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Fall 2007 Course Descriptions

All courses below are approved to be taught in Fall 2007; however, some (or all) may not be offered this term.  The course numbers that are offered this term link to the Schedule of Classes.  Class with alternative External Link delivery modes (Web based, cable TV, correspondence, etc) are noted in the Schedule at the section level.  The complete list below is a good indicator of what may be offered over the next few years (contact department about offerings).  For explanations of course elements see the Key to Course Descriptions.

Finance (FIN )  Department Info

FIN 311 -- Introduction to Finance  (3 units)
Description:  Financial problems involved in the organization and conduct of business enterprise.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
Prerequisite(s):  ECON 200 or ECON 201B; ACCT 210. Open only to students with Advanced Standing in the Eller College of Management.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 312 -- Indepth Introductory Finance  (1 unit)
Description:  This course is an indepth introduction to finance designed for finance majors to supplement FIN 311.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
Prerequisite(s):  or Concurrent registration, FIN 311; Finance majors.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 313 -- Economics of Futures Markets  (3 units)
Description:  Commodity and financial futures market participants, evolution, functions, performance, price determination, and regulation with hedging and speculative applications of futures and futures-options contracts.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E. Available to qualified students for Pass/Fail Option.
Prerequisite(s):  ECON 200 or ECON 201A.
Identical to:  AREC 313; AREC is home department.
Usually offered:  Fall.

FIN 360 -- Quantitative Financial Management  (3 units)
Description:  The main objective of this course is to gain understanding of the theory and practice of financial decision making. This course develops the tools and framework necessary to value projects and firms.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session..
Prerequisite(s):  ACCT210; ECON 200 or ECON 201B; Must be admitted to Eller College of Management.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

FIN 391 -- Preceptorship  (1-3 units)
Description:  Specialized work on an individual basis, consisting of instruction and practice in actual service in the department.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
May be repeated:  for a total of 6 units of credit.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

FIN 393 -- Internship  (1-3 units)
Description:  Specialized work on an individual basis, consisting of training and practice in actual service in a technical, business, or governmental establishment.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 399 -- Independent Study  (1-5 units)
Description:  Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

FIN 399H -- Honors Independent Study  (1-3 units)
Description:  Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 401 -- Analyzing Financial Information  (1 unit)
Description:  An indepth overview of acquiring, manipulating, and analyzing financial information, specifically for finance majors.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  $90; additionally, students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
Prerequisite(s):  ACCT 400C, FIN 311, FIN 312.
May be repeated:  for credit 2 times (maximum 3 enrollments).
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

FIN 412 -- Corporate Financial Problems  (3 units)
Description:  Advanced financial problems of the firm: capital structure, valuation, reorganization, recapitalization, growth, and failure.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 311, FIN 312, MGMT 276, grade of C or better in ACCT 400C; Open only to students with Advanced Standing in the Eller College of Management.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 414 -- International Finance  (3 units)
Description:  International financial markets and the financial management of the multinational firm.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 412, FIN 421.
Usually offered:  Fall.

FIN 421 -- Investments  (3 units)
Description:  Operation and analysis of the stock, bond, and commodity markets; theory and practice in construction and management of investment alternatives.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E. Available to qualified students for Pass/Fail Option.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 311, FIN 312, MGMT 276, grade of C or better in ACCT 400C; Open only to students with Advanced Standing in the Eller College of Management.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 422 -- Risk Management and Derivatives  (3 units)
Description:  Examines how corporate financial managers and investors manage risk using derivative securities, such as options, swaps, futures, and forward contracts. Emphasis is on managing financial risk.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 412, FIN 421.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 423A -- Applied Investment Management  (3 units)
Description:  To apply classroom learning to an active management of a student managed portfolio.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 412, FIN 421 (grade of B or better in FIN 421); open only to students with Advanced Standing in the Eller College of Management.
May be convened with:  FIN 523A.
Usually offered:  Fall.

FIN 423B -- Applied Investment Management  (3 units)
Description:  To apply classroom learning to an active management of a student managed portfolio.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 412, Grade of B of better in FIN 421, FIN 423A; Open only to students with Advanced Standing in the Eller College of Management.
May be convened with:  FIN 523B.
Usually offered:  Spring.

FIN 431 -- Financial Intermediaries  (3 units)
Description:  Financial markets and institutions; effects of economic conditions and government policy on financial institutions, the flow of funds, and interest rates; term structure of interest rates; financial institution management.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
Prerequisite(s):  ECON 330, FIN 412, FIN 421. Open only to students with Advanced Standing in the Eller College of Management.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 451 -- International Markets and Institutions  (3 units)
Description:  This course is designed to introduce students to international financial markets and institutions, focusing on banking, investments, and trade. An overview to these topics is provided through classroom lectures and readings in Tucson, prior to site visits in London, England. As a major center for international financing, London offers an opportunity to experience the many dimensions of the international markets from a global perspective.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 311.
May be convened with:  FIN 551.
Usually offered:  Spring.

FIN 452 -- Special Topics in Finance  (3 units)
Description:  To address current issues in finance.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 412, FIN 421. Grade of B or better in FIN 421.
May be repeated:  for a total of 6 units of credit.
May be convened with:  FIN 552.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 456 -- Investment Research  (3 units)
Description:  Provide an opportunity for students to prepare equity research reports for investment firms.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 421.
May be convened with:  FIN 556.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 460 -- Real Estate Finance and Investment  (3 units)
Description:  Investment analysis of real estate. Sources and costs of financing. Secondary markets and government programs.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 412, FIN 421. Open only to students with Advanced Standing in the Eller College of Management.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 480 -- Finance for New Ventures  (4 units)
Description:  Role of entrepreneurship and innovation in financial integration. Proforma statements. Development of venture capital.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
Prerequisite(s):  ECON 300, FIN 311, MKTG 361. Open only to students in the entrepreneurship program.
Usually offered:  Fall.

FIN 493 -- Internship  (1-3 units)
Description:  Specialized work on an individual basis, consisting of training and practice in actual service in a technical, business, or governmental establishment. Internships are for 1 credit only. If 2-3 credits are needed, special exception is required.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 412, FIN 421.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 493L -- Legislative Internship  (1-12 units)
Description:  Working experience at the Arizona State Legislature; responsibilities draw upon student's area of major expertise and include preparing written and oral reports, summarizing legislative proposals, and providing information to legislators and legislative committees.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Spring.

FIN 495A -- Senior Colloquium  (1-3 units)
Description:  Finance seminar on various topics in a small group setting.
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
May be repeated:  for a total of 3 units of credit.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 498 -- Senior Capstone  (1-3 units)
Description:  A culminating experience for majors involving a substantive project that demonstrates a synthesis of learning accumulated in the major, including broadly comprehensive knowledge of the discipline and its methodologies. Senior standing required.
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 498H -- Honors Thesis  (3 units)
Description:  An honors thesis is required of all the students graduating with honors. Students ordinarily sign up for this course as a two-semester sequence. The first semester the student performs research under the supervision of a faculty member; the second semester the student writes an honors thesis.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
May be repeated:  for a total of 9 units of credit.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 499 -- Independent Study  (1-3 units)
Description:  Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

FIN 499H -- Honors Independent Study  (3 units)
Description:  Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Students will be assessed a $20 per unit fee when registering for this course for Winter or any Summer Session.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 510 -- Finance  (2 units)
Description:  The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with the basic concepts and analytical techniques applicable to identifying and solving financial management problems.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ACCT 550; Open only to students admitted to an Eller College of Management graduate program.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 511 -- Managerial Finance  (3 units)
Description:  Integration of the basic principles and underlying theory of finance, with emphasis on analytical financial management of business firms and other organizations.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ACCT 550.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 512 -- Advanced Corporation Finance  (3 units)
Description:  Financial theory applied to capital structure; investment decisions; corporate valuation; and corporate financial policies.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 510 or FIN 511.
Usually offered:  Spring.

FIN 513 -- Fundamental Valuation Modeling  (3 units)
Description:  This course is designed to provide students with a hands-on introduction to fundamental valuation, and financial decision making. The course objectives are to integrate and operationalize the various topics included in managerial finance, i.e., the financing and investment decisions. The course builds upon and reinforces the theoretical and institutional framework presented in the first semester core courses, primarily through the vehicle of case studies.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 510 or FIN 511.
Usually offered:  Spring.

FIN 514 -- International Finance  (3 units)
Description:  International finance markets and the financial management of the multinational firm.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 513.
Usually offered:  Fall.

FIN 515 -- Venture Capital  (3 units)
Description:  Topics include dynamics/complexities of venture capital (private equity), management of VC funds, the VC underwriting process/function, and risk/return management.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 510 or FIN 511.
Usually offered:  Fall.

FIN 518 -- Investment Banking  (3 units)
Description:  Examines the role of financial institutions and economic activities. In-depth evaluation analysis recognizing that the value of assets may depend on who controls them.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 510 or FIN 511.
Usually offered:  Fall.

FIN 521 -- Investment Analysis  (3 units)
Description:  Portfolio theory with applications to the markets for equities, fixed income securities, and options. Risk analysis and investment strategies.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 510 or FIN 511.
Usually offered:  Fall.

FIN 522 -- Advanced Risk Management and Derivatives  (3 units)
Description:  Risk, return, and price behavior of securities in competitive markets. Financial futures, options, and other financial and real investments.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 521.
Usually offered:  Spring.

FIN 523A -- Applied Investment Management  (3 units)
Description:  To apply classroom learning to an active management of a student managed portfolio. Graduate-level requirements include structured management and leadership positions for the graduate students as the senior members of "investment firms."
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 510 or FIN 511.
May be convened with:  FIN 423A.
Usually offered:  Fall.

FIN 523B -- Applied Investment Management  (3 units)
Description:  To apply classroom learning to an active management of a student managed portfolio. Graduate-level requirements include providing management and leadership positions for the graduate students as the senior members of "investment firms."
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 523A.
May be convened with:  FIN 423B.
Usually offered:  Spring.

FIN 525 -- Empirical Methods in Finance  (3 units)
Description:  This course is to familiarize the students with the database and various statistical methods needed to undertake practitioner-type research in finance.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 513.
Usually offered:  Spring.

FIN 528 -- Public and Nonprofit Debt and Investment Management  (3 units)
Description:  Advanced issues in public-sector financial management.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  PA 508, FIN 511.
Identical to:  PA 528; PA is home department.
Usually offered:  Spring.

FIN 532 -- Corporate Financial Strategy  (3 units)
Description:  Financial decision-making in corporations. Case studies.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 513.
Usually offered:  Fall.

FIN 535 -- Financial Decision Making for Information Technology  (3 units)
Description:  Firms in the Information Technology arena confront a rapidly changing environment. Even old-line firms now find that a significant portion of their capital budgets are devoted to IT investments. The pace of change means that standard valuation models -- which average over the future -- can give misleading answers to strategic questions. This course teaches students how to use dynamic optimization -- or real options -- to evaluate strategic investments in a rapidly changing context. It should appeal to students who seek a career in IT, as well as students who seek corporate finance positions at high-tech firms.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 521.
Usually offered:  Spring.

FIN 536 -- New Venture Finance  (3 units)
Description:  Role of entrepreneurship and innovation in economic growth. Development of new venture idea and assessment of financial requirements and potential.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 510 or FIN 511.
Usually offered:  Fall.

FIN 539 -- Planning of New Ventures  (3 units)
Description:  New venture development, financial projections, resource assessment, and long-range planning. Open only to students in the entrepreneurship program.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 511, MKTG 500.
Identical to:  MGMT 539; MGMT is home department.
Usually offered:  Spring.

FIN 541B -- Fixed Income  (2 units)
Description:  This is the second semester of a two-semester course. It is designed to introduce students to fixed income portfolio management. The course objective is to provide students with a set of tools to analyze fixed income markets.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 541A.
Usually offered:  Spring.

FIN 542 -- Fixed Income: Markets, Instruments, and Strategies  (3 units)
Description:  This course is designed to introduce students to fixed income markets and securities. The basic analytical tools of fixed income valuation are also presented.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 510 or FIN 511.
Usually offered:  Fall.

FIN 543 -- High Yield and Distressed Debt  (3 units)
Description:  To provide a broad overview and introduction to nontraditional fixed income asset classes. The asset classes covered will include (but are not limited to): high-yield debt, leveraged loans, convertible bonds, collateralized bond obligations, and credit derivative swaps, vulture investing, debtor-in-possession financing.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 510 or FIN 511.
Usually offered:  Fall.

FIN 544 -- Interest Rate Models  (3 units)
Description:  This class builds an understanding of why the yield curve is shaped the way it is and why the yield curve changes over time.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 542.
Usually offered:  Spring.

FIN 545 -- Credit Risk Modeling  (3 units)
Description:  This course covers the topic of credit risk with particular emphasis on mathematical models that can price bonds or portfolios of bonds. The course will cover both structural and reduced form models, as well as the foundations required to build such models.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 542.
Usually offered:  Spring.

FIN 551 -- International Markets and Institutions  (3 units)
Description:  This course is designed to introduce students to international financial markets and institutions, focusing on banking, investments, and trade. An overview to these topics is provided through classroom lectures and readings in Tucson, prior to site visits in London, England. As a major center for international financing, London offers an opportunity to experience the many dimensions of the international markets from a global perspective. Graduate-level requirements include a position paper.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 510 or FIN 511, FIN 512.
May be convened with:  FIN 451.
Usually offered:  Spring.

FIN 552 -- Special Topics in Finance  (3 units)
Description:  To address current issues in finance. Graduate-level requirements include participation in management and leadership positions for the graduate students as the senior members of "investment firms".
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 510 or FIN 511.
May be repeated:  for a total of 6 units of credit.
May be convened with:  FIN 452.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 556 -- Investment Research  (3 units)
Description:  Provide an opportunity for students to prepare equity research reports for investment firms. Graduate-level requirements include supervisory responsibilities and will be required additional research in addition to expectations of undergraduate students.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 513.
May be convened with:  FIN 456.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 560 -- Commercial Real Estate  (3 units)
Description:  The focus of this course is on evaluating, financing, and managing investments in real property.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 513. Open only to students admitted to an Eller graduate program.
Usually offered:  Spring.

FIN 599 -- Independent Study  (1-4 units)
Description:  Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work. Graduate students doing independent work which cannot be classified as actual research will register for credit under course number 599, 699, or 799.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

FIN 600 -- Theory of Finance  (3 units)
Description:  Theoretical models and empirical evidence regarding financial decisions.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  FIN 511.
Usually offered:  Fall.

FIN 601 -- Financial Decision Making Under Uncertainty  (3 units)
Description:  Theoretical and applied financial economics relating to uncertainty in markets, information, and choice.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Spring.

FIN 602 -- Dynamic Asset Pricing Theory  (3 units)
Description:  This is a course in the theory behind neoclassical asset pricing models. The purpose of the course is to build the link to finance from microeconomic models, and develop an appreciation for how finance uses a natural no arbitrage condition to place restrictions on relative prices.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 620A -- Financial Markets and Corporate Finance  (3 units)
Description:  Financial models and empirical tests: asset pricing models, financial behavior; corporate financial decisions.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Fall.

FIN 620B -- Financial Markets and Corporate Finance  (3 units)
Description:  Financial models and empirical tests: asset pricing models, financial behavior; corporate financial decisions.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Spring.

FIN 695A -- Investments  (1-3 units)
Description:  The exchange of scholarly information and/or secondary research, usually in a small group setting. Instruction often includes lectures by several different persons. Research projects may or may not be required of course registrants.
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
May be repeated:  for a total of 15 units of credit.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 696C -- Taxation  (1-3 units)
Description:  The development and exchange of scholarly information, usually in a small group setting. The scope of work shall consist of research by course registrants, with the exchange of the results of such research through discussion, reports, and/or papers.
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
Identical to:  ACCT 696C; ACCT is home department.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 696D -- Accounting Theory  (1-3 units)
Description:  The development and exchange of scholarly information, usually in a small group setting. The scope of work shall consist of research by course registrants, with the exchange of the results of such research through discussion, reports, and/or papers.
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
Identical to:  ACCT 696D; ACCT is home department.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 696E -- Corporate Finance  (3 units)
Description:  The development and exchange of scholarly information, usually in a small group setting. The scope of work shall consist of research by course registrants, with the exchange of the results of such research through discussion, reports, and/or papers.
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
May be repeated:  for credit 1 time (maximum 2 enrollments).
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 696F -- Financial Institutions  (3 units)
Description:  The development and exchange of scholarly information, usually in a small group setting. The scope of work shall consist of research by course registrants, with the exchange of the results of such research through discussion, reports, and/or papers.
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 696G -- Financial Theory  (3 units)
Description:  The development and exchange of scholarly information, usually in a small group setting. The scope of work shall consist of research by course registrants, with the exchange of the results of such research through discussion, reports, and/or papers.
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
May be repeated:  for credit 1 time (maximum 2 enrollments).
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 696H -- Research Methods  (3 units)
Description:  The development and exchange of scholarly information, usually in a small group setting. The scope of work shall consist of research by course registrants, with the exchange of the results of such research through discussion, reports, and/or papers.
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
May be repeated:  for credit 4 times (maximum 5 enrollments).
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 697A -- Research Issues  (1-3 units)
Description:  The practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting and involving an exchange of ideas and practical methods, skills, and principles.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  admission to a graduate program in the Eller College of Management.
May be repeated:  for credit 4 times (maximum 5 enrollments).
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

FIN 699 -- Independent Study  (1-4 units)
Description:  Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work. Graduate students doing independent work which cannot be classified as actual research will register for credit under course number 599, 699, or 799.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

FIN 900 -- Research  (1-4 units)
Description:  Individual research, not related to thesis or dissertation preparation, by graduate students.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E K.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

FIN 909 -- Master's Report  (3 units)
Description:  Individual study or special project or formal report thereof submitted in lieu of thesis for certain master's degrees.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P E K.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

FIN 910 -- Thesis  (3-6 units)
Description:  Research for the master's thesis (whether library research, laboratory or field observation or research, artistic creation, or thesis writing). Maximum total credit permitted varies with the major department.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P E K.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

FIN 920 -- Dissertation  (1-9 units)
Description:  Research for the doctoral dissertation (whether library research, laboratory or field observation or research, artistic creation, or dissertation writing).
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P E K.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

FIN 930 -- Supplementary Registration  (1-9 units)
Description:  For students who have completed all course requirements for their advanced degree programs. May be used concurrently with other enrollments to bring to total number of units to the required minimum.
Grading:  a Grade of K is awarded for this course except for the final term.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.


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