Summer 2008 Course Descriptions
All courses below are approved to be taught in Summer 2008;
however, some (or all) may not be offered. The
course numbers that are offered, in either Pre-Session, Summer I or Summer II,
are linked to the Schedule of Classes. Classes with alternative
delivery modes
(Web based, cable TV, correspondence, etc) are noted in the Schedule at the
section level. The complete list below is a good indicator of what may be offered over the next
few years (contact department about offerings). For explanations of course
elements see the Key
to Course Descriptions.
NOTE: When registering for an UA South course please be sure to note the location of the course offering.
Special Education, Rehabilitation and School Psychology (SRPV) Department Info
-- Mainstreaming - Elementary
(2 units) Description: Introduction to the integration of special students into the regular elementary classroom. Grading: Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E. Also see: SERP301A Prerequisite(s): or Concurrent registration, TTE 300. Open to elementary education majors only. Credit will be given for SRPV 301A or SERP 301A but not for both. Usually offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
-- Mainstreaming - Secondary
(2 units) Description: Introduction to the integration of special students into the regular secondary classrooms. Grading: Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E. Also see: SRPV301B Prerequisite(s): Open to secondary education majors only. Credit will be given for SERP 301B or SRPV 301B but not for both. Usually offered: Fall, Spring.