Program. Chemical engineering is a profession which provides society with materials and energy in a safe and environmentally sound way. The discipline focuses on how chemicals are brought together to react, and how chemical products are separated, purified, mixed, heated, contained, transported, and remediated. Computer tools are used throughout the chemical and related industries as an integral part of making processes viable and economical. A Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering prepares students for many professional schools including medical school, law school, and business school in addition to graduate school in chemical engineering, biomedical engineering, bioengineering, and material science and engineering. For more information contact the department office listed above. |