Registration Deadline

Students must be registered by the end of the first week after the start of classes. No late registrations will be accepted after the 21st calendar day following the first day of class. Registration is not complete until registration fees, and tuition if appropriate, are paid. Failure to pay by the 21st day will result in the student's not being allowed to enroll, even if the student has been attending classes. Late registration after this date will not be accepted unless the student submits a written appeal to the Registrar and can document extenuating circumstances such as medical problems (physically incapacitated and not able to be present), legal problems, or some other academic commitment which precluded enrolling prior to the 21st day (study abroad, co-op in absentia registration). See the academic calendar for 1997-1998 for relevant dates.

Page last updated:  May 20, 2013

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